Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1319 Undead [6]

Chapter 1319 Undead [6]

Monk Chichen stood on the Buddha beads and laughed, "Hahaha, it seems that you have something to do in the future. These three children will not grow up in seven years. If they use what you give them every time, wouldn't you It's time to act."

"So what, anyway, staying in this deep mountain and wild forest is nothing but cultivation. I think it's very good to have these three precious apprentices. This way I can take you out to see the world." Chunyang Master said very frightened.

The corner of Monk Chichen's mouth twitched, what did he mean by taking him out to see the world, as if he had never seen the world before.

To be honest, he seems to have never been out to see other worlds except staying in the fairy world, so Master Chunyang said to take him to the outside world, and he agreed immediately without any hesitation.

The two stepped on the flying sword and the Buddha beads through the demon world and flew to the chaotic world, and finally ran towards the Kavis continent.

In the Mu family, Mu Zhan and Qing Kuang looked at each other for a while before helping Yao Wan who was on the ground, "Kanger, it seems to be lunch time now, let's go eat together."

Qing Kuang gave him a cold look, raised his eyebrows and said, "No need."

How could she eat with these shameless undead, now that her father and mother have lost consciousness, they are all undead, so she doesn't want to sit and eat with them.

"How much you hurt daddy by saying that. Although you are not our own, we have raised you for more than ten years anyway. Is this how you treat us?" Mu Zhan complained with resentment on his face.

"That's how I treated you, how is it?" Qing Kuang smiled sweetly and said, everyone here knows that the person who is speaking now is a dead spirit, does he think that this will soften her heart, it may disappoint him.

Mu Zhan was swallowed by Qing Kuang's words, he didn't expect this girl to be so calm.

"Baby, let's go." Qing Kuang looked at the three babies and said gently.

Just when they were about to leave, two figures descended from the sky. The real Chunyang was wearing a white robe with a fairy-like air, and the monk Chichen was wearing a golden cassock. His round body looked a bit funny, and he was very approachable. There is also a sense of joy.

"Master..." The three babies shouted joyfully with their big black eyes wide open when they saw the real Chunyang coming, and then ran over like a dog.

"Fat monk..." The three treasures looked at Monk Chichen again and greeted him with smiles, Sheng Muxin naughtily reached out and touched his big belly.

Monk Chichen liked these three innocent children very much, and deliberately teased them, "You are too rude to call him Master, but call me a fat monk, it's not fair, it's not fair..."

"Because he is our master, so we call him master, and he even gave us treasures, but you didn't." Sheng Muxin pouted her pink lips playfully.

The treasures that Master gave are really good. It wasn't long before she finished speaking, and they came so soon, can she ask him how many more treasures he wants?
Chichen's eyes twitched, did he want to rob him of treasures?

"Really want the treasure?" Monk Chichen approached Sheng Muxin and smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, very festive.

Sheng Mu nodded heavily, of course he wanted treasures.

"If you go to the Buddhist gate with me, I will give you a string of Buddhist beads, but I will take you flying everywhere." Monk Chichen tempted Sheng Muxin.

Sheng Muxin had seen monk Chichen's magic beads, and now she was in a dilemma, she didn't want to be a nun, but she really wanted such a string of beads.

"Give me the Buddhist beads first, and I will definitely go to the Buddhist gate with you in the future." Sheng Muxin thought for a while, and smiled innocently.

(End of this chapter)

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