Defying Ace Summoner

Chapter 1341 Finale [4]

Chapter 1341 Finale [4]

These undead looked much more powerful than the undead outside. As soon as they walked in, they launched crazy and desperate attacks on Qing Kuang and the others, and there were a lot of them.

Qingkuang used a force of chaos to attack them. To her surprise, the attack of the force of chaos left them unscathed. Although she was a little surprised, she was not too worried. These undead could not be Indestructible, as long as they find their lethal point.

The war became more and more fierce, and Sen Meng himself joined in. His main target of attack was Sheng Qinghong, and this time he must avenge himself.

Sheng Qinghong looked at Sen Meng who was approaching, with a frightening cold light shining in his silver pupils, he faced him lightly, and launched the power of the ancient demon ancestors to attack him fiercely. Already recovering slowly and fully, with that magical power, he didn't take Sen Meng seriously at all.

The recovery of his power means that the power of the Emperor of Heaven is also fully recovered. It seems that the war between the Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm will break out soon, and they must immediately resolve the matter here and go to the Demon Realm. He is still a little worried that Mo Qingyu will not be able to handle it.

Sen Meng's moves were all fatal attacks, but his attacks did not threaten Sheng Qinghong at all. On the contrary, he was beaten back again and again by several magic powers of Sheng Qinghong.

"Are you a demon?" When Sen Meng reacted, his eyes were deeply shocked. The super powerful dark magic power made him feel a fear from the bottom of his heart.

"I am the ancient demon ancestor." Sheng Qinghong said in a cold voice. Standing there, his black hair was flying, and the robe on his body was constantly being blown up by the force. His exquisite face, noble temperament, and indescribable charm .

Sen Meng staggered, the ancient demon ancestor?He turned out to be the ancient demon ancestor?

"You're actually resurrected, hahaha, your resurrection means that the Heavenly Emperor is also resurrected, and your Demon Realm will finally be wiped out." Sen Meng suddenly laughed arrogantly, and a smile quickly filled his frightened face, "I This is a person who died in the heaven, God really has eyes, I lost today, so naturally the Emperor of Heaven will take care of you."

As the words fell, a bright black light suddenly burst out from Sen Meng's body.

"Everyone, get out of this palace quickly." Sheng Qinghong's face tightened and he said loudly, Sen Meng wanted to explode himself.

Seeing this, the real Chunyang took out a talisman and waved it towards Senmeng, and immediately jumped up and rolled up the three babies with a force and ran towards the gate of the black palace.

Sheng Qinghong dragged Qing Kuang and Hei Ba out quickly.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the black palace collapsed in an instant, and even the passageway began to collapse, and the panic-stricken roars of various dead spirits resounded in the air.

Chunyang real person led the three babies to walk in front, and everyone ran in front at a super fast speed.

Qingkuang's face was frosty, did this damn Senmeng want to blew himself up and buried them in the ground?

It's a pity that his wishful thinking was still a little bit off.

"The power of chaos, break."

"Magic Sky Seal."

Qingkuang and Sheng Qinghong simultaneously launched a force to attack the bottom of the passage. In an instant, gravel and dust were flying everywhere, and at the same time there was a hole in the bottom of the passage, and several of them quickly jumped towards it.

The yellow sand is billowing outside, and the air is heavy.

Qing Kuang and others ran for a long time before arriving at a safe place. They saw that the desert not far away was sinking rapidly. Gradually, the Yin Qi began to fly away slowly, and the roar of the undead disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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