My bamboo horse is a bit fierce

Chapter 494 Meeting by the Lake

Chapter 494 Meeting by the Lake (2)

"Don't worry, don't worry. Or... I'll come out and pick you up." Hearing the confusion in Jiang Yue's tone, Lin Xia offered to go out to pick her up.

"Okay, Xiaxia, I'll wait for you." After finishing speaking, Jiang Yue happily hung up the phone.

"Jing Yan, Brother Qin. That...Xiaoyue is here, she is already at the intersection. But, she can't find the way here. So, I went to pick her up." Lin Xia looked up and saw the two people wondering eyes, so she had no choice but to explain.

"Xiaoyue?" Qin Ou heard that the name was a little familiar, so he couldn't help saying it softly.

"Is this Xiaoyue that Jiang Xiaoxiao girl?" Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Ou turned and asked Lin Xia.

"Well, yes." Lin Xia nodded.

It turned out to be her.Speaking of which, since graduating from high school, he has never seen Jiang Xiaoxiaomei again.Qin Ou couldn't help muttering in his heart.

In my mind, her sweet and lovely face and her youthful smile appeared involuntarily.

Thinking about it, he felt an indescribable emotion suddenly appear in his heart.

"Sister Xiaoxia, you are not familiar with this area. Why don't I go pick her up." I don't know if the voice in my heart is too clamorous.

Without thinking too much, he took over the task of picking up Jiang Yue.

"This... this..." Lin Xia looked at Qin Au, thinking in his heart.

Seeing Lin Xia's hesitation, Qin Ou said again, "Sister Xiao Xia, you haven't washed the ingredients for your barbecue. Why don't you just stay here and wash?"

"Xia Xia, since Qin Ou wants to help with this, you can ask him to help!" Duan Jingyan himself was unwilling to watch Lin Xia leave him even half a step.Therefore, he supported Qin Au's approach from the sidelines.

Biting her lip, Lin Xia nodded and said, "Alright then. Brother Qin, please forgive me."

There was a smile of unknown meaning and a little joy on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth, "Where, where, it's just a trivial matter. Go ahead, I'll go pick up Jiang Xiaoxiaomei first."

After waving at Duan Jingyan and Lin Xia, Qin Bei smiled and strode towards the side of the forest.

After Duan Jingyan glanced at Qin Ou's disappearing figure, he immediately shifted his gaze to the grill.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has done barbecue in person.Therefore, he was still very much looking forward to and joyful in his heart.

"Jing Yan, build a shelf and start a fire first. I'll take these ingredients to the lake and wash them." Lin Xia picked up a few bags of ingredients on the lawn, then turned and told Duan Jingyan.

Duan Jingyan wanted to go there with Lin Xia.However, looking at a mess of utensils on the ground.In the end, he had no choice but to nod reluctantly, "Then be careful yourself, and remember to come back early."

"Understood, I'm not a three-year-old child." Lin Xia smiled slightly.

However, even though she said this on her mouth, she felt warm in her heart because of Duan Jingyan's caring words.

Stretching out his hand, Duan Jingyan placed his slender fingers on the top of Lin Xia's head.

After touching it gently a few times, he said with a concerned tone and a deep voice, "Go, I'll wait for you."

This magnetic and pleasant voice made Lin Xia's body pause for no reason.

There is a smile on the brow, and there is affection in the eyes.Lin Xia looked at his handsome eyebrows, then turned around with big strides, and walked slowly towards the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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