My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 418 With You 1

Chapter 418 With You (2)

After hearing Lin Xia's words, Duan Jingyan was stunned for a moment.

Then, he slowly reacted, and a look of joy and disbelief slowly appeared on his face.

"You... Did you promise me?" He was a little incoherent excitedly.

Lin Xia clasped her hands tightly, then quickly looked up at him.

Then, with a shy look in her eyes, she lightly parted her cherry lips, and pretended to say, "Don't you understand what I mean? It's fine if you don't understand, then just pretend I didn't say it."

Hearing Lin Xia's words, Duan Jingyan became anxious.So, walking a few steps closer to Lin Xia's bed, he grabbed her hand suddenly, "The words that are spoken, the water that is spilled. I have already taken it seriously, how can you take it back so easily?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly hugged her tightly.Then, he stretched out his slender fingers and carefully held her cheek like holding a treasure.

Gently, his fingers rubbed her face bit by bit.

"Xia Xia, I'm so happy. I really didn't would agree to me. Originally, I was ready to be rejected. I... I'm so happy."

Looking at Lin Xia's fair and delicate face, Duan Jingyan slowly revealed his inner thoughts.

He was so excited.All of this is like a beautiful dream.

In the past, he could really be with her only in his dreams.

He didn't expect that in reality, he could embrace her like this and express his love for her.

He couldn't help thinking that this must be God's favor for him.

After being unrequited for so long, he was finally able to be with her now.

The joy in my heart flows slowly like a trickle.The blood in his chest surged up immediately.

Looking down at her bright and clear eyes, he couldn't help it anymore.

Lowering his head slightly, he lightly touched her fair cheek.

The room in the early morning was exceptionally quiet, and in the shallow air, a sweet and happy atmosphere flowed quietly.

Duan Jingyan looked at Lin Xia with extremely gentle eyes. At this moment, she was so beautiful in his eyes, so beautiful that it was unbelievable.

Lin Xia was very embarrassed to be stared at by Duan Jingyan so straightly.She shyly rested her head in front of him.

An ambiguous atmosphere surged between the two of them.

Lin Xia was startled by Duan Jingyan's actions just now.

So, she couldn't help but think that the two of them were clearly discussing the code word of the milk chocolate black tea just now.Why did he suddenly get close to her?

Seeing Lin Xia's mind wandering frequently, Duan Jingyan suddenly raised his hand to touch the top of her head.

Then, while touching her, he said, "Hey, close your eyes..."

Duan Jingyan's words seemed to carry some kind of magical power, which made Lin Xia deeply intoxicated.

So, she gently closed her eyes.

And Duan Jingyan lightly touched her forehead.

Happiness echoed between the two.

So be it.If she really was going to hell, she wouldn't care.

Just let her sink in his tenderness...

This time, let her indulge herself.

Forget everything for now...

With her heart beating faster, Lin Xia stretched out her hands and tightly wrapped Duan Jingyan's waist.

Closing her eyes and looking up, she looked back at him with a soft gaze.

With the gentle breath coming, her gaze seemed like a bolt of lightning, hitting Duan Jingyan's heart directly, making him surprised and delighted.

(End of this chapter)

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