Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1338 Finale [1]

Chapter 1338 Finale [1]

Qing Kuang and the others walked in the passage for a long time without reaching the end, but there were many intersections on both sides of the passage, and thick black fog was rising from inside.

"Why do I feel like a maze here?" Qingkuang couldn't help but said, after walking for so long, she always felt like she was in the same place, and she didn't even meet a dead spirit. It stands to reason that when they come into their lair, they should Do your best to stop it.

"Why don't we act separately?" Monk Chichen raised the Buddhist beads in his hand and said, there are too many intersections here, they must find the king of the dead and destroy them quickly, otherwise everyone on the Kavis Continent will be changed. Become a real undead, and there is no way to save it.

Master Chunyang stroked his beard and said thoughtfully, "Let's divide into three teams to find it!"

Sheng Qinghong nodded slightly, the six of them could be divided into three groups, the three babies saw that they were going to be divided into groups, and immediately walked behind their parents. Although they liked Master and Monk Chichen, they liked their parents even more.

Master Chunyang and Monk Chichen didn't stop them, they chose a passage and ran quickly, Hei Ba and Hei Yi walked to the passage on the right, Qing Kuang and Sheng Qinghong continued to walk forward with the three treasures.

The further you walked forward, there was a gust of wind inside, and there was the mournful roar of the undead.

"You guys dare to come here, you really don't know what to do, everyone stop them, the master has an order, kill them directly." Qinghong's way out.

Sheng Qinghong raised his eyebrows, on his handsome face there was a noble smile looking down on the world, and he said disdainfully, "It's up to you?"

As soon as the words fell, he took the lead and rushed towards the enchanting woman and other dead spirits.

"The three of you stand here and don't wander around, father and mother will deal with them quickly." Qing Kuang lowered his head and smiled softly, looking at the three pink and jade-carved treasures.

The three babies smiled and nodded obediently.

Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong were fighting crazily with those undead, even though they had all turned into real undead, but in front of them, they still couldn't make a big scene.

Seeing this, the enchanting woman's expression was distorted, and her eyes were full of resentment. Are these people really so powerful?

If they can't stop them, wouldn't they destroy the master's good deeds? In that case, she wouldn't have to live. She finally got a new body, so she didn't want to die like this.

Suddenly, her gaze was fixed on the three babies, and her eyes quickly turned back and forth. Couldn't she use them to threaten them if she captured the three children?

After thinking this way, she quickly got into the ground in a flash.

When the enchanting woman fixed her eyes on them, the three treasures were already on guard, and if they wanted to trick them, they would teach her a lesson.

"Three children, follow your sister obediently!"

Suddenly, the enchanting woman came out from the ground. At this time, she was standing behind the three treasures. Just as she reached out to catch them, Sheng Muyan, Sheng Murui, and Sheng Muxin waved their hands at the same time. The pink and tender little palm hit her hard on the chest.

Although they didn't fight much, but after watching their parents fight a lot, they naturally learned how to attack deadly places.

The enchanting woman never thought that the three children would attack her, so she didn't have the slightest defense. Just like that, the heavenly energy released from the palms of the three babies hit her chest alive, and a huge pain quickly spread in her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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