My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 440 The Melody of Love

Chapter 440 The Melody of Love (1)

Seeing the affection blooming in Lin Xia's eyes, Duan Jingyan's heart suddenly surged with waves.

So, he began to exert force slowly on his hand, tightening the wide palm held by Lin Xia bit by bit.

"Xiaxia... I'm sorry, I blamed you. But, it's all because I like you too much. I like you, I can't extricate myself. I like you, I have completely fallen." He looked at her affectionately face, and then said affectionately and apologetically.

Then, his other hand slowly stroked her fair and delicate cheek.

After a few gentle strokes, he continued, "I'm really happy that you like me so much. I... am also very happy."

Slowly, he leaned over and lowered his head, and touched her fair cheek.

Feeling the warmth on his face, Lin Xia's thoughts paused for a few seconds.

Then, shyness and joy slowly appeared in her eyes. could he treat her like this.

So, with the layer of affection in her heart, feeling the soft warmth, she just looked at him with a pair of clear eyes.

Looking at his handsome and sunken cheek, her heartbeat slowly accelerated.

"Idiot, close your eyes!" Seeing Lin Xia staring straight at him, Duan Jingyan suddenly stopped the movement of his mouth, and then said something warm and joking.

Lin Xia looked at Duan Jingyan, didn't speak, and didn't close his eyes.

Because, she just wanted to look at him like this, look at the affection in his eyes, look at his focused and meticulous appearance.She wanted to remember all his looks, all the subtle expressions.

Seeing that Lin Xia didn't respond to him, Duan Jingyan didn't care at all.

Because, at this moment, his heart has been occupied by endless sweetness.Others, he has no time to take care of.

His summer, it makes him happy, it makes him feel happy.

Mood, unprecedented happiness.

His eyes stared at her with nostalgia, and his breath spread around her.

And his gaze was still hot.

Then, Lin Xia lowered her head and looked at her toes, with a slight smile and imperceptible shyness on her fair cheeks.

"Jing Yan, let's stop the cold war. Okay?" After a while, Lin Xia spoke softly.

After hearing Lin Xia's words, Duan Jingyan nodded heavily, "Okay. Don't worry, I won't do that again. Knowing that you also like me deeply, my heart immediately let go. Xia Xia, from now on... I'll be nice to you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lin Xia to answer, he pulled her shoulders and hugged her in his arms.

Leaning on Duan Jingyan's tall and straight shoulders, smelling the faint smell of grass on his body, Lin Xia felt that her heart that had been suspended for a long time these days was finally let go.

She really doesn't want to fight anymore.

This feeling is not good at all.

She and he finally reconciled as before, and she and him can finally continue to love each other and continue to be sweet.

This feeling is like a heart that has been wandering for a long time finally docked on the shore, like a lonely heart finally found a warm harbor.

I hope that time goes by slowly, and that both he and she can grow up slowly.I hope she and he can always be happy like this forever.I hope she and he can be happy forever.

Just let the years stay in this second, let the years stay in the time of her first love with him.

Time, may you go slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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