My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 461 Love Rival Are You Qualified

Chapter 461 Love Rival Are You Qualified (2)
Wherever he looked, Duan Jingyan saw a handsome boy in a white shirt standing on the left side of the hall.

The young man turned his back to him and Lin Xia, as if he was talking to the teacher at the reporting office, and he looked gentle and polite.

Looking at this familiar figure not far away, Duan Jingyan's heart paused slightly.Then, the tips of his black brows furrowed little by little.

Chen Yanci, why is he here?

Didn't he get the first place in liberal arts?Why did he also come to University A?
Did he do it on purpose... Duan Jingyan was a little puzzled and slightly displeased.

Sensing the strong gaze behind him, Chen Yanci, who was talking cordially with the teacher, slowly turned sideways and looked behind him.

After seeing Duan Jingyan looking directly at him, he froze for a moment.

His eyes turned slightly, and when he saw Lin Xia standing beside Duan Jingyan, a gleam of joy flashed in his heart.

After finishing a few words with the teacher in front of him, he strode towards Duan Jingyan.

A few steps away from Duan Jingyan and Lin Xia, Chen Yanci stopped.

Then, he opened his lips and said loudly, "Ah Jing, what a coincidence, you are here too."

Duan Jingyan frowned and looked at him, but didn't speak.

Originally, he always thought that Chen Yan had resigned from a university in another province or had gone abroad.Therefore, he didn't pay attention to his movements this summer vacation.

Unexpectedly, if he didn't pay attention, Chen Yanci came to the same school as him.Moreover, it is also in City A.

With his grades, it is a breeze to go to other better schools.

So, why did Chen Yanci come to University A?

The answer is estimated to be obtained after careful consideration.

Duan Jingyan guessed that Chen Yanci came here because he still hadn't given up on Lin Xia.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of hostility when he looked at Chen Yanci.

"Ah Jing, what's the matter with you? Why do you suddenly look at me with eyes like looking at a rival in love?"

Seeing Duan Jingyan holding Lin Xia's hand as if declaring sovereignty, he felt an indescribable loss in his heart.

However, he still forced a smile, and then asked Duan Jingyan.

"Hehe! Rival in love?" Duan Jingyan looked at Chen Yanci as if he had heard some joke.

Then, he continued to speak with some disdain, "Rival, are you qualified?"

After finishing speaking, he squinted at Chen Yanci coldly, expressing his displeasure strongly.

After hearing Duan Jingyan's words, Chen Yanci was not angry.

He laughed at himself, then sighed silently in his heart.

Ah Jing is right, maybe he is really not qualified.After all, he is just a failed crush.After all, he never got Lin Xia.

Seeing Chen Yanci's unnatural expression, Lin Xia at the side quietly pulled Duan Jingyan's hand, signaling him not to continue talking.

In any case, Chen Yanci was his cousin.Therefore, she didn't want to see the two of them having trouble.

Feeling the touch from his hand, Duan Jingyan looked down at Lin Xia.

Looking at the resistance and pleading in her eyes, he couldn't help being a little displeased.

What does she mean by that?
Is it because he said too much?Or...she was helping Chen Yan to resign?
Thinking of this, Duan Jingyan's handsome black eyebrows frowned even more.

His heart didn't feel a slight contraction.

Didn't she say she liked him?What does it mean to do this now?
(End of this chapter)

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