My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 488 I really want to stutter you

Chapter 488 I really want to eat you in one bite (2)

He listened to Duan Jingyan's voice echoing in his ears in confusion.Then, Lin Xia slowly opened her lips again.

"Jing Yan, why are you so bad, can't you tell me directly? You still want me to guess?"

Lin Xia's voice was soft, and to Duan Jingyan, it seemed to carry some kind of fatal temptation.

Calming his heartbeat, he replied.

"Then do you guess or not?"

After thinking about it, Lin Xia replied.

"I guess I'm not drunk, am I?"

Duan Jingyan deliberately shook his head.

"You guessed wrong. In fact, you are crazy about drinking."

Lin Xia was surprised, "Really? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Duan Jingyan replied with a serious look.

"How could I lie to you? Huh?"

Seeing Duan Jingyan's appearance, Lin Xia didn't believe what he said at all, so she couldn't help asking.

"Then tell me, how did I get drunk?"

Looking down at Lin Xia's delicate face, Duan Jingyan's voice suddenly became low, "Okay, Xia Xia, I'll answer you now..."

This deep and magnetic voice seemed to be the sound of nature, which made Lin Xia sink.

Before Lin Xia could react, Duan Jingyan suddenly lowered his head and touched her fair cheek.

The warm touch, like a gentle wind, caused ripples in Lin Xia's heart.

Suddenly, she felt that her head seemed to be even more dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Duan Jingyan's voice ringing in her ears again.

"You, that's how you play drunk. That's how you treat me when you're drunk!"

After hearing Duan Jingyan's words, Lin Xia still didn't understand.

He was simply lying to her.

He was simply playing with her.

So, she couldn't help but looked up at him, and then complained in a low voice.

"I wouldn't do that! Well, you must be lying to me, aren't you?"

Lin Xia thought that Duan Jingyan would refute, but unexpectedly he just smiled, and then spoke.

"That's right, I'm just lying to you, I just want to see your surprised look! I just want to see your angry and cute look!"

Lin Xia's heart was complicated, and then she had a shy expression on her face.

"You, how can you do this?"

Duan Jingyan continued to chuckle, and then his slender fingers touched Lin Xia's cheeks that were as white as jade.

Looking at her cheek, his fingers began to touch gently.

After sliding for a few seconds, Duan Jingyan sighed slightly.

In fact, it wasn't she who was playing drunk just now, but him.

Although he was not drunk, but when he saw her drunk and cute appearance, he felt as if he was drunk.

So, he couldn't control his mood just now.

Because, the heartbeat is always speeding up unconsciously.

Just now, in fact, he really wanted to kiss her again.He really wanted to do something intimate again.

But in the end, he still held back.Because he didn't want to hurt her.

After staring deeply at Lin Xia for a few times, Duan Jingyan slowly stood up from Lin Xia's side.

Then he stroked her hair again.

"Okay, don't be angry, I just can't help it. To be honest, you look really cute when you're drunk. I'm going out first, so you can take a rest."

After finishing speaking, Duan Jingyan turned around slowly, and he stepped out of her room step by step.

While walking, he comforted himself in his heart, "It's okay, there will be a long time to come."

 Sorry, I'm a bit busy today.More tomorrow. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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