My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 429 The counterattack of the scumbags, a blockbuster

Chapter 429 The counterattack of the scumbags, a blockbuster (2)

After getting an affirmative answer, Duan Qiming was stunned.

Ah Jing?No. [-] in science in the city?

This... how is this possible?

He remembered that Ah Jing didn't seem to study much at all, and was almost at the bottom of every exam.

He... unexpectedly ranked first in the city?

After being surprised, Duan Qiming laughed excitedly.

However, thinking that he hadn't hung up the phone yet, he could only pretend to be calm, "Principal Liang, thank you for telling me the news."

Principal Liang on the other side was a little panicked after hearing Duan Qiming's words of thanks.After all, Duan Qiming is the major shareholder of their school.Therefore, he naturally did not dare to neglect.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with each other, Duan Qiming hung up the phone.

Holding the phone tightly in his hand, at this moment, Duan Qiming's heart was surging.

Unexpectedly, he really didn't expect that Ah Jing would be so upbeat and gave him the first place in science in the city, which really gave him a lot of face.

Originally, he just hoped that Ah Jing could cross the line.Now it's... a miracle, a surprise.

It was so shocking, Ah Jing seemed to be a dark horse in the college entrance examination this time, and completed this huge counterattack.

The more I think about it, the happier I become, and the more I think about it, the more excited I get.So, Duan Qiming walked up the stairs in three steps in parallel, completely losing his usual poise.

When he came to the door of Duan Jingyan's room, he suddenly pushed the door open.

Walking a few steps in, looking up, Duan Jingyan on the bed was still soundly asleep.

However, this time, Duan Qiming's heart was completely occupied by the news that Duan Jingyan got the first place in science in the city, and his heart was full of joy.

Therefore, he had no intention of reprimanding Duan Jingyan at all.

Taking a few steps closer to the big bed, he raised his hand to touch Duan Jingyan, and shouted excitedly, "Ah Jing!"

Duan Jingyan was in a light sleep when he felt someone pulling his arm.So, he slowly opened his eyes.

In the dimness, he saw a black figure standing in front of his bed.

Raising his hand to wipe his lower eyelids, he squinted and looked carefully.

When he saw clearly that the person standing was his serious father, he was taken aback.

Why is his father here this early in the morning?

Could it be... to reprimand him again?
Therefore, Duan Jingyan lowered his eyes and was ready to be scolded.

However, after waiting for a long time, the scolding voice did not come.

In the midst of doubts, Duan Jingyan heard Duan Qiming's excited voice slowly entering his ears, "Ah Jing, you got the first place in the city's exam!"

After hearing this sentence, Duan Jingyan's eyelids moved, as if everything was within his expectation.

Then, he responded lightly, "Well, I see."

Seeing Duan Jingyan's reaction, Duan Qiming was a little puzzled.

This kid, why did he react like this when he heard that he was number one in the city?Could it be that he himself can't believe it...

Thinking of this, Duan Qiming felt that everything made sense.

After all, this thing is really surprising.

From the bottom of the grades to the first in the city.This leap is not ordinary.

After a while, Duan Jingyan in front of him moved his lips, and then said slowly, "Dad, I got the first place in the city. So, can I stop going abroad?"

Duan Qiming was slightly taken aback by Duan Jingyan's words.

Then, he smiled brightly, "Of course you don't need it. Let's stop here for the matter of going abroad. With your current grades, you can choose any famous school in China."

Hearing that he finally didn't have to go abroad, Duan Jingyan's indifferent face showed a little joy.

 Because I have to pack my luggage, there are still a few chapters to be updated in the afternoon. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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