My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 459 Not My Sister

Chapter 459 Not My Sister (2)

"She is... your girlfriend? Isn't she your sister?" The girl in the yellow T-shirt opened her eyes in disbelief.

Moreover, her eyes were full of surprise and astonishment.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Xia, then at Duan Jingyan who stretched out her arms to embrace Lin Xia intimately, a slight sense of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"Did I say that she is my younger sister?" Duan Jingyan hugged Lin Xia's shoulders tightly, then opened his lips and raised his eyebrows.

His voice is full of magnetism, as if hitting his heart one after another, making people unable to help but sink.

However, hearing these words at the moment, the girl in yellow felt as if she had been slapped in the face, her face was burning with pain.

It turned out that this handsome junior had already seen through her intentions.

Originally, she asked him for his contact information in order to pursue him, but she didn't expect him to directly reject her in such a cruel way.

A few unnatural emotions flashed across her face, the girl bit her lip, then lowered her head and said, "The reporting office is over there, and I'm going to continue to greet the newcomers."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked out of sight of Duan Jingyan and Lin Xia.

Seeing the hasty back of the girl going away, Lin Xia felt a little belated.

After several seconds, she slowly turned her head to look at Duan Jingyan's dark and deep eyes, and then asked, "Did she...have a crush on you?"

Duan Jingyan's fair and slender fingers gently brushed across Lin Xia's face.

Then, he teased, "How did you find out? Is this waiting for me to be abducted?"

When Lin Xia heard the word "abduction", Lin Xia's heart jumped twice uncontrollably.

Then, she ignored Duan Jingyan's lips and reached out to cover Duan Jingyan's lips, "I forbid you to say these two words. You can't fall in love with others. Because... I like you very much."

After she finished speaking, a slightly shy expression appeared on her face.However, her pair of bright eyes were staring directly at Duan Jingyan.

Seeing Lin Xia suddenly becoming serious and a little nervous and flustered, Duan Jingyan couldn't help but chuckle softly.

This silly girl, do you really think that he will be abducted by others?Could it be that she really thought he would fall in love with someone else again?

Looking down at Lin Xia's fair cheeks, Duan Jingyan's mouth moved slightly, and then he said slowly, "In this world, you are the only one who can kidnap me. Because, I like you. And, I only like you .”

After finishing speaking, his black pupils were full of affection, and he looked intently at Lin Xia's eyes, as if he wanted to look into the depths of her heart.

Duan Jingyan's words made Lin Xia's worry and fear gradually calm down.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, when she thought of what he said just now about being kidnapped, she felt a little dissatisfied.So, she pretended to be angry, "Then you just said the word abduction. Do you know how disturbed I am?"

Duan Jingyan did not expect Lin Xia to be so sensitive.So, he stretched out his hand and touched the top of her head as a sign of comfort, "Idiot, wasn't I just joking? Don't worry, I won't like others. All my likes will be left to you."

Lin Xia pursed her lips, and then said softly, "I don't know what's wrong with me. It's just that when I came to University A today, I found that many people were watching you quietly. The sister in yellow even asked you to Contact information. I'm just... too scared of you leaving me."

After finishing speaking, she sighed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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