Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1314 Undead [1]

Chapter 1314 Undead [1]

"Kanger, since you don't agree, it seems that our father and daughter have to fight hard." Mu Zhan had a strange smile on his face. It knew the memory of this body, and their father and daughter had a very good relationship, so he I don't believe that she will really hurt her father, as long as he doesn't withdraw from this body, she will never be able to conquer it.

Qing Kuang's face was indifferent, with a violent cold light in his eyes, this damned undead, he knew that she couldn't really put a ruthless hand on Mu Zhan's body, so he provoked her like this.

It is true that she will not agree to leave here, but she will not really hurt Mu Zhan's body either.

Sheng Qinghong stepped forward and put his arms around her waist, "Kanger, let's go first."

They can't fight with them now, they must find a way to force these undead out of these human bodies, so that they can gain the upper hand, and now they are completely passive.

Qing Kuang nodded, took a deep look at Mu Zhan, turned around and walked outside.

"Should we go after him?" Someone asked Mu Zhan.

Mu Zhan waved his hands and smiled, "No, it's better to let them think about it. After all, you haven't fully integrated yet. If you really fight, you will be the ones who will suffer."

He has become one with Mu Zhan and his body, so he is not at all afraid of Qingkuang playing tricks.

"Qinghong, it seems that everyone in Kavis mainland has been possessed." Qingkuang said indifferently, and immediately pulled Sheng Qinghong towards the palace.

Sheng Qinghong nodded slightly, and said with a heavy face, "I just don't know where so many dead spirits come from."

"That's right, how come there are so many undead on the Kavis Continent, I haven't seen it before." Qing Kuang looked puzzled.

Before they knew it, the two had already reached the gate of the palace. All the guards had a cold and paralyzed face. When they saw them, they took out their weapons to block them from entering.

"Tell your leader to come out." Sheng Qinghong raised his eyebrows slightly, staring at the two guards coldly, his strong tone gave off a sense of oppression, making them dare not refuse at all.

The two guards glanced at him coldly, and one of them walked towards the palace.

After a while, Heihu came out of the palace. Sheng Qinghong didn't speak when he saw him, but swung a palm and hit him hard on the chest. The dark magic power spread rapidly at the gate of the palace.

The black tiger was slammed to the ground by Sheng Qinghong, because the impact force was too great, the dead spirit attached to the black tiger was knocked out, and the black tiger fainted and remained motionless on the ground.

"Oh, so you are his master, and there is such a ruthless opponent as the master." The necromancer who ran out of Heihu's body said with a mocking voice.

Sheng Qinghong's face did not change, and he launched an attack with a flash of his figure. He didn't need to worry about it. This undead was nothing to him. These days, his magic power has recovered a lot.

"Magic Sky Seal." A turbulent force rushed towards the undead at lightning speed.

With a sound of "Ah--", the body of the dead spirit instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

Sheng Qinghong quickly walked to Heihu's side, patted his face and said, "Heihu, wake up..."

"Is he all right?" Qing Kuang stepped forward and asked worriedly, she just saw him hit Hei Hu's heart.

Sheng Qinghong gave her a faint smile, "Do you remember the last time you were shot?"

Qingkuang's eyes brightened slightly, "You mean, his heart is also in the wrong position?"

(End of this chapter)

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