Chapter 143

Ye Xiaozhu blinked her eyes, and it was just a like, it has nothing to do with liking.

"well enough……"

Mo Ranziye: "Fortunately, what do you mean, do you like it or not?"

"Um, my god, you are a little strange today. Why do you care so much about who I like?" Ye Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue and said, "If I say I like Su Jun, will you tell me his itinerary? It should be easy to get Su Jun's itinerary with your contacts, hehehe, can you tell me?"

Mo Ranziye: "Want to die?"

Through the screen, Ye Xiaozhu felt a murderous aura.She shrank her neck and said quickly: "Just kidding. Besides, I like celebrities and it's not against the law. Although I don't like it now, it doesn't mean I won't like it in the future."

Mo Ranziye: "What about Mo Ziye, do you like Su Jun as much as you like Mo Ziye?"

"Cough, how could Su Jun compare with Emperor Ye? My love for Emperor Ye can be learned from the sun and the moon!" Ye Xiaozhu glanced at the screen, daring to doubt her heart for Emperor Ye, even a god can't forgive it.

Mo Ranziye: "Who knows, you women are fickle. Maybe if you like Mo Ziye today, you will like Su Jun tomorrow, maybe."

"Great God, why did you speak with a stick in your mouth today? Did someone offend you?"

Mo Ran Ziye: "Hmph."

Ye Xiaozhu sighed speechlessly, and started again.If you are angry, you can only reply with one word, alas...

"Master, please be busy. I have something else to do, so let's not talk about it." After speaking, Ye Xiaozhu turned off the private chat, and opened the map to find the place he wanted to go.

Just after opening the map, the private chat sounded again.

Ye Xiaozhu reluctantly clicked on the private chat, thinking it was Mo Ran Zi Ye, but who knew that it was Wei Xiao Zhu Ye.

"Master, Goddess Aoshi came to me just now and said that she wanted to use 100 million to bet with you in the PK field. Are you going?"

Goddess Oshi, 100 million?

Ye Xiaozhu blinked her eyes twice, and suddenly found that the master had gone offline.She didn't care either, but said to Yi Wei with a smile, "Why did Goddess Ao Shi seek you?"

Yi Wei smiled and chased Ye: "She said you didn't accept private chats with strangers, so she found me. Am I not your apprentice?"

"Oh, then you tell her, I won't go. If she bothers you again, you block her. "

After replying, Ye Xiaozhu continued to look at the map.At this time, she should not go outside the city. Although the Great God has dealt with Goddess Aoshi's people, who knows if there are any 'remnants' or something.

She's not stupid, what should I do if I get stuck in traffic when I go out of the city now, I'd better stay in the city for two days with peace of mind.

After looking at the map for a while, Nan'anyang strongly requested to go to Xinshou Village for a nostalgic experience.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at her excited look, and said lightly: "Sister Yang, you want to go to Novice Village to let novices worship you. Let those players who just played worship my equipment, right?"

Nan Anyang smiled and nodded very honestly. "Of course, the hard-earned equipment is admirable. I still remember the scene where we worshiped the Great God in Xinshou Village. Now it's our turn to accept the worship of others."

"Well, what you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it, so let's go to Xinshou Village." Ye Xiaozhu nodded with his teeth bared, and teleported to Xinshou Village.

Just after coming out of Xinshou Village, the horns in Phnom Penh started to play again.

(World) Goddess Ao Shi: "Bamboo forest listens to the rain, what kind of new goddess are you? You have no ability at all, what other skills do you have besides relying on ink to dye Ziye? You dare not even accept gambling, you coward. One million bets with you to resolve our grievances!"

Nan Anyang raised his finger and pointed at the horn, and said, "Ala, Xiao Zhuye, you are in the world again. You are so popular recently."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, and said helplessly: "Yes, when I first started playing, I was born with a physique of attracting great gods. After playing for a long time, I became a physique of attracting gangsters naturally. I was framed and framed , Alas~ It’s not easy to be a goddess.”

"If you don't want to, you can give it to me. I don't mind being scolded." Nan Anyang narrowed his eyes and smiled, then frowned and said, "But this Goddess Ao Shi is really annoying, Xiao Zhuye, can you beat her?"

"One-on-one is no problem." Ye Xiaozhu smiled confidently.Although she has never PKed with Goddess Aoshi alone, but she also saw Goddess Aoshi's operation last night. To be honest, without any emotion, she can beat Goddess Aoshi three times.

"Since there is no problem, let's fight. Anyway, if you have money, you don't make money for nothing. Didn't she say that she would use 100 million to bet with you? If you win 100 million, you will get one-fifth of the money you bought for Emperor Ye. .”

"Sister Yang, I found that you said such reasonable things today, and you said so much that I couldn't refute them." Ye Xiaozhu turned her head and smiled at Nan Anyang, her big eyes narrowed with a smile, and the fundus of her eyes was full of gold. Gold coins shine.

What Nan Anyang said was right, since he was sure that he could win the fight, why not fight, as there was still money to be made.

Ye Xiaozhu narrowed his eyes and tapped his fingers.

(World) Zhulin Tingyu: "Grudges...that's really nice to say, you framed me, and even led people to besiege me. These can't be explained by two words of grievances. Don't talk so much nonsense, talk too much with the brainless. It’s easy to be mentally disturbed. Let’s gamble directly, with a bet of 100 million.”

After speaking, Ye Xiaozhu came to the duel arena to create a room and paid 100 million bets.

And the World Channel started to scan the frequency again because of their words, they said everything, and more of them were the words 'crowd'.

After a while, Goddess Ao Shi joined the duel field, wearing an orange outfit with magic attack, level 95.

She should have escaped the pursuit of the Great God, but Ye Xiaozhu didn't know what method she used.

"Bamboo Forest Listening to the Rain, I will let you know who you have offended." Goddess Ao Shi smiled coldly.The system prompts that the duel begins.

Ye Xiaozhu ignored the words of Goddess Ao Shi, but jumped to the side first.Although she was sure of winning, she didn't hold her own. She ran towards Goddess Ao Shi while adding auxiliary skills to herself.

The entire duel field is very large, standing on a high cliff.In the distance are the rising clouds and the endless sea.

There is a feeling of a decisive battle on the top of Mount Tai.

The petite fox girl jumped up in the air, with a sharp light on her long sword.

Goddess Aoshi didn't move for a long time, but when Ye Xiaozhu was about to attack her, she suddenly activated her skills.

With such a move, Ye Xiaozhu's face immediately turned serious.

Goddess Oshi...has changed.

Compared with those who besieged her yesterday, Goddess Aoshi's operation level has simply risen by more than one level today.It is enough to be described as superb. Except for Mo Ranziye, she has never seen anyone operate so well.

Within two minutes, the little fox girl fell to the ground.The system prompts Goddess Aoshi to win, and the 100 million gold coins handed over are also transferred to the Goddess Aoshi.

Goddess Aoshi: "Hahaha, leave Moran Ziye, you are nothing but a waste, waste!"

(End of this chapter)

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