Chapter 157

Hold his hand and grow old with Ye: "Is Emperor Ye bewitched by her? He even drove Teacher Apu back because of her, causing Teacher Apu to lose his reputation now. Emperor Ye, how could you fall in love with that woman?" , she looks too ugly!"


The fan group frantically swiped the screen, Ye Xiaozhu took a few glances from the sidelines, and roughly knew who exposed her.

After logging out of QQ, she opened Weibo with a blank face, prompting that there were more than N @ and messages.Without thinking, she knew that she might be attacked again.

Not in the mood to read it, she directly searched for 'Apu', and found that a new Weibo was indeed pinned to the top of her Weibo.

It was a short video taken in seconds.Ye Xiaozhu clicked on the video, and A Pu appeared in the middle of the screen with a haggard appearance.

"Everyone who follows me or hasn't followed me, hello everyone. Before posting this video, I actually hesitated for a long time, but if I don't say something now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to say it in the future."

In the video, Apu smiled bitterly, as if he had been wronged.

"As everyone knows, I was invited to attend The King's concert a few days ago, but on the day of the concert, I was sent back instead of on stage. It is precisely because of this incident that my reputation in the backup dance industry has rapidly increased. As things went down, many of the stars I worked with started to terminate their contracts one after another. They either avoided seeing each other or pretended not to know each other, and the friendship that they had cooperated with for many years was shattered day and night.”

"The purpose of my video is not to tell everyone how miserable I am now, nor to win everyone's sympathy, but I am really wronged by this matter. I said that everyone may not believe it, but I was thrown back. The reason is because of another backup dancer. She comes from a small hip-hop club and claims to have learned hip-hop for four years, but..."

Apu pursed his lower lip and suddenly changed the subject. "At the end of the rehearsal that day, I put forward my opinion to her with the idea of ​​presenting a perfect performance to everyone. I admit that I am too serious about my work, and my attitude may not be good. But just because I accused her, I put Is it really good for me to push you back? I just want to make your stage more perfect, but you ruined me because of it. With your status in the show business, I was thrown back by you and was abandoned by everyone, but in the end it was just because I said a few words to her."

"May I ask, with my status in the dance industry, am I not even qualified to guide a small club backup dancer? Well, I admit that I was wrong. If I had known that you were related to her, I would never have bothered to talk too much. But because of your personal relationship, you made me work hard for many years and failed completely, are these really things that bigwigs in the entertainment industry should do?"

"Anyway, the matter has come to this point, I'm afraid I will never go back to the past. So I said something now, I have nothing to lose, so I am not afraid of offending anyone, even if you are Mo Ziye I'm not afraid of anyone else."

The video ends here.In the end, Apu looked at the camera full of anger, but his whole face was full of bitterness.

Ye Xiaozhu clicked on the message, and there were hundreds of thousands of comments underneath.Most of them are apologizing to Apu, expressing sympathy and understanding, or supporting her to look after her message.

Many knights from TheKing came over, saying that this matter was not the original intention of Emperor Ye and Emperor Ran, and there must be some misunderstanding.Emperor Ye and Emperor Ran would not do such things.

All messages, Apu did not reply.Only this message Apu replied.

She said: "I know this is not the original intention of Emperor Ye and Emperor Ran. They just misunderstood me and were confused." '

If there were too many words, Apu didn't say much, but cleverly made everyone point their fingers at Ye Xiaozhu. , that 'confuses Yehuang and Randi's small street dance club backup dancer'.

Having already been human fleshed once, and the photo of the supporting dancer was released, Ye Xiaozhu was found very quickly.The various attacks that came with it were simply unsightly.

Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lower lip, feeling a little helpless.It's just that she was wondering why Apu exposed this matter now, and who exposed her game account?

Should she say that A Pu is smart or too scheming?The image of himself who has been wronged but does not say anything is extremely perfect.Ye Xiaozhu really wanted to give her an expression, that expression of 'the baby is wronged, but the baby doesn't say anything'.

Just as he was thinking, the phone rang suddenly, and it was Mo Ziye who called.

"Ye Huang, you are looking for me~" Ye Xiaozhu's voice was sweet, not at all like someone who had just been hacked to pieces.

"Well, don't go online for a few days, and don't play games." Mo Ziye's voice was still deep, but it gave people a sense of security. "Apu posted a video on the Internet and blackmailed you. Xiaojiu will deal with this matter, so don't worry."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, feeling inexplicably relieved in his heart. "Well, don't worry, Emperor Ye, I won't be angry with her. It's a pity that the game account has also been exploded. It's really strange. Very few people know that I play games."

Except for Nan Anyang, Nan Ange, and Mo Ziye, no one else knew that she played games.

Ye Xiaozhu frowned, really couldn't think of who it was, Duduzui changed the topic. "It's a pity, I can't go to the game to play with you. How about we add a QQ, nothing to video or something? Hehe, if I can video with Yehuang, I will definitely die of happiness."

"Heh~ If you strongly request, I'll add you when I'm done." Mo Ziye smiled dotingly.I was worried that she would be sad, but I didn't expect that she would think of asking for a video. I really can't change my character of escape.

"Okay, okay~ I'll wait for you then. By the way, I met the agent of Dingfeng Media today, and he asked me to sign a contract. Yehuang, has my inner beauty been discovered?"

"Sign the contract..." Mo Ziye was slightly silent.

"Well, but I refused. I heard that there are hidden-rules and so on. I am too young to accept this kind of scale. If I want to dive, I just want to be dived by you alone~" Ye Xiaozhu grinned, and began to tease Mo Mo again. Ziye.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.She held her mobile phone and smiled like all the girls in love, both silly and sweet.

When she received a call from Mo Ziye, she felt as if she had taken ten catties of reassurance, not worried at all.And he didn't think about anything, just stared at the QQ account Mo Ziye sent.

After adding Mo Ziye's QQ, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but wonder if she would be worshiped to death if the fact that she had Yehuang's private QQ account was posted in the fan group~
By the way, I will be annoyed to death by people who want an account...

Grinning, Ye Xiaozhu re-registered a Weibo account.The name was 'Are your eyes lame', and then frantically swiped the screen under Apu's video message.

Can't open her own account to reply, it's not her style if she doesn't open a trumpet to scold people.

After posting a few comments, some people started scolding her.Ye Xiaozhu didn't care, and tore them apart one by one, his combat effectiveness was extremely tough.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Mo Ziye's QQ avatar was beating, and a video request popped up.

(End of this chapter)

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