Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1330 Going to the Eclipse Desert [5]

Chapter 1330 Going to the Eclipse Desert [5]

It took eight days for Qingkuang to completely clean up the undead in the imperial capital. After all, those high-level undead are very cunning, and they couldn't find them every time, so they played hide-and-seek with them a few days.

After cleaning up the undead, Qing Kuang asked Mo Xianliang to order that the Alchemy Sect of the Imperial Capital cooperate with the refining medicine, and then distribute the refined Guyuan Pill to everyone in the Imperial Capital, which can help them recover quickly .

After the people of the imperial capital learned that it was Qing Kuang who saved them, they all ran to Mu's house to thank them, but they didn't expect that the famous summoner would help them.

"Are you sure you want to go to the Eclipse Desert? That should be the lair of the undead." Mo Xian said indifferently, last time he sent a lot of guards to the city of sin, and finally the whole army was wiped out. The earliest possession of the undead was from Sin City started.

Qing Kuang nodded, and proudly said, "The best way now is to destroy the nest of the undead, so that other possessed undead can be destroyed without attack."

"Then I'll go with you." Mo Xianliang smiled lightly. He was very worried about the annihilation last time. It must be very dangerous there. If something happened to them because of the removal of the dead, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"You should stay in the imperial capital to tidy up here, take good care of every citizen, and try to make every citizen get the pill as quickly as possible, which will help them recover their health." Sheng Qinghong refused, and the necromancer Although they have left their bodies, there is still a lot of yin and cold air left behind. If they are not removed for too long, those yin and cold air will have the effect of backlash.

Mo Xianliang touched his chest, thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will supervise the alchemy union."

After Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong returned to Mu's house, they discussed with everyone that they would leave for Eclipse Desert tomorrow.

"Father and mother, let's go too!" Sheng Muyan suggested that he should not stay at Mu's house, he should go out to learn more.

"Yes, yes, father and mother will take us there together, let us see more." Sheng Shurui is also full of interest, he himself has an active temper, so he is not happy to stay at Mu's house.

"Big brother and second brother are right, parents, why don't you take us there!" Sheng Muxin said cutely with her black eyes blinking, didn't she know the master and the fat monk when she went to the demon world last time.

Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong hesitated, the lair of the undead must be a very dangerous place.

"Why don't you just take the three of them there, and let them learn more, not to mention there is me as a master, so no one will bully them." Chunyang Master patted his chest and promised.

"I, Chichen, will also protect them." Monk Chichen felt that there would be a lot of fun with the three little babies along the way.

Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong agreed when they saw that Chunyang and Chichen both agreed, and seeing the pitiful looks of the three treasures who were full of expectations, they had no choice but to agree in the end.

Hei Ba and Hei Yi are definitely going to follow Sheng Qinghong. Qing Kuang wanted Chou Chou to stay and protect the Mu family, but they were not happy, saying that there are no dead spirits here, and they are as powerful as Chun Yang With the talisman, there will definitely be no dead spirits breaking in again, and they will also go to the eclipse desert to see the nest of the dead spirits.

Qing Kuang couldn't resist their coquettish and cute begging, so he had to agree to the four of them.

"Qing Kuang, Qinghong, you must be careful." When leaving Mu's house, Mu Zhanyu instructed earnestly, every time Qing Kuang had to face the enemy, he was always worried.

(End of this chapter)

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