Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1308 Possession [1]

Chapter 1308 Possession [1]

"You three mischievous little fellows, don't run away from home so rashly next time, do you understand?" Sheng Shitian taught them deliberately and seriously. After reading the letter that day, he and Ye Mingshang were drunk and exquisite. Qin Yixue was so anxious that they couldn't sleep well in the next few days, and spent every day in fear.

Fortunately, Qinglong came back and told him that the three children were fine, otherwise he would have been thinking about it all the time, and at the same time told the news to Ye Mingshang and the others who had already returned to the Autumn Peak Region, so that they would not be worried all the time.

"Grandpa, we will be obedient in the future." Sheng Muxin pouted her pink lips with a soft voice, and the expression on her face was as obedient as she wanted.

"Grandpa, I won't mess around in the future, and we're fine now, and we even worshiped an immortal as our master." Sheng Murui had a smug expression on his face.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry to make you worry." Sheng Muyan had an expression of acknowledgment.

Sheng Shitian saw that they really knew they were wrong, with a kind smile on his face, he beckoned, "Come on, go in quickly, why are you standing at the door, grandpa immediately ordered the kitchen to prepare delicious food for you."

"Okay, okay, my favorite food." Sheng Muxin clapped his palms and said excitedly, food is too lethal to her.

Sheng Qinghong led Qingkuang and led Chouchou to follow the pace of Sheng Shitian. Qin Yixue burst into tears when seeing the three babies and their parents came back. The two adults and children refused to let Peace of mind.

"Father, auntie, you have been worrying and worrying for the past three years." Qing Kuang looked at Sheng Shitian and said with some embarrassment.

"It's a family saying something polite." Sheng Shitian frowned and waved his hands, as long as they are fine.

"Don't do this again in the future. Your father doesn't care, but I care. Be careful in the future and don't let this happen again." Qin Yixue said earnestly. In her heart, she had already put Qinghong and Qingkuang together. as a daughter.

Three years is neither long nor short. I am afraid that only those who have experienced it will understand the kind of longing and worry.

"Understood, auntie." Sheng Qinghong smiled lightly, and they will never leave for so long like this again.

After Ye Mingshang and Zui Linglong received the news, they rushed over that night. They were relieved when they saw that Qingkuang Qinghong was fine and the three treasures were fine.

"The three of you are so bold to sneak around." Ye Junyao despised them with a handsome face.

The three babies stuck out their tongues at him and made faces. Although they made everyone worry about going out this time, they also gained a lot.

"Uncle, let me tell you, I worshiped an immortal as my master. He is so powerful that he can fly with a sword." Sheng Mu thought about Chunyang Zhenren's sword control skills, his eyes were full of stars, it was so cool.

Ye Junyao blinked when he heard the sound, "What is Yujian flying?"

Sheng Murui looked at him with contempt, and said proudly, "Look, look, this is the consequence of staying at home every day. There are so many novelty things outside. Yujian Flying is to let the sword take you to fly freely in the sky, okay Prestige..."

"Really so powerful?" Ye Junyao became interested immediately.

"Of course, there is also a fat monk, and his prayer beads can also take people flying." Sheng Muyan raised his chin and said arrogantly.

At this moment, the three babies are full of interest in the mysterious fairy art. They really hope to grow up quickly so that they can learn fairy art and protect their families.

(End of this chapter)

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