Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1304 Reaching the Immortal Realm [3]

Chapter 1304 Returning to the Immortal Realm [3]

"Master, my name is Sheng Muyan, their eldest brother, you have to take care of yourself, goodbye." After finishing speaking, Sheng Muyan tied the burden behind him, and led his younger siblings away.

Master Chunyang froze in place, and when he realized it, the three babies had already walked a long way.

"Chichen, look..." Master Chunyang looked like he was about to cry, what kind of situation is this, the three children just ran away.

Chichen patted Chunyang Zhenren sympathetically, and comforted him, "These three babies are really interesting. If you weren't my brother, I would have forced them to go to Buddhism. Come on, let's go and see , Their parents should be around here, since they are going to be accepted as disciples, naturally we should meet them."

Master Chunyang nodded again and again, and jumped into the air to quickly catch up with the three treasures.

"Master, you don't need to see us off, we know the way." Sheng Muxin didn't expect Chunyang Master to catch up.

Chunyang real person is full of blackheads, why did he come to send them off, this girl really knows how to put gold on her face, she has a thick skin.

"I am Master Chunyang, please remember Master's name carefully. Also, if you didn't tell me where you live, how can I go to you if Master misses you?" Master Chunyang must understand where they live, otherwise they will be With their cunning personalities, whether they will come to him in the future is still unknown.

The three treasures looked at each other, and Sheng Shuyan said thoughtfully, "We live far away, so Master should not go, it will be very hard."

"Being a teacher is not afraid of being tired." Master Chunyang tried his best to maintain a smile, but he was thinking in his heart that he obviously didn't want to tell me.

"Alright then! My home is in the Immortal Realm." Sheng Muyan said lightly.

Master Chunyang raised his eyebrows, why hasn't he heard of this place, they will lie to him, right?He looked at Chichen with a dazed look on his face, he must have never heard of it.

"Okay, we're leaving, my parents must be in a hurry." Sheng Muyan planned to ignore Chunyang Zhenren, and led his younger siblings down the mountain quickly.

"I'll see you off." Master Chunyang dragged Chichen to follow.

Sheng Muyan didn't object either, they could follow if they wanted to!Anyway, this trip, they only made a profit, this master is not bad, he gave them so many Xianzhi, and after knowing that they stole it, he didn't scold them.

Qingkuang had been in a panic for a long time. When she and Sheng Qinghong came back, they saw that the enchantment was broken, and the treasure inside was gone. The four immediately searched for it, but they couldn't find it after searching the entire Langya Mountains. them.

"Kuang'er, don't worry, I believe Mu Yan and the others will be fine." Sheng Qinghong said calmly, he was also anxious, but thinking about the three children's ghosts and supernatural powers, nothing would happen.

There is no trace of fighting here, they should have ran out mischievously.

"Father and mother, we are back." Suddenly, Sheng Muxin's happy laughter came from below the mountain range.

Hearing the sound, Sheng Qinghong pulled Qing Kuang and ran towards the mountain range near the fairy world, and immediately saw three treasures walking towards the mountain range, holding hands and walking towards the mountain range, followed by an old man and a fat monk.

Seeing that the three babies were fine, Qing Kuang let go of his nervous and worried heart, hurried over, and said with a calm face, "If you run around in the future, mother will be very angry."

"Mother, we won't do it anymore." The three babies could see that Qing Kuang was really angry, and immediately agreed obediently.

Qing Kuang hugged the three of them to her side, looked up at Chun Yang Daoist and Chi Chen, from their aura, she could tell that they were all strong.

(End of this chapter)

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