Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 108 Let's Have a Drink at the Bar

Chapter 108 Let's Have a Drink at the Bar
Ye Xiaozhu held the wine glass and spoke very sincerely.

The eyes of everyone at the table were attracted by Ye Xiaozhu's words.There was undisguised shock in her eyes, Huang Ye accompanied her to practice? !How can it be? !
Mo Ziye's gaze sank, he knew that if he didn't drink this glass of wine, others would think he had a problem with Ye Xiaozhu, and their attitude towards Ye Xiaozhu would change accordingly.But that girl was obviously about to get drunk, if she drank any more, she might not be able to wake up tomorrow.

"Yehuang, I will work hard." There was a sense of grievance in the ethereal voice.

Ye Xiaozhu held her mouth shut, and looked at Mo Ziye pitifully with her big eyes.Wasn't her Yehuang even willing to drink with her?

"You've worked very hard." Mo Ziye pursed his lower lip, picked up the wine glass and bumped it with her, and then finished drinking with his head raised.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked his eyes twice, the drunkenness in his eyes was even worse.But she tried her best to stay awake, with a soft smile on her face all the time.

Seeing Mo Ziye drinking the wine toasted by Ye Xiaozhu, everyone was even more shocked, but they covered it up very well, pretending that they didn't see anything.

"Classmate Ye, let me offer you a toast too. After drinking this glass of wine, we are considered friends. If you need me in the future, I will definitely help you." Leng Zixu walked to Ye Xiaozhu's side holding the wine glass.

After giving up his seat to Mo Ziye, he took the main seat where Mo Ziye should be sitting.Anyway, except for Apu and Ye Xiaozhu, everyone here is very familiar with it, and there are not many rules.Seeing that Ye Xiaozhu was drinking happily and chatting happily before, he wanted to promote the friendship again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a somewhat familiar chill enveloping him.

Leng Zixu turned around in confusion, could it be that the air conditioner in the room was turned on too much?
"Drinking so much, aren't you afraid of delaying tomorrow's performance?" A faint, low voice suddenly sounded.

Leng Zixu froze for a moment, only to realize that Mo Ziye was looking at him. "Brother Ye, it's okay, this little wine won't delay any major events."

Mo Ziye glanced at him and lowered his eyes. "Alcohol hurts your body, it's better to drink less."

"Thank you Brother Ye for your concern, hehe, I feel embarrassed for suddenly caring about me so much." Leng Zixu scratched his head, thinking that he would not drink tonight after drinking with Ye Xiaozhu, and he couldn't live up to Brother Ye's kindness . "Student Ye, let me do it first as a respect."

Leng Zixu raised his head and drank the wine, then looked at Ye Xiaozhu eagerly.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked his eyes full of drunkenness, and grinned silly. "Hey, Brother Leng, do you know that many of our classmates like you very much. They say you are so handsome and amazing at dancing. If they know that you eat and drink with me, they will definitely be envious of you. Leng Brother, can you give me an autograph later?"

"Uh... so where, I'm really embarrassed to say that." Leng Zixu scratched his head and poured himself another glass, "Come on, I'll accompany you for another glass."

Ye Xiaozhu giggled, and was about to drink a toast, when a hand suddenly stopped her.

"I remember a saying that goes like this, 'Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can you do whatever you want after I do it?', men and girls drink, they should give way, right." Mo Ziye said, his eyes light He looked at Leng Zixu.

Leng Zixu was taken aback for a moment, and finally understood. "That's right, that's what it said. Classmate Ye, you are a girl, so you should drink less alcohol. It's good that we have a light drink and a deep friendship. If I do it, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, Leng Zixu quickly drank the wine in the glass, and returned to his seat without caring whether Ye Xiaozhu drank or not.

Ye Xiaozhu thought about responding, but she was pulled down by a big hand as soon as the wine glass touched her lips.

Mo Ziye said casually, "Okay, just have a drink."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked her eyes twice, really wanting to say that she didn't even drink a drop.But even though she was drunk, she knew that Mo Ziye was doing it for her own good.

She grinned foolishly for a while, only thinking that her family Ye Huang was so gentle, a gentleman, and considerate to girls.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone started to get up casually.Except for Ye Xiaozhu who was already drunk, most of them just showed their drunkenness.A few people who usually chat well got together and started chatting while drinking.

Mo Ziye frowned and glanced at Ye Xiaozhu lightly, thinking how to prevent everyone from misunderstanding and let her go back to rest.

"Hey, Emperor Ye, may I offer you a toast?" Ye Xiaozhu smirked, holding the wine glass to Mo Ziye's side.

"Ye Huang, this baby likes you very much. I have liked you for many years. I am so happy to be able to dance with you today. But I am too excited to see you, and the dance is not good. Don't be angry. Let's have a drink Will you? Come and have a drink with me if you forgive me."

Ye Xiaozhu put the wine glass together in front of Mo Ziye, his face full of grievances.

"you're drunk."

"No, no, this baby is not drunk yet." She shook her head, and suddenly put her small face in front of Mo Ziye, "Yehuang, let's have a drink at the bar, hehehe, after drinking the drink, you will be mine. "

The little face in front of her was flushed, and her black eyes were hazy.

Mo Ziye looked around and saw that no one was watching them, so he said flatly: "Do you think this is ancient times, so what if you drink a cup of wine?"

Ye Xiaozhu blinked his eyes, thinking about this question very seriously.After thinking for a while, she lowered her head. "It doesn't seem to be anything... But, just drink a cup of wine... Hehehe, you can..."

She didn't say anything, she just stared at Mo Ziye's chest with drunken eyes, as if she was fantasizing about something.

Mo Ziye sighed helplessly. "You are not allowed to drink in the future."

"Why, wine can strengthen your courage. Emperor Ye, this baby is saving money to buy a house for you. You wait for this baby to marry you."

"You're drunk, go back and rest."

"No, this baby wants to stay here to see you for a while longer. Emperor Ye, has anyone said that you are really handsome, this baby really wants to, 'hehehe'."

Ye Xiaozhu grinned shamelessly.

Mo Ziye turned his head and glanced at her indifferently. "Ye Xiaozhu, has anyone told you that girls should be reserved."

"My baby is reserved, how reserved." Ye Xiaozhu nodded as a matter of course, "Yehuang, are you hot, do you need me to untie two more buttons for you?"

"You, forget it, go back and rest first." Mo Ziye frowned, vowing that she would never let her drink again.

"Okay, okay, let's go back to rest together, hehehe." Ye Xiaozhu nodded and dragged Mo Ziye to leave.

A soft little hand held him, persistently trying to drag him away.

Thinking about what she was about to do, Mo Ziye's ears couldn't help but blush.Seeing her persistent look, he finally sighed and said in a low voice, "I don't like women who take the initiative."

dislike? ? ?
Ye Xiaozhu tilted her head and stared at Mo Ziye for two seconds. All she had was reason to tell her that what she was doing now might make Mo Ziye hate her.

Taking advantage of this time, Mo Ziye called Xiao Jiu. "Send Ye Xiaozhu back to rest, she's drunk."

 Tell everyone an inevitable news.The book is scheduled to hit shelves this Friday, April 4st.It is inevitable that all signed books will be on the shelves.The number of words in Fox's free is not small, and it can accompany everyone, that's all.I don't want to say too many sensational words, and I know that some children will leave.Then, thank you for being here and remembering these ordinary and extraordinary throbbing.For the children who left, we broke up peacefully, and for the children left behind, we continued to meet.ok~
(End of this chapter)

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