Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1310 Possession [3]

Chapter 1310 Possession [3]

The Mu family is still the same, but standing in front of the Mu family, Qing Kuang still feels that the atmosphere is very strange, and always feels that something is different.

She knew that the problem must be those people she just met. They seemed to be possessed by something. If they had no souls, they were still alive. Although they were alive, they looked like they had lost their souls. .

Hei Ba and Hei Yi also sensed that something was wrong, so the two of them walked in the front, Chou Chou, Xiao Long Long, Fat Fat, and Xiao Ke walked in the back. The four handsome faces were all extremely dignified. After the accident, they all became more cautious.

Qing Kuang walked into the yard, it was still the same as before, some servants were cleaning around, some people who knew them immediately ran over to salute respectfully when they saw them coming, their faces were also paralyzed, there was no extra expression except coldness .

"Where are my parents?" Qing Kuang asked coldly, with a sharp look in his eyes.

The servant didn't dare to look at Qingkuang, but lowered his head and said indifferently, "Master and Madam should be in the backyard."

Qing Kuang glanced at him and Sheng Qinghong walked towards the backyard with the child, met other people on the road, those who knew them would still salute.

"Why do people here only have one expression, cold like a dead face." Hei Ba pouted dissatisfiedly, he was so handsome, he didn't attract the girl to take a second look, this was too shocking for him.

"They seem to be controlled by something." Heiyi said coldly, since he entered the city, he felt a gloomy chill, as if all the people around him crawled out of hell, could it be Are they possessed by the dead?
The dead spirits like to attach to living people the most. After they control the human body and transform successfully, they will become this person, and they can control the body and consciousness of the person they possess at will.

Hei Ba glanced at him, "Hei Yi, what do you know, why don't you come and listen."

Hei Yi glanced at him proudly, that look seemed to say, even if I told you, you wouldn't understand it with your IQ, this Hei Yi was so domineering that he jumped his feet, he found that this person seemed to be getting more and more frightened.

Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong came to the backyard who were familiar with her. There were only a few servants in the backyard. She glanced at it and walked towards the garden. In the gazebo not far away, Yao Wan was lying alone on the bamboo chair in the gazebo with her eyes closed. repose.

"Mother..." Qing Kuang approached quietly and called softly.

Yao Wan who had closed her eyes suddenly opened her eyes, and after seeing Qing Kuang, she showed a surprised expression, "Kanger, Qinghong, you are here, Dabao, Second Treasure and Three Treasures, come to grandma quickly."

As they said that, they went to pull Sheng Muyan and the three, but the three Sheng Muyan quickly hid behind Sheng Qinghong. Although grandma had a smile on her face, they felt that something was wrong with her.

A flash of surprise quickly flashed in Qingkuang's eyes, why the expression on Mother's face remained the same as before while the others were expressionless.

"Mother, the three babes may have not seen you for too long, and they are a little skeptical." Qing Kuang broke the deadlock and said, she did not want to make Yao Wan sad.

Yao Wan's eyes were dazed for a moment, and she smiled lightly, "It's all right, we haven't seen each other for more than three years after all, it's normal to recognize life, why haven't you come to see us in these three years?"

"Mother, Qing Kuang and I went to the same place to do business, and we just came back recently." Sheng Qinghong explained calmly, if they didn't come for three years without saying hello, the two elders would definitely feel a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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