first arrogant mother

Chapter 1150 The Past of the Soldiers

Chapter 1150 The Past of the Soldiers

Many things happened later, the descendants who possessed the energy of the meteorite were very strong, but they could not control the meteorite, they could only rely on it to become stronger.

In the end, after tens of thousands of years, the Canglan Empire was established, and the meteorite was refined into a six-faced soldier talisman by the former emperor of the Canglan Empire. After weighing the pros and cons, the balance of power in the empire was consolidated.

The Canglan Empire has a very powerful position in the mainland, because their Dihen Tianlu needs spiritual sources from other continents, and the strength of the corps will come in handy. In the long-term battle for spiritual sources, the power of the six major soldier symbols accounted for half. is of great importance.

That's why there are so many warriors who snatch the soldier talisman, not only the Canglan Empire, but even warriors from other places are also making up their minds.

Behind Fifth Ripple, beams of light landed one by one, and then knelt down on one knee. They all wore the same attire, black battle robes, but bright red on the hem and lapel.

There was a strong blood energy exuding from their bodies, gathering together and heading straight into the sky.

The falling speed of the light beam is getting faster and faster. Behind the fifth ripple, more and more men are kneeling on one knee, and there are also women, but most of them are men. On their battle robes, there are two ancient beasts embroidered, one It is the Shenhu, and the second is the Phoenix.

Lifelike, almost ready to fly!
They bowed their heads, and there were masks on their faces. Those masks were hideous and blocked their real appearance.

The lineage led by the Fenghu Talisman!
These people do not live together, but in various parts of the mainland, some may be ordinary people, living a daily life of farming, some may be geisha/prostitutes in brothels, no one knows their other What is their identity, but at this moment, at this moment, here, they are soldiers summoned by the Fenghu Talisman!
There were only hundreds of people, all kneeling on one knee.

Don't underestimate these hundreds of people, they are the famous Fenghu Corps!
Their bodies possess the energy of the Phoenix-Tiger Talisman refined from meteorites. Their next generation, the next generation, as long as they are born with the energy of the Phoenix-Tiger Talisman, they will be soldiers of the Phoenix-Tiger Corps in the future!

They couldn't cut off the fetters with Fenghu Talisman, nor could they seize Fenghu Talisman.



In the middle of the night, in the imperial palace of the Canglan Empire, in the resplendent main hall, the Holy Lord Canglan sighed. Although it was a sigh, there was a slight arc on the corner of his mouth.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

He remembered the past about the soldier talisman, he had never seen it with his own eyes, but he heard it from his father.

In the small tribe back then, some people had the power of the meteorite and started digging up, while others didn't. There were disputes in the small village, and those tribesmen who didn't get the power of the meteorite became subordinates, and their hearts were divided.

All the clansmen were divided into six branches. Those clansmen who did not gain strength lived by them. Even if the days got better in the future, their lives did not improve much, and their pride and self-esteem were trampled.

Those six clansmen with the power of meteorites enshrined meteorites as sacred objects and paid homage to them. Those six meteorites could indeed make them stronger.

Later on...

Later, that is, his ancestors got the secret method, led those clansmen who didn't get the power of the meteorite to turn over in one fell swoop, refined the meteorite into a soldier talisman, and then became like this, but it can only do this.

Whoever can break the restriction will be able to recognize his master with the approval of the soldier talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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