My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 476 News from Mo Fan

Chapter 476 News from Mo Fan (2)

When seeing the words "send successfully" displayed in the middle of the phone screen, a figure suddenly appeared in Lin Xia's mind.

She remembered that a few months ago, after Mu Yitong found out about Mo Fan's departure, he came to her in great sadness.

At that time, Mu Yitong had asked her that if Mo Fan contacted her, he must contact her as soon as possible.

At that time, because Lin Xia sympathized with Mu Yitong, she agreed to her.

So now, after reading Mo Fan's email, she suddenly thought of this matter involuntarily.

After thinking about it, she decided to call Mu Yitong and tell Mu Yitong that Mo Fan had contacted her.

After all, she had promised her in the first place.Then, she can't break her promise.

After opening the address book in the mobile phone, Lin Xia found Mu Yitong's number stored before, and then she pressed the dial button.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off. Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off..." After pressing the dial button, a mechanical female voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this voice, Lin Xia was extremely puzzled.Well, why did Mu Yitong shut down suddenly?
Forget it, they're all in the same campus anyway, so let's go find her when the time comes.Lin Xia comforted herself silently in her heart.


The next day, after the English class, it was the last self-study class.

Lin Xia sat on the seat, thinking about whether to go to see Mu Yitong this evening.

However, she knew Mu Yitong's class when she was in junior high school.

And now that she has graduated from junior high school, which class is she in?

While meditating in her mind, Lin Xia found a figure beside her desk unconsciously.

Looking up, she found a handsome boy standing there.

This... seems to be the monitor of their class.It seems that it is called Kong or something. seems to be Kong Xun.

But, what happened to him suddenly standing by her desk?

Because he was not familiar with Kong Xun, Lin Xia looked at him with half surprise and half embarrassment.

Kong Xun looked at Lin Xia, and then said slowly, "Student Lin, I heard that your English is pretty good. I don't seem to understand a grammar point in English today. Can you explain it to me?"

After speaking, he looked at Lin Xia sincerely.

English grammar?

Lin Xia didn't expect Kong Xun to find her because of this matter.

However, I heard that the person in front of me named Kong Xun was admitted to the top class of Mingjing High School with the first overall score.What he doesn't understand, will she understand?

Lin Xia wanted to refuse, but felt that it was not good.So, she could only answer, "Where do you not understand? Although my English is not bad, I can't guarantee that I have mastered the grammar point you mentioned."

Then, Lin Xia raised her eyes and waited for Kong Xun's answer.

After hearing Lin Xia's words of agreement, the corners of Kong Xun's mouth moved slightly, and then he stretched out his hand to push up the frame of the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Putting the textbook in his hand on the table in front of Lin Xia, he pointed to a long sentence and continued, "I don't really understand this sentence, can you read it?"

His tone was so polite and polite that Lin Xia couldn't refuse for a while.

So, she could only look down carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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