My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 423 Simple and Sweet [Sweet Pet]

Chapter 423 Simple and Sweet [Sweet Pet] (1)

After taking the photos, Lin Xia returned directly to Duan's house.

Walking into the door of Duan's house step by step, looking up to the hall, there was no one downstairs.

It seems that everyone should be busy... Lin Xia couldn't help guessing.

However, without seeing Duan Jingyan's figure, a faint sense of loss suddenly appeared in her heart.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, he walked to the tea room, and Lin Xia poured himself a glass of boiled water.

Picking up the transparent glass water glass, she raised her head and took a sip.

However, just as she raised her head to drink water, suddenly her wrist was tightly grasped by a powerful wide palm.

As a result, her movement of drinking water slowly stopped.

Lifting her eyes slightly, she saw Duan Jingyan's handsome and unrestrained cheeks.

In sight, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a pair of bright eyes were full of focus and burning.

Looking into his eyes, Lin Xia's heart skipped a beat uncontrollably.

After calming down for a few seconds, she asked him, "What are you... doing in the tea room?"

Duan Jingyan's deep eyes were still fixed on her face.However, he did not say a word.

Then, he slowly raised her hand, and then pulled her hand slightly closer.

Holding the water glass in her hand, on the rim of the glass she just drank, he put his lips together, and then took a big sip of water.

After drinking, he stretched out the tip of his tongue and lightly licked the rim of the glass she drank from.

Then, he let go of her hand with a smile on his face, "I'll drink water!"

Lin Xia was taken aback by Duan Jingyan's ambiguous action.He is not drinking water here, he is clearly kissing her indirectly.

Thinking of his meaningful action just now, her whole heart was surrounded by sweetness.Slowly, a faint blush appeared on her face.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, and you're finally back..." Duan Jingjingyan looked at Lin Xia with affection in his eyes, and his voice was hoarse, deeply telling how he missed her.

"I took a lot of photos with Xiaoyue today. However, I have already rushed back as fast as possible." Lin Xia explained aloud.

Duan Jingyan's eyes darkened slightly, and then his magnetic voice came to Lin Xia's ears, "But, what should I do... Even if I don't see you for a second, I will miss you like crazy. Can't see When I saw you, my mind was full of your image. When I saw you, my heart was still full of your image."

After speaking, he stepped forward and hugged her tightly.In her ear, he whispered, "I think... I must have been poisoned by a poison called love, and the antidote for this poison is you. Only when I see you can I be cured."

Duan Jingyan's words shocked Lin Xia.

Then, slowly, she put her hand on his shoulder, and then she replied in a clear voice, "I will be with you. Where you can see, I will always be there silently. I like you, So I am willing to be your antidote."

Looking down at Lin Xia who was leaning in his arms tenderly, Duan Jingyan's heart heaved violently.

At this moment, the excitement in his heart was surging.Gradually, his arms around her waist were tightened uncontrollably, as if he wanted to integrate her deeply into him.

In the air, the warm and ambiguous atmosphere in the tea room became more and more intense, as if it wanted to swallow people's reason.

The air was quiet but there was a surge of emotion, Duan Jingyan hugged Lin Xia tightly, enjoying the warmth between him and her.

(End of this chapter)

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