My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 397 Give Me a Kiss

Chapter 397 Give Me a Kiss (7)

"Well, it seems to be the case." Lin Xia paused for a moment, and then said softly.

Suddenly she thought of something, and she continued, "Brother Yan, come on for the college entrance examination! I believe that you will definitely get a good grade in the exam."

Chen Yanci on the other end of the phone had a bitter mouth.Even if you do well in the exam, so what?

His life is destined not to belong to him.

Don't want to think about those boring things anymore, so he immediately changed the subject, "Sister Xiaoxia, are you... how are you?"

Lin Xia lowered her eyes deeply, thinking about the recent departure of Mo Fan and the possibility of Duan Jingyan going abroad, she felt a little depressed.

But in the end, she still hid her emotions, and replied, "Well, it's okay. Brother Yan, how about you?"

Chen Yanci sighed inaudibly.Actually, he wasn't doing very well.

It wasn't because of the pressure of the college entrance examination, but because he felt that she seemed to be getting farther and farther away from him.

He opened his mouth, wanting to confirm something.However, in the end he still didn't ask.

He was afraid that the fact was really the same as he expected.

So, he chose to remain silent.

There was no sound for a long time.Lin Xia said uncertainly, "Brother Yan, are you still there?"

"Well, I'm still here. Sister Xiaoxia, I... go to work first. Today, I am very happy to hear your encouragement."

Then, after exchanging pleasantries and farewell words, the two hung up the phone.

Holding the phone tightly in his hand, Chen Yanci felt that his originally depressed mood began to calm down little by little.

Lin Xia, she was like a gust of warm and gentle wind, blowing into the bottom of his heart, blowing away all the unhappiness and depression.


In the blink of an eye, three days passed.Tomorrow is the annual college entrance examination.

That night, there seemed to be an extra dignified atmosphere on the dining table of the Duan family.

"Ah Jing, the college entrance examination is coming up tomorrow, how is your review going?" Although Duan Qiming knew how much Duan Jingyan's academic performance was, he still had expectations for him to a certain extent.

"There are still a lot of books I haven't read. Tomorrow, I will take the exam like that!" Duan Jingyan replied without thinking.

Hearing Duan Jingyan's answer, Duan Qiming's heart suddenly went cold.Although he hasn't taken the college entrance examination yet, Duan Qiming now feels that he already knows the result.

It seems that Ah Jing failed the exam... Duan Qiming's brows were worried, and he felt a little regretful.

After dinner, Duan Jingyan didn't go back to the room directly.

Looking at the early summer night outside the door, he stepped out of the door of Duan's house step by step.

Walking under the big tree in the garden and looking up at the starry night sky, he felt a little inexplicably empty and lonely in his heart at this moment.

After thinking about it, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Lin Xia's number.

"Duan Jingyan, what's wrong?" After a few seconds, Lin Xia picked up the phone.

"Come out! I'll wait for you under the big tree in the garden." After speaking, Duan Jingyan pressed the red hang up button.

The starry sky above his head was bright, and he stood upright, looking up at the night sky.

As soon as she walked out of the gate of Duan's house, Lin Xia saw Duan Jingyan standing upright with her back facing her, and she didn't know what he was thinking about.

Step by step, taking small steps, she walked towards him.

After walking behind him and standing still, she called softly, "Duan Jingyan..."

Slowly, in her sight, she saw him gradually turn around...

(End of this chapter)

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