My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 491 This Is My Girlfriend

Chapter 491 This Is My Girlfriend (1)

Seeing Duan Jingyan licking his lips, Lin Xia seemed to sense his ulterior motives.So, she quickly shook her head, "No, I won't drink casually anymore."

"'re good like this." Duan Jingyan looked up at Lin Xia and smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, let's have breakfast first. After eating, I'll take you out to play." He continued.

"Just the two of us?" Lin Xia asked while drinking porridge.

This time, Duan Jingyan didn't nod, "It's not two people, there are a few others who are having a good time. Today, I actually have a party with them."

"Oh, it looks like this..." Lin Xia was a little bit disappointed when he heard that there were not two people.

As if understanding her emotions, Duan Jingyan hurriedly comforted her, "Today, you can also bring your companion with you."

Lin Xia's mood improved a little when she heard that she could bring her companions with her.

Since you can bring your companions.Then, why not take Xiaoyue with her.

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would be a little embarrassed when facing a large group of unfamiliar people at the party.

After breakfast, returning to the room, Lin Xia first contacted Jiang Yue and told her about going out to play together.

After picking up the backpack in the closet, she quickly turned around and walked out of the room, striding towards Duan Jingyan's room opposite.

Knocking on his door, she stood patiently at the door and waited.

In his sight, Lin Xia saw that the door was gently opened.Thus, Duan Jingyan's fair and handsome face, so handsome that one would not feel sunk, just appeared in front of her eyes.

In an instant, the four eyes met.He frowned and looked at her with a smile.

"Let's go." Seeing that Lin Xia was ready, Duan Jingyan walked out of the room, and hugged her shoulder intimately.

The warm touch came from his shoulders, and he turned to look at Duan Jingyan, Lin Xia seemed to have colorful fireworks blooming in his heart.

Joy filled my heart.

At the same time, she was also rejoicing that Uncle Duan and Aunt Chen were out today.Otherwise, she was really afraid of what they would see.

Letting Duan Jingyan hug her shoulders intimately and naturally, Lin Xia leaned gently in his arms and walked downstairs step by step.


Forty minutes later, Duan Jingyan's sports car drove to the outskirts of City A and stopped slowly.

"Here we are, let's get out of the car." He leaned lazily on the car seat, turned around and spoke to Lin Xia in a deep voice.

Lin Xia first turned around to look at the scene outside the car window, and then got out of the car with Duan Jingyan.

In front of you is a lush green forest.Around the forest, there are several endless mountains.A gust of wind blew away the heat in my heart, making people feel refreshed.

Seeing Lin Xia's open arms intoxicated, Duan Jingyan smiled slightly, "How is it, isn't it good here?"

"Well, it's good, the air is fresh and the breeze is soft." She opened her lips in response.

"Okay, they're all here, let's go over quickly." Before Lin Xia could react, Duan Jingyan strode up to her side, and then stretched out his slender fingers to hold her slender and soft hand tightly live.

Looking down at the palms tightly held by the two, Lin Xia was stunned.Then, she raised her foot and strode forward with him.

At the corner of his mouth, there was a lingering joyful smile.

There was a gentle breeze, and the shadows of the trees curled up. The figures of the two slowly elongated under the sunshine...

(End of this chapter)

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