Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 147 I Don't Need To Inflate

Chapter 147 I Don't Need To Inflate

With the sound of wailing, Ye Xiaozhu took a step forward and hugged Mo Ziye tightly.

"Ahh~ Emperor Ye! Great God! Ziye~ I was really wrong! Your boss should be merciful and spare me, I will marry! I will marry now, please marry me forever! No dowry, no wedding, we Just go to Yuelao's and hold a red string. After getting married in the game, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate! I'll marry, I'll marry now!"

Ye Xiaozhu kept crying and howling, but her whole small body rubbed against Mo Ziye's body vigorously, and a pair of small hands tightly tightened Mo Ziye's waist.

This time, the hug was stronger than that in the lounge.Face to face and tightly hugged each other, Ye Xiaozhu felt like his heart was about to jump out.

If anyone is the happiest person in the world, then she will definitely say it is herself without hesitation!She who used to be able to kneel and lick Ye Huang's beautiful pictures on her mobile phone and computer, hugged Mo Ziye firmly today.

I can feel her Yehuang's chest muscles thoroughly... Woo~ As expected of Yehuang, these chest muscles...

Ye Xiaozhu rubbed secretly, thinking that she rubbed without anyone noticing.However, she didn't see a doting smile on the corner of the man's mouth that she had sneaked into.

"Have enough hugs?" The faint voice was as flat as usual, but it was not difficult to hear the smile hidden inside.

"No... Anyway, I don't care, if you don't agree to me, I won't let you go!" Ye Xiaozhu hugged Mo Ziye tightly, saying nothing to let go.

"I said before, I don't like women who take the initiative." Mo Ziye repeated it lightly. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his little body stiffen while holding him.

"Then... If I don't take the initiative, will you marry me?"

"will not."

"I knew it." Ye Xiaozhu pouted, luckily she didn't let him go.

"However, if you are obedient, I will reconsider."

"Be obedient?" She blinked her eyes twice, and lifted her little head from Mo Ziye's arms. "Yehuang, how can you be obedient?"

"Well, everything is based on my words. Do whatever I tell you to do." Mo Ziye said as if he was serious, and then added. "I like well-behaved and docile women."

"Emperor Ye, I'm good! I'm special! I'm very good! I can fight tigers and catch lions, and I can be cute and handsome, and I don't need to be inflated. With just one word from you, I'm ready to sacrifice myself at any time!"

Inflate, dedicate...

Mo Ziye couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said helplessly, "Since you are obedient, then let me go."

"Oh..." Ye Xiaozhu let go of Mo Ziye reluctantly, and couldn't help meowing secretly.

Because of the hug just now, the shirt on Mo Ziye's body was a little messy, and the collar button was unbuttoned. Through the collar, a small piece of fair skin could be seen.

Ye Xiaozhu forced herself not to look, but she still couldn't help moving her eyes there...

"Cough." Mo Ziye coughed lightly, straightened his clothes calmly, and said, "Ye Xiaozhu, can't you be a little feminine?"

"Yes...well, I will. I will definitely!" Ye Xiaozhu clenched his fists with a determined look.

"It's really..." Mo Ziye shook his head helplessly. With her, he would never be serious.Either eating his tofu secretly or teasing him with words, really. "Forget it, I just want to tell you one thing when I come to see you. Don't tell others about my playing games. "

"Well, I won't say it." Ye Xiaozhu agreed, and then looked at Mo Ziye.What did Emperor Ye mean by saying that, and why did he feel like he was drawing a line with her?

"But..." Mo Ziye paused, turned his head away, and looked aside. "Since we are playing the same game, we still have a master-student relationship, so I don't mind the transition to reality. From now on, you can tell others that you are my apprentice."

"Ah?" Ye Xiaozhu blinked his eyes twice, his black pupils dilated and then shrunk.

She could tell the outside world that she was Mo Ziye's apprentice. With this name alone, she could become a hot figure in no time.If she wanted to, she would be popular immediately, and she would be even more famous than those popular little stars.

It's just because she is Mo Ziye's apprentice, the disciple of the king in the entertainment industry.

But Ye Xiaozhu curled his lips, with an expression of wanting to cry but not tears. "Yehuang, can I understand that what is the relationship in the game is the relationship in reality?"

"Hmm." Mo Ziye hummed lightly.

The non-denial attitude almost didn't make Ye Xiaozhu cry. "Emperor Ye! My God! I was really wrong, I was wrong! I must have lost my head at that time to reject your marriage proposal. My God, I will marry you! I will marry you!"


The faint voice, with a touch of cool taste, made Ye Xiaozhu feel more bitter in his heart.

She remembered that the Great God said at that time that she would regret it.And at that time, she also said a lot of regretful things, such as beating her chest and feet, wanting to cry without tears... I didn't expect those words to come true now.

She regretted it, regret it, don't want it... But she didn't know that Emperor Ye was a great god at that time!Emperor Ye was too dark-bellied, he didn't tell her back then, but now he tells her and uses what happened at that time to bring up old scores, woo woo woo, too vengeful!
"Ye Huang, if I beg you now, can you forgive me?" Ye Xiaozhu said pitifully with a bitter face.

"I can't." Mo Ziye smiled faintly, and suddenly moved closer to Ye Xiaozhu, his thin lips twitched lightly, "You regret it slowly."

"No..." On the top floor, Ye Xiaozhu's regretful voice sounded again.

The soft and ethereal voice filled my ears, and the pampering in Mo Ziye's eyes became more and more intense.Heh~ Let her regret it for a while first, and know the consequences of rejecting herself well, so that she can abandon him and despise him after she has nothing to do.

On the top floor, Ye Xiaozhu's miserable voice echoed, but the atmosphere between the two was extraordinarily sweet.It feels like a tsundere master training a cute little wife.

But the atmosphere in the ward was unexpectedly heavy.

After Mo Ziye led Ye Xiaozhu away, the smile on Nan Anyang's face faded away.As if she couldn't see Gu Qingran, she lay on the bed and closed her eyes to rest.

Gu Qingran stood there watching her for a while, then rested on the sofa in the living room.He and her are destined to have no ending, so he can't care about her.

I still remember that when he first met her, he only accepted her as his apprentice because of a bet.But at that time, he didn't care about the bet at all, and even wanted to deliberately lose to Mo Ziye so that he could rest more.

The friendship between men prevented him from expressing much concern, so he expressed it in this way.

It's just that when he finished his schedule and started playing again, he saw that newly recruited apprentice working hard to level up in Novice Village alone.That tragic operation almost made him unable to bear to look directly at it.

He couldn't help coming to her, and received her message before he could say anything.

"Is there such a master as you? Take me as an apprentice and disappear by yourself. If you don't want to take me, then don't accept me as an apprentice! I can find anyone to be a master than you, and you are a god, I am If it wasn’t for not being able to betray the teacher within seven days, I would have left long ago! It’s disgusting to meet someone like you!”

(End of this chapter)

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