Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 130 As long as you are satisfied

Chapter 130 As long as you are satisfied

"Take the bait automatically?" Gu Qingran smiled lightly, "Okay, then you just wait for her to throw you down. Those plans of Anyang, maybe Xiaozhuye can also use them."

Mo Ziye glanced back at him indifferently, and suddenly walked towards the woods beside him. "Go there for a walk."

"Ziye... what joke are you kidding?" Gu Qingran's mouth twitched. "You know what Anyang wants to do, but you still take me to such a remote place?"

"Well, so what?" Mo Ziye turned his head, inadvertently glanced at Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang who were following them from afar, and said lightly: "I see that Nan Anyang has a good expression, and seems to be looking forward to your coming here. Don't disappoint her."

"Ziye, do you think we are here to discuss the small thoughts of two little women, does it fit our status?" Gu Qingran frowned, slowed down his pace, but also slowly followed Mo Ziye.

It is said that it is a forest, but it is just a small piece of forest. The trees are very sparse, similar to the treescape in the park.

Mo Ziye said solemnly: "Shouldn't the topic of men be about women?"

"Ah? Then who never talked to me about the figure of an actress, and never talked about celebrities?" Gu Qingran shook his head and said with a smile: "Now when we talk about Xiao Zhuye, you are very active."

"Xiao Zhuye, those people can't compare with them." Mo Ziye said, and glanced back, seeing Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang also walking towards this side, a faint evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "You'd better think about how to 'obey' Nan'anyang's plan. I think there is a hammock in front of it, which is good."

"That's right, a..." Gu Qingran pulled the corner of his mouth, and forcibly did not say the last word.Good quality and work ethic, let him cut off the dirty words that are about to blurt out.

As if he didn't hear what he said, Mo Ziye walked quickly to the hammock and looked him up and down. "Well, although it's a hammock, the rope is also very strong, and the two trees are thick enough. It's no problem to bear the weight of two people. I think it's here."

"Mo Ziye, you're enough. If you do this again, I'll tell Ye Xiaozhu your identity now." Gu Qingran raised his eyebrows, feeling that Mo Ziye was too dark for the first time.

Mo Ziye raised his eyes faintly, and a smile flashed across his eyes. "Whatever you want. I'm going to tell her anyway, but it's only a matter of time."

"Mo Ziye..."

"They're here." Mo Ziye smiled lightly, then hid the smile on his lips and looked at Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang.

"Hey, Emperor Ran, Emperor Ye, I didn't expect you to be here, what a coincidence~" Nan Anyang smiled sweetly, and said, "Are you also here to enjoy the scenery?"

The corners of Gu Qingran's eyes twitched, and he said with a fake smile: "Why do I think that you came here with us?"

The lie was exposed, Nan Anyang was only slightly taken aback, and the smile on his face became even sweeter. "So, Emperor Ran, you saw us, right? Did you pay attention to us? I'm so happy ~ Emperor Ran will also pay attention to me~"

"Is this supposed to be fun?"

"Of course, the knights who can be watched by Emperor Ran are the happiest knights in the world. Emperor Ran, why don't we talk about life~" Nan Anyang rolled up Gu Qingran and leaned against him .

Both she and Ye Xiaozhu were wearing loose T-shirts and bikinis under the T-shirts. With such a sticking, the soft flesh on the chest was stuck to Gu Qingran's arms.

And she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, she took advantage of the situation and acted like a baby.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Ye Xiaozhu's eyes jumped wildly, and the words 'they are not familiar' could be written on his face.Sister Yang is too strong, and such a pure child of hers was not spoiled by her, which shows that she is really pure to the bottom of her heart.

A smile flashed across Mo Ziye's eyes, and he took a step forward, blocking Ye Xiaozhu's sight.She is still young, so it is not easy for her to watch these pictures.

But Gu Qingran's face flashed a trace of embarrassment very quickly.There was a soft touch on his arm, and he felt his heart beating faster.

For many years, he had never felt this way.Accustomed to seeing all kinds of beauties, he is no longer a young boy who just fell in love.But now, just a simple touch made his heart beat faster.

"Emperor Ran, let's go over there and talk about life~ such as major events in life." Nan Anyang supported Gu Qingran and walked aside, his pretty face full of sweet smiles.

Knowing what she was thinking in her heart, Gu Qingran couldn't say what she refused at this moment anyway.Forget it, anyway, he is very strong, how can a little girl really do anything to him?
Gu Qingran shook his head, and said helplessly, "I just want to talk about life with beautiful women, and you, I'll give you 10 minutes."

"Yes~ Thank you for the reward from Emperor Ran. I have self-knowledge and dare not delay Emperor Ran for too long. I just want to talk to Emperor Ran about my thoughts over the years~ Our Emperor Ran is a gentle king. I am sure I am willing to share the thoughts of fans. Yes Right?" Nan Anyang nodded while pulling Gu Qingran forward.

In such broad daylight, she really didn't plan to do anything.Although she has the intention of throwing herself down, she is a girl after all, and she is not wild enough to mess around in the wild.However, it is also good to seize all the time to get close to Gu Qingran.By the way, it can also let Ye Xiaozhu and Mo Ziye get along alone, killing two birds with one stone~
While pulling Gu Qingran forward, Nan Anyang turned his head and made a cheering gesture to Ye Xiaozhu.

After receiving Nan Anyang's gesture, Ye Xiaozhu silently said cheers from the bottom of his heart.With Emperor Ran's playful character, she didn't believe that Gu Qingran would refuse Nan Anyang's offer of throwing himself into his arms.I just hope that Emperor Ran can treat her Sister Yang better, after all, Sister Yang has no experience...

"What are you thinking about?" A faint deep voice sounded, Ye Xiaozhu froze for a moment, only to realize that Mo Ziye was looking at her.

The sun is scattered, with heavy mottled tree shadows.Mo Ziye leaned slightly towards her, as if he was waiting for her answer.

The perfect handsome face that had appeared in dreams countless times, just so straight into the eyes.Clearer and more perfect than the high-definition pictures on the screen.

"Ye Huang, you are so beautiful without makeup..." The words that blurted out made both of them stunned for a moment.

Ye Xiaozhu quickly lowered his head, annoyed that he said the wrong thing again.

But Mo Ziye was slightly taken aback, with a doting smile in his eyes. "As long as you are satisfied."

"Um, satisfied, satisfied..." Ye Xiaozhu smirked, and answered embarrassingly.

"Heh~ idiot." Mo Ziye couldn't help but smiled softly, with a hint of pampering and helplessness in his smile.

Such a smile dazzled Ye Xiaozhu's eyes again.At this time, Mo Ziye was like a handsome brother next door, shed the cold domineering arrogance of a king, and became a little more real, as if she could touch it with her hand.

"Cough... Emperor Ye, if you scold me, you can laugh, then you can scold me. Don't stop, you can also yell at me~" Ye Xiaozhu laughed, no matter how many knights want Emperor Ye to roar, there is no chance. Her honor~~
(End of this chapter)

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