Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 118 I Will Never Sing

Chapter 118 I Will Never Sing
Mo Ziye glanced at Han Ying, frowned and said, "It's so late, why don't you go back and rest?"

Han Ying turned her head and smiled softly: "It's okay, don't worry about me. It's good to attend this kind of occasion once in a while, so that everyone won't forget me."

Mo Ziye frowned even tighter, but said nothing.After all, Han Ying was his manager in name, so he had to save some face.

Everyone ordered drinks, fruit plates, and various snacks. After everything was served, Xiao Jiu asked the waiter to leave.Only one person is left in the private room.

The music was played very low, and everyone was a little restrained.

Han Ying frowned and said, "Ziye, if you decide to attend the party, you should go somewhere else, come to KTV, isn't that too insulting to you?"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Xiaozhu saw that everyone's faces changed and became much paler.

Mo Ziye pursed his thin lips, his gaze turned cold. "Insulting, I don't think so."

Han Ying didn't seem to see everyone's expressions, and continued: "As a top singer, you really don't feel like coming to KTV..."

"I don't think so." Mo Ziye interrupted her coldly, and then glanced at everyone, his eyes were calm but very sure. "I think it's good to be here, I love it."

"Ziye, don't you hate me the most..." Han Ying wanted to say something unwillingly, but was startled by Mo Ziye's cold gaze.

She swallowed, and a helpless smile suddenly appeared on her face, "Okay, as long as you like it. Is there any song you want to sing, I'll order one for you?"

Mo Ziye shook his head, took a glass of red wine and drank slowly.

Han Ying shrugged helplessly, then turned her head and said to everyone: "Look, brother Ye is so aloof, even so indifferent to his manager who has been with me for six years, if he does something to make you Don't worry if you are sad, he treats everyone like this."

Everyone showed a understanding smile, and hurriedly switched to other topics.

Ye Xiaozhu lowered his head and took a sip of the juice. There was no change on his face, but he was amazed at the speed at which Han Ying's attitude changed.

Everyone chatted for a while, and a boy with slightly longer hair came out. He touched his head and smiled a little honestly: "Well, we're all here for karaoke, and it's weird if you don't sing and just chat. I know everyone is embarrassed, but actually I'm also embarrassed, after all, who would have the nerve to sing with Brother Ye around. But let's not do it in vain, right, I'll sing a song first, and let everyone cheer up!"

After speaking, everyone burst into laughter, the music started, and the boy began to sing with an intoxicated look.

Nan Xiaojia came to Ye Xiaozhu's side and said in a low voice, "Xiaozhu, cover your ears quickly, Lun Lun's singing is the second worst thing to hear."

Ye Xiaozhu was stunned for a moment, but before he had time to react, a burst of 'ups and downs', similar to 'sufficient breath', came over.

She blinked her big eyes a couple of times, and finally realized that the 'throwing a brick to attract jade' was not about modesty, but telling the truth.

After Lun Lun finished singing, the atmosphere finally became active, and everyone stood up to order songs.

Ye Xiaozhu just sat quietly, peeking at Mo Ziye from time to time through Han Ying, the light was slightly dim, the expression on his face was not clear, only a faint sense of impatience.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Xiaozhu understood.As a world-class song god, it must be boring to listen to them singing here, and even feel uncomfortable... After all, most people are out of tune.

Everyone was singing and drinking, and after playing for a while, Leng Zixu suddenly ran to the front.

"I want to sing this song "Because of Love" with Xiaozhu, hehe, Xiaozhu, come quickly, you promised me." Leng Zixu said, stuffing the mic into Ye Xiaozhu's hand.

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corners of her mouth and said in a bit of embarrassment: "Well, I drank too much..."

"How much can you drink with juice? Come on, come on."

"I...can't sing."

"If you don't know how to sing and read the lyrics, you have to read it down. Brother Ye is listening."

Ye Xiaozhu involuntarily glanced at Mo Ziye, and he was also looking back at her indifferently, his perfect handsome face was cold.

She doesn't know what singers think of people who can't sing, but they must not like people who dare not sing, right?
Thinking of this, Ye Xiaozhu walked up to the stage.

As soon as the music arrived, Leng Zixu grinned and began to sing: "Here's a CD from the past, listen to that time..."

Different from Sunshine's appearance, Leng Zixu's singing voice was very 'mellow', which made Ye Xiaozhu's eyebrows twitch.No wonder Lun Lun's 'out of breath' came in second. It turned out that Leng Zixu was at the bottom.After listening to Leng Zixu's song, she almost forgot how the original song was sung.

Ye Xiaozhu tried her best to listen to the music so as not to be led away by Leng Zixu.

"If you can't sing that kind of song again, you will blush when you hear it..."

A faint ethereal voice resounded, as if a clear spring suddenly flowed in, purifying the turbidity of the room.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and looked at Ye Xiaozhu one after another.

Under the slightly warm light, Ye Xiaozhu has long black hair hanging loose, like an independent elf, lonely and beautiful.

Mo Ziye's eyes could not help but be attracted by her, there was a hint of shock in his eyes, and a flash of a smile.Everyone was shocked by her ethereal singing, only he could tell that she was not only nervous, but also out of tune...

It's obviously a love song, but she sang it with a sense of loneliness. Although it's out of tune, it's not unpleasant. Isn't this a skill?
Mo Ziye smiled, and then his smile sank again.

Not only let other men call her so intimately, but also dare to sing love songs with him... Mo Ziye curled his thin lips coldly.

After finally finishing half of the song, Ye Xiaozhu let out a breath and secretly looked at Mo Ziye, only to find that Mo Ziye didn't look at her at all.Could it be that she sang too badly?

"Hey, Xiaozhu, I didn't expect you to sing so well, amazing." Leng Zixu gave Ye Xiaozhu a thumbs up, and began to sing the second verse along with the music.

Ye Xiaozhu grinned, noticing that Mo Ziye had suddenly got up and walked to the karaoke stand.

Then, the sounding music suddenly stopped, leaving only Leng Zixu's 'mellow' singing voice.He froze for a moment, then looked at Mo Ziye suspiciously: "Brother Ye...?"

Mo Ziye raised his head, with an incomprehensible faint smile on his face, "Ah, sorry, I pressed the wrong button, how about you sing again?"

That smile is so weird that people can't help but feel frightened.

Leng Zixu shook his head, "Uh, no need..."

Mo Ziye smiled faintly, and suddenly said: "Originally, I would never sing with this kind of crude audio equipment. Let's make everyone happy today."

Hearing what he said, everyone clapped their hands and applauded. They usually focus on the performance and dare not listen to the song carefully. Moreover, they can listen to Mo Ziye's singing at such a close distance, but the concert VVVIP tickets all listen less than.

Leng Zixu quickly passed the microphone over, and Mo Ziye raised his hand to press the music.

The familiar music sounded again, still "Because of Love".

(End of this chapter)

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