Chapter 442 Be Strong (1)
Having been guessed by Lin Xia, Duan Jingyan didn't show any embarrassment or unnaturalness on his face.

With focused and passionate eyes, he stared at her affectionately, and then said in a deep voice, "Yes, I have liked you very early. And, I have liked you for a long time. Before, I have been waiting for you to like me."

After finishing speaking, he looked at her again, and there seemed to be a little more affection in his black eyes.

"So, that's really the case." Lin Xia looked slightly stunned, and then spoke in a low voice.

After a long time, she opened her lips again, "Forgive me for being so late in realizing all of this, forgive me for being so late in agreeing to be with you. But fortunately, we didn't miss it. Fortunately, we can still be together in the end. "

After finishing speaking, her palm lightly rubbed against his.

The palms of the hands were warm, and the palms of the two touched, and a heart-touching electric current slowly passed through the apex of the heart.Thus, Lin Xia and Duan Jingyan began to indulge in this warm sea of ​​love at the same time.

Sweet, scattered all over the place, permeated in the heart.


The summer vacation passed day by day. During the period, the Duan family was filled with joy, immersed in the joyful atmosphere that Duan Jingyan won the first place in science.

In a few days, it will be time to fill in the volunteers for the college entrance examination.This morning, Duan Qiming called Duan Jingyan to the study.

Sitting at the desk, Duan Qiming stared at Duan Jingyan.

Then, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, it was really unexpected, before, he was still worrying and worrying about Ah Jing's college entrance examination.Unexpectedly, he came up with a big counterattack.

His son is really unexpected, and he really gives him a lot of face.

Because of this incident, he has been in a good mood these days.

After pondering for a few seconds, Duan Qiming slowly revealed the purpose of calling Duan Jingyan to the study.

"Ah Jing, I will fill out the college entrance examination application form in a few days. Have you decided which school to apply for?"

"Which school..." Duan Jingyan lowered his eyes and read it lightly.

Then, as if he had made a major decision in his heart, with a serious expression, he said firmly, "I'm going to University A."

"What? Are you going to University A?" Duan Qiming's voice was obviously a little higher than before, and there was still some disbelief in his voice.

University A is in City A.Although it can be regarded as a good school in the country.However, compared with several other more famous schools, there is still a certain gap.

With Ah Jing's grades, he can obviously go to other better colleges and universities.But why did he choose A University?Duan Qiming frowned deeply, he was puzzled and couldn't understand.

"Are you sure you want to go to University A? Ah Jing, the comprehensive rankings of universities G and D are better than those of University A. Moreover, you can go with your grades. You have to think carefully about this..." Short Qiming looked at Duan Jingyan, I hope he can think about it carefully.

"Don't think about it anymore. I'll go to University A!" Duan Jingyan said firmly without thinking too much.

"Is University A so good? Why do you insist on going to University A?" Duan Qiming felt a little helpless about Duan Jingyan's decision to report for University A.

Ah Jing could go to a better school, so why did he have to go to University A?

Although University A is located in City A, it will be convenient for Ah Jing to go home in the future.

However, in terms of personal selfishness and expectations, he still hopes that Ah Jing can apply for other better schools.

Therefore, he looked at Duan Jingyan seriously, waiting for his explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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