My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 455 Accompany me to college

Chapter 455 Accompany me to college (2)

At this moment, her heart was filled with joy and happiness.

The sweet taste suddenly filled the heart.

Stretching out her white fingers, Lin Xia couldn't help touching her reddish cheeks.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You...why are you like this again?" Lin Xia bit her lip and said softly.

The corner of Duan Jingyan's mouth smirked, he didn't take it seriously, "What happened to me?"

Lin Xia pouted and looked at him, "You clearly know..."

Duan Jingyan looked at Lin Xia's funny look, and felt extremely happy.

Then, he coughed twice and decided not to tease her anymore.

"Today, I actually came to see you on something."

After speaking, he looked at her with burning eyes.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Lin Xianing frowned puzzled and looked at him suspiciously.

Duan Jingyan glanced at Lin Xia, then opened his lips and said, "The day after tomorrow, I will report to University A. I want go with me."

"Go together?" Lin Xia's voice suddenly raised a bit.

Seeing Lin Xia's surprised face, Duan Jingyan chuckled, "Didn't you start school that day? Why, don't want to go with me?"

After the words fell, he raised his eyebrows, then raised his eyebrows and looked deep into her pupils.

Lin Xia waved her hands again and again, "That's not the case. I'm just afraid that Uncle Duan and the others will disagree. You know... Our relationship cannot be known by them."

While listening to Lin Xia's words, Duan Jingyan's slender fingers gently brushed across her fair and tender cheeks.

After she finished speaking, he continued, "As long as you open your mouth and agree to accompany me. Then, you don't need to worry about that. Just leave everything to me. "

Looking up, Lin Xia stared at Duan Jingyan's focused and firm eyes for a few seconds.

Then, she pursed her lips slightly, revealing an arc, "I am willing to go with you."

Duan Jingyan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he asked with some uncertainty, "Are you really going with me?"

Lin Xia's voice was firm, and then she nodded heavily, "Yes, I will go with you."

"Great, I'm very happy." Duan Jingyan spoke excitedly, with uncontrollable emotions in his voice.

As he spoke, his wide palms began to slide down from her cheeks, and then he held her hand firmly.

"In the future, it will be a new beginning. At the same time, it will also be a good beginning. We will have a good ending."

His voice was soft, like a gust of wind, blowing away the uneasiness in Lin Xia's heart little by little.

Then, Duan Jingyan took Lin Xia's hand and came to the window sill of her room.

Silently embracing her slender shoulders, Duan Jingyan tightly wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and then hugged her in his arms.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Duan Jingyan looked up at the night sky, and then began to fall into his own sweet meditation.

Being hugged tightly and affectionately by Duan Jingyan, Lin Xia's face first had a touch of surprise.

Then, she smiled lightly and leaned against his chest peacefully.

Raising her eyes, she followed Duan Jingyan's eyes and looked at the mysterious, distant and vast night sky together.

In the vast night above, the bright stars twinkled brightly, making people dazzled.

Looking at such stars, Lin Xia's mood suddenly became peaceful and quiet.

Leaning in his arms, feeling the warmth.

very nice……

If possible, she really wanted to stop in time.

(End of this chapter)

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