My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 391 Give Me a Kiss

Chapter 391 Give Me a Kiss (1)

Leaning against Duan Jingyan's chest with still feeling a little sad, Lin Xia let out a soft breath.

Mo Fan left, now, she only has him left.

It would be great if he didn't have to go abroad...

She was really scared, she was afraid that everyone would leave her in the end.

So, she just quietly leaned against his warm chest.

At the moment, she doesn't want to think about anything.At this moment, she doesn't want to care about anything.She just wanted to... just snuggle up to his chest quietly and listen to his heartbeat to seek some comfort.

Time passed by every minute and every second, gradually passing by.Slowly, Lin Xia gently pushed Duan Jingyan's arm away.

She had stayed on his chest long enough.

There were people coming and going in the airport, and when she turned around slightly, she realized that there were many people around her looking at her and Duan Jingyan.

Thinking of the desperate impulse just now, she suddenly felt a little shy in her heart.

So, unknowingly, her cheeks began to flush slightly red.

A step away from Lin Xia, Duan Jingyan looked down at her.

Maybe he guessed Lin Xia's uncomfortable mood.So, Duan Jingyan said in a deep voice, "No matter what, I will always be by your side."

forever?How far is forever?
Isn't he going abroad soon?So, how far can he go with her?
When hearing Duan Jingyan's words, Lin Xia was delighted.

However, now she doesn't believe in the word forever.

Before, she remembered that her father also said that he would be with her forever, he said that he would grow up with her.But in the end, he still left, and left her forever.

So, will there really be eternity in this world?
Now, she feels that the present matter is more important than the promised matter.

After all, no one knows what will happen in the future.Is not it?

So, now, as long as he is still by her side, as long as he can still be with her.Then, she is content.

Duan Jingyan waited for a long time, but Lin Xia did not speak.

So, he felt a little restless.

Then, he spoke again, with a little eagerness in his voice, "Why don't you talk anymore? Could it be... don't you want me to be by your side?"

Lin Xia took a deep breath, shook her head, and then said softly, "Don't say forever, these two words are too sacred and heavy. Perhaps the two words of forever are not something we can do at our age."

"No, I said it will be forever, it will be forever. Why, you don't want to believe me once?" Duan Jingyan's heart moved slightly, and then he held her shoulder hand more and more firmly.

Lin Xia frowned slightly, not because she didn't want to believe him.Rather, she was unwilling to believe the truth.

Things around you change every day.Perhaps all languages ​​are vulnerable compared to reality.

Her cherry lips parted slightly, and she said slowly, "You're going to go abroad soon, aren't you? So, how can you ensure forever?"

She...has been thinking about his going abroad all the time.Hearing her words, Duan Jingyan's eyes gradually showed surprise and excitement.

So, does this mean that she is thinking about him too, and doesn't want him to leave?

Lips moved slightly, Duan Jingyan originally wanted to tell Lin Xia that as long as he was admitted to a prestigious domestic school, he would not have to go abroad.

After thinking about it, he still didn't make a sound in the end.Because, he wants to rise against the earth, and he wants to give her a surprise.

Finally, he said in a low voice, "In short, I will make you believe in the word forever."

(End of this chapter)

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