My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 426 Simple and Sweet [Sweet Pet]

Chapter 426 Simple and Sweet [Sweet Pet] (4)

Slowly brushing his hands inch by inch on Lin Xia's white cheeks, Duan Jingyan gently opened his lips, "Xia Xia..."

This tender voice came slowly through the wind by the river, and Lin Xia's heart was suddenly suffocated.

She never knew that she liked him calling her in a gentle voice so much.

She never knew that his voice could make her so happy.

"Duan Jingyan, you..."

However, before she finished speaking, Duan Jingyan suddenly lowered her head slightly.

Then he touched her face very gently.

Suddenly, a sweet atmosphere spread between the two.

A touch of sweetness, a touch of joy, go hand in hand.

With a flush on his face and a shy expression, Lin Xia asked, "You...why are you getting close to me all of a sudden?"

Duan Jingyan pressed close to her cheek, and then replied slowly, "Who called you and called me Duan Jingyan. How about changing the name we agreed on earlier?"

It turned out to be like this...

But why is he so fussy...

Oops, this guy!
So, Lin Xia smiled, then looked straight into his eyes, "Jing Yan..."

This soft, sweet and loving voice made Duan Jingyan pause.

Jing Yan... Jing Yan... He likes that she calls him in this unique tone.

Sweet and gracious.

A happy smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth, and then, he couldn't help but kiss her forehead again!
Lin Xia lowered her head shyly, she looked at the ground, sweetness spread in her heart.

At this moment, she realized that her heart and eyes were all about him.He has occupied her heart.

Then, Duan Jing extended his hand and touched the top of Lin Xia's head, and then opened his lips with a smile on his face, "So cute..."

Lin Xia was a little embarrassed by what he said, so she pretended to be angry, "When did I become misbehaved?"

Seeing Lin Xia's charming and lovely appearance, Duan Jingyan smiled, "There are many times when you are not good. I used to confess my love to you with full expectations, but you rejected me several times. You said... you Is it a good performance?"

Thinking of the past, Lin Xia was a little embarrassed.Fearing that Duan Jingyan would become unhappy thinking of those things, she hurriedly explained, "You know, I rejected you because of helplessness before. Actually... I like you."

"Well, I know you like me. But just saying you like me doesn't seem to be enough to prove your sincerity." A sly and smirk flashed in Duan Jingyan's pupils.

"Then what do you want?" Lin Xia stared puzzled.

Didn't she already express her heart to him?Could it be...he still wants to chase after the past?

Duan Jingyan's face approached her little by little, and then he said softly, "Speaking, of course, is not sincere, you need to do it. For example... kiss me."

"But, didn't you get close just now?" Lin Xia was surprised.

This guy, why does he keep making that request?
"That's when I took the initiative to touch you. Now, I want you to take the initiative to get close to me." Duan Jingyan's eyes were burning like a torch, and he refused to let go.

It seemed that if she didn't agree, then he would keep looking at her like this.

Looking at his strong and expectant eyes, Lin Xia's heart was pounding.

It seems... It seems that there is no more.

Biting her lip, she slowly approached him.

Slowly, slowly, she was only a few centimeters away from his thin lips.

(End of this chapter)

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