My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 479 Who's Who's Childhood Sweetheart

Chapter 479 Who's Who's Childhood Sweetheart (1)

Listening to Duan Jingyan's voice echoing in his ears, Lin Xia looked a little embarrassed.

Biting her lips, she showed shyness, then lowered her eyebrows and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense..."

Duan Jingyan was not annoyed by her words, but asked instead, "What? Don't tell me you don't miss me?"

"Of course I miss you. But that's not why I'm sitting on the sofa waiting for you."

When hearing the first half sentence, Duan Jingyan's heart was sweeter than eating honey.

However, when he heard the second half of the sentence, he was a little confused.She waited for him not because she missed him, but why?
"Tell me, why are you waiting for me?" With doubts in his heart, Duan Jingyan looked at her with burning eyes.

Lin Xia looked down at the toes, then she raised her hand and tugged at the corner of his clothes, "Let's go upstairs and talk."

Duan Jingyan looked at the hall downstairs, and knew that his mother and Aunt Fang might come in at any time.

So, he nodded, and then followed Lin Xia to go upstairs step by step.

After opening the door of her room, Lin Xia quickly walked in.Turning around, she saw that Duan Jingyan had followed in, and then she raised her hand to close the door.

After walking a few steps into the room, the warm sunlight shone on Lin Xia's face through the transparent glass window, as if casting a layer of dazzling brilliance on her fair face.

Seeing Lin Xia in full bloom, Duan Jingyan felt a little crazy.

Coughing lightly, he paused for a moment.Then, he said loudly, "Okay, what's going on? Now we can talk about it."

"Yeah." Lin Xia nodded, then whispered, "I want to ask you, do you know where Mu Yitong has gone?"

"Mu Yitong?" Duan Jingyan frowned and asked back, wondering why Lin Xia suddenly mentioned her.

"Yes. Do you know where she went? I heard that she left without taking the high school entrance examination." Lin Xia continued to explain, but there was still a trace of inexplicable worry in her voice.

Duan Jingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not answer Lin Xia's question immediately, but asked aloud, "What does it have to do with me if she left?"

"But... aren't you her childhood sweetheart? Didn't you know each other since childhood?"

Duan Jingyan felt a little displeased when he heard this sentence.Then, he frowned slightly, and opened his thin lips lightly, "Speaking of childhood sweethearts, I remember, we seem to be more like childhood sweethearts, right?"

Lin Xia froze for a moment when he heard this sentence.

Then, he raised his eyes and took a look at Duan Jingyan.As soon as she looked up, she saw that he seemed a little displeased.

He... is he angry?Because of what she just said?

Thinking of this, Lin Xia's heart paused.Then he opened his mouth to explain, "I... I didn't mean that. I just thought maybe you would know where she went."

Taking a deep breath, Duan Jingyan put his hands on Lin Xia's shoulders, and then stood facing her, "First of all, I don't know her very well, so I don't know where she went. Secondly, you are my Childhood sweetheart, I only care about where you have gone, other people have nothing to do with me."

Duan Jingyan's words seemed to be an explanation, but also like an oath, which made Lin Xiade's heart pound.

Frowning again, she looked at his sharp face, then she nodded in response, "I see..."

Sigh, forget it, since Mu Yitong has already left, it should be considered a breach of her promise if she didn't tell her about Mo Fan's email...

(End of this chapter)

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