Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 126 Helping Others Conspire to Throw Himself Down

Chapter 126 Helping Others Conspire to Throw Himself Down

Ye Xiaozhu grinned, his face full of doubts. "Even if you let me watch the excitement, you have to tell me what happened first, so that I can watch it?"

The stranger gave a glance: "Ask Nan Anyang."

"Cough... Sister Yang, explain?"

Bring salt for yourself: "There is nothing to explain. It was just that when I was chatting with him yesterday, I talked about Gu Qingran. I said, if I have a chance, I must force Emperor Ran. Whether it is drinking or using other The trick is to attack him. It is best to hit him once and get pregnant with Randi's child, and then I will run with the ball and give birth to a little Randi."

"Sister Yang, the first day I knew you were so wild inside..."

Bring salt for yourself: "Hey, Xiao Zhuye, do you also think my method is good? This is a good method that I have been thinking about for many years. After all, it is impossible for a person as high as Randi to like me. Let him fall in love with me Live with me for the rest of my life, I don't have confidence, so I might as well think about something practical. I plan to work hard to make money, and then hire someone to hijack Randi and take the opportunity to throw him down. If I can't do it once, I will lock him in a small black room and let him He can't see my face clearly. When I get pregnant, I will leave by myself. If I can't get Randi, it would be good to have a little Randi to accompany me."

The stranger glanced at him: "Heh, hire someone, are those bodyguards around Gu Qingran doing nothing for nothing? They are all people who have protected the president, and you can send them away by just hiring a few people? If that's the case, Gu Qingran He has been kidnapped countless times."

Bring salt for yourself: "Well, you're right, so this is my backup plan. My first plan is to work hard to make money, and then go to the bar where Emperor Ran often goes to wait for him. Drinking him, this method is reliable Some."

The stranger glanced at him: "Reliable? Heh, do you think he will get drunk outside? Even if he is drunk, there are assistants and bodyguards by his side. Can you take him away?"

Bring salt for yourself: "Well...then I'll seduce him before he's drunk? According to my observation, my Randi likes sexy and good-looking people. Fortunately, I'm not bad in shape, and I have a good face. Then go When it’s time to wear less, if it doesn’t work, I’ll just wear a bikini.”

The stranger took a look: "Bikini, huh~ I can see that you have never been to a bar. If you dare to wear a bikini, I promise you will never come out again. I don't know if Gu Qingran can see me, but I'm sure you Absolutely can't go out intact."

Bring salt for yourself: "Then what should I do? I can't hire people, I can't drink alcohol, how should I attack? Raw attack, rape? Will Emperor Ran agree..."

The stranger gave a glance: "How do I know, you want to go by yourself."

Ye Xiaozhu said weakly: "Master, can you understand what these two people are planning?"

Mo Ranziye: "Don't worry about them, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, we just do our own thing."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked, "One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer", does it have something to do with Sister Yang's plot to throw Emperor Ran down?Is there any meaning in the big myth?
Here, Ye Xiaozhu was thinking hard.On the other side, Mo Ziye sent a private message to Gu Qing.

"I didn't expect you to help others plot how to throw yourself down. I've learned a lot."

As soon as the news was sent out, Gu Qingran replied: "I'm spying on the enemy's situation, to find out all her schemes, so as not to get caught in the future."

"But I think you're perfecting her plan. Well, well done, you don't need to explain to me."

After Mo Ziye finished speaking, he continued to chat with his apprentice without looking at what Gu Qingran replied.Should he ask her too?If she really has a plan, can he pretend to be caught?

Thinking about it, Mo Ziye smiled lightly, but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a piece of world news that had just been refreshed.

(World) Nirvana Rebirth: "Bamboo Forest Listening to the Rain, I know you are online. Please come out and explain why you want to rob our family's trumpet monsters and kill them? You are a full-level tuba, that's how you treat novices Is it? Our Nirvana clan has no grievances with you in the past, and has no grudges in recent days, isn't it too much for you to kill our family trumpet?!"

As soon as the news came out, many similar messages followed one after another.

Mo Ziye tilted his head slightly, thinking of the message Gu Yiwei sent him, his eyes turned cold.

(Team formation) Bring salt for yourself: "By the way, Xiao Zhuye, have you read the forum news? They posted screenshots in it, the screenshots are very clever, and some even made PS, you were hacked again."

Ye Xiaozhu shrugged and grinned: "I haven't seen it, but I can imagine it. Don't worry, I can handle it."

Before killing those two trumpets, she recorded it.Compared with screenshots, videos speak for themselves.As long as you put the video on the website, you will naturally be able to see what is right and what is wrong.

Opening the forum, Ye Xiaozhu put the game video on it and only said a few words. 'The next time you frame me, send some decent people over.I'm tired of hearing just those two sentences over and over again.I suggest that you change the method next time. It is quite boring to always hunt monsters, kill trumpets and so on. '

After posting, she switched back to the game, and a piece of golden world news was floating around.

(World) Moran Ziye: "Wanted for all members of the Nirvana clan, a reward of [-] for each kill, and take the screenshot to Xu You Qingyang Wanzhang to receive the reward. Wanted time: forever."

Ye Xiaozhu froze for a moment, almost spat out a mouthful of blood. "Great God, what are you doing, what are you wanting them for?"

Mo Ranziye turned sideways, looked at her, and said flatly, "You must pay the price for framing my apprentice."

"But I think they made it." Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but said: "Master, I know you have money, but you don't spend it like this. You get a hundred gold for one death, and a full-level account kills back to Xinshou Village. 18000, I don’t know how many of them there are, how much is it? If someone sends a trumpet to join the Nirvana family in order to cheat money, wouldn’t that kill more people? Also, the wanted time is actually permanent! Permanent! Then But it's a matter of a lifetime, unless you don't play this game, or everyone in the Nirvana family doesn't play this game, otherwise, how much gold coins you have to pay! Cancel this wanted quickly! Hurry up!"

Ye Xiaozhu typed so fast that his fingertips trembled slightly in anxiety.

But Mo Ranziye said very calmly: "Well, it seems that you are good at mathematics and good at calculating accounts."

"Great God, I really want to know how your brain circuit turns. Should the focus be here?! Hurry up and cancel the arrest. I posted a post with a video in it. Anyone who reads the post will know that I was wronged That's it. Please cancel the arrest warrant."

As she said, this arrest warrant is a bottomless pit.If someone wants to cheat Mo Ranziye's money, no matter how much money the master has, it's not enough to cheat him.

"I'm very happy for thinking of me. But I don't want to cancel the arrest warrant, but I want to continue playing the game. It seems that I can only make that Nirvana family disappear."

Mo Ranzi spoke lightly at night, with a casual and lazy attitude.

 Thank you Master Shenhao for your reward. Today and tomorrow, we will continue to add more updates, 100 words per day.Thank you for your votes, I love you guys, what's up~~ Children with monthly tickets can vote for the fox, every [-] chapters of monthly tickets, add one more, bow~~~Look at my cute eyes, you can make a move~
(End of this chapter)

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