My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 485 I saw something I shouldn't have seen [Ambiguous]

Chapter 485 I saw something I shouldn't have seen (1) [Ambiguous]

After returning home, Duan Jingyan gently helped Lin Xia unbuckle the seat belt of the car, and then reached out to hug her.

Holding Lin Xia in his arms, feeling her extremely light weight, he couldn't help thinking, how could she be so light?It gently made his heart inexplicably tender with pity.

Looking down at Lin Xia who was still intoxicated in his arms, Duan Jingyan walked up the stairs without stopping.

Along the way, he couldn't help watching her drunken appearance.

After opening Lin Xia's door, Duan Jingyan exhaled softly, and then put her on the big bed.

Standing on the edge of Lin Xia's bed, looking down at her beautiful face, Duan Jingyan found that his heart suddenly "thumped" violently.

She was quiet and drunk, and she seemed to be extraordinarily different from usual.

Then, he slowly raised his hand and placed it on his heart, feeling his powerful heartbeat.

At this moment, all the heartbeats come from her.

Perhaps because it was the first time he drank a cocktail with such a high alcohol concentration, Lin Xia was still a little delirious at the moment.

The shallow dryness and heat on her body persisted for a long time.Even, the head is dizzy.

So she couldn't help but said softly.

"Dizzy, so dizzy. My head hurts too..."

Hearing Lin Xia's soft and coquettish voice, Duan Jingyan's body shook involuntarily.

Her voice was very nice, and even softer when she was drunk.

At that moment just now, he felt his heartbeat suddenly speed up again.

The heartbeat spreads.

That feeling, like a fish swimming in the water, is indescribable.

Looking up at Lin Xia again, he found that she was reaching out to brush her hair.

Or because she was drunk, her actions looked extraordinarily charming and cute at the moment.

Her long hair is scattered around her. At this moment, she is like a little fairy in the clouds, which makes people feel admiration and trance.

Looking at Lin Xia like this, Duan Jingyan felt his heart beat faster.

She can always inadvertently make him panic and make him unable to control himself.

But after watching for a while, he felt that he couldn't do this.

After all, she is already drunk now.Staring at her like this doesn't seem very good.

If you want to see it, then wait for her to wake up and watch it openly.

However, although he told himself to look away, Duan Jingyan found that his eyes seemed to be fixed, and he couldn't move them away no matter what.

Because, in sight, Lin Xia's stunning face is really attractive.

He looked at her face as if he couldn't get enough of it.

Alas, he must have been poisoned by her...

His gaze moved upwards slowly, and his gaze finally fixed on Lin Xia's fair face.

Then, he couldn't help reaching out and touching the top of her hair.

However, at this moment, there was a voice in his heart blaming him.

Oh, Duan Jingyan, do you have the nerve to just stare at her drunk like this!

Duan Jingyan ruthlessly despised himself a few words in his heart, and Duan Jingyan quickly looked away.

However, his heart is still reluctant to part with the scenery in front of him, full of nostalgia.

However, reluctant to return home, Duan Jingyan still lowered his head and did not continue to look at her face.

Thinking that Lin Xia was drunk now, after hesitating for a few seconds, Duan Jingyan approached Lin Xia who was on the big bed a few steps, then slowly leaned over, and he pulled the thin quilt to cover her.

 I was very busy before, so the update is a little bit less, sorry everyone.excuse me.

  But I am really grateful to the babies who have been following the text.Afterwards, it is basically a climax, which will not disappoint Nimeng.Ha ha! O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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