My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 474 This is the sign that I like you

Chapter 474 This is the sign that I like you (1)

When the word hickey slowly flashed through his mind, Chen Miao was stunned.

As a result, she looked at Lin Xia with a little more concentration.Carefully, she glanced at Lin Xia again.

With so many twists and turns in her heart, she couldn't help thinking: Xiao Xia is so cute and sensible, she shouldn't be in a relationship, right?
After being surprised for a while, Chen Miao slowly moved his gaze away from Lin Xia.

Picking up the chopsticks, she began to eat silently, but her face was full of dignity.

Finally, Chen Miao still couldn't hold back.Then, she put down the chopsticks, and slowly opened her lips to ask, "Xiao Xia, why is the corner of your mouth broken?"

Hearing Chen Miao's question, Lin Xia felt a "thump" in her heart, gradually feeling nervous.The heartbeat is also speeding up unconsciously.

Duan Qiming, Duan Jingyan and his son both raised their heads from the dining table to look at Lin Xia after hearing Chen Miao's words.

Biting her lip, Lin Xia felt embarrassed.How should she answer?She can't say that she was kissed by your son, can she?

Looking into Chen Miao's eyes, Lin Xia felt suddenly speechless at this moment.

Seeing that Lin Xia was so nervous, Duan Jingyan wanted to help her out.However, at this moment, Lin Xia's sweet and melodious voice suddenly rang in my ears, "Aunt Chen, I bit the corner of my mouth myself. A few days ago, because of getting angry, a small hole grew on the corner of my mouth." blisters. However, today I accidentally bit it open."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xia lowered her head calmly.However, her heart was beating "bang bang" because of nervousness and apprehension.

So, unconsciously, she folded her hands under the table tightly.

Chen Miao looked at the corner of Lin Xia's mouth suspiciously.And, slowly recalling whether Lin Xia had blisters a few days ago in his mind.However, she found that she couldn't recall a little.

"Okay, let's eat quickly. It's not a serious matter, so don't keep asking Xiao Xia." Duan Qiming looked at Chen Miao and spoke slowly, preventing her from continuing to ask.

So, Chen Miao had no choice but to let go of her doubts and continue eating.

Then, the dining table returned to the silence just now, only the slight sound of chewing could be heard.

Feeling relieved, Lin Xia silently let out a breath.

Raising her head suddenly, she found that Duan Jingyan was eating while looking at her with disinterest.

Moreover, there was a teasing smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the undisguised smile on Duan Jingyan's mouth, Lin Xia suddenly felt a little wronged and angry.

snort!How can he still laugh?
Just now, she was really nervous.She thought that Chen Miao would see through her lame explanation.

Fortunately, he is still laughing at her here...

So, Lin Xia raised her eyes and gave Duan Jingyan a quiet look, with a hint of reproach and dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Duan Jingyan didn't dare to continue chuckling when he saw Lin Xia's slightly raised face.

Then, he looked at her reassuringly, and told her not to panic, he would definitely not be found.

Slowly, his eyes couldn't help but slowly moved to Lin Xia's bright red lips.

In fact, he didn't mean to chuckle just now.However, seeing the imprint he left on her lips, inexplicably, he thought of the deep kiss he gave her under the big tree in the park.

That kiss, like a long-lasting fragrance, has been spreading in his mind.

Let him not feel intoxicated, not feel happy...

(End of this chapter)

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