first arrogant mother

Chapter 1112 Auction

Chapter 1112 Auction
"At this time in the past, there were always people coming and going at the entrance of the fierce eagle's branch, but now you look at it, it's a mess over there, only a small half of the slaves have been captured, and most of them have escaped! "

"The official is angry this time! A huge bounty is offered for the head of Fifth Ripple. I don't even know where Fifth Ripple came from!"

"It's the slave they captured. It's a bit capable. I heard from Yu Changsheng that it's very powerful!"

Yu Changsheng is Mr. Yu.

Fifth Lianyi sighed, if she didn't cause trouble, she would come to the door by herself. Who did she offend and die?Actually planted and framed?

The city fair is still going on, and there are not a few transactions. Although Fifth Ripple doesn't like to see such a scene, she can't sympathize with everyone. She will save anyone who is pitiful, because she is in a bit of a situation now. Danger.

The slave trade has oral transactions, as well as auctions.

Fifth Ripple's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he picked up the invitation letter that someone accidentally dropped on the ground.

It was an invitation letter from an auction hall called Wangyue. Below it was written some things that were going to be auctioned today. Most of them were people-oriented, supplemented by other things. The line written on the top caught Fifth Ripple's attention.

"Peerless handsome man!?"

Fifth Ripple thought for a while, then glanced forward again, only to find that Wangyue's auction hall was not far ahead.

Holding the invitation letter, Fifth Ripple went in. Magnificent and magnificent can only be described as a luxury, this imperial clansman is a luxury.

She found a seat and sat down. There were quite a few people in the lobby, most of whom were well-dressed. There was also a private room on the second floor. Her seat was in the lobby.

Before the auction started, Fifth Ripple was thinking about who framed her and what to do next.

More and more people entered the Wangyue Auction Hall. At this moment, Fifth Lianyi noticed a gaze lingering on him. Fifth Lianyi turned his head and looked over, and met a pair of familiar eyes.

Very familiar eyes.

North cold!

Beihan also disguised himself a bit, but he was not as old as Fifth Lianyi dressed up, but turned into a middle-aged man. Seeing Fifth Lianyi also looking this way, he nodded slightly.

Fifth Ripple was stunned for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

There were three people sitting beside Beihan, but they didn't recognize Fifth Ripple like Beihan did.

She took a look and came out. It was Fu Rong, Xiao Yinyin and Zhu Changfeng.

The auction has already started.

The auctioneer standing on the stage was a delicate young man, eloquent, and many people cheered when he appeared.

"Everyone knows that our Wangyue Auction Hall has always been very honest. Those who received the invitation letter are also invited according to their identities and status. Those who can come will give us Wangyue a big face. Of course Well, we Wangyue will not let you down today, everyone has already received the news, our finale today is a peerless handsome man! And it’s very special..." The young auctioneer is a monster, after finishing speaking, He also blinked his eyes and winked at the people below.

Fifth Lianyi was old and frail, sitting quietly on the seat, as if attracted by the young man's words above, but also as if he wasn't listening.

Soon, the young auctioneer went down, followed by the first person to be auctioned, a naked/naked girl, her skin was as smooth as jade.

(End of this chapter)

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