Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 178 Let's find someone

Chapter 178 Let's find someone

Immediately there was a knock on the door, and Nan Anyang yelled outside the door: "Little Zhuye, open the door quickly, go and experience your last day of ordinary life."

Ye Xiaozhu opened the door and saw Nan Ange standing outside, she nodded as a greeting.Then he said to Nan Anyang: "Sister Yang, to experience the life of ordinary people on the last day, is it to go to the club to attend classes?"

"Yes, my brother said that if you become a star, you can no longer go to the club to take classes, so this is your last class. After class, we are going to have a crazy night, go to the night market, go to Central Street, Go to various crowded places, and then come to an all-night karaoke to commemorate your dead freedom."

"Bah, you're the only one who died free." Ye Xiaozhu gave Nan Anyang a blank look, but felt that what she said made sense.

She suddenly said with a mournful face, "If I become an entertainer, will I no longer be able to go to the night market to eat at roadside stalls? I will no longer be able to go to the riverside to see flower boats, and I will no longer be able to go to an amusement park, right?"

"Of course, unless you are not popular, if you are not popular, no one will pay attention to you. If you are popular, hehehe." Nan Anyang smiled "hehe", and pulled Ye Xiaozhu out.

The three of them walked on the street, under the midday sun, adding a touch of laziness. "Little Zhuye, feel the sunshine on the street, you will have fewer chances in the future."

Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corner of his mouth, too lazy to speak.

Nan Ange suddenly stopped, frowned and asked, "Xiao Zhu, why do you suddenly want to join the entertainment industry? Mo Ziye is so attractive to you?"

Under the bright sunlight, Nan Ange's eyes were slightly squinted, his brows were frowned, and his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Ye Xiaozhu paused for a moment, a flash of guilt flashed in her dark eyes. "Oba, I'm sorry."

"You know what I want to hear is not sorry. Isn't it good to live an ordinary life? You must become a star and let others point out it? Will you be happy then?"

"Yes." Ye Xiaozhu's ethereal voice sounded like a clear spring, gently knocking. "Where there is Emperor Ye, I will be happy. I don't care what other people think. I just want to live for myself selfishly."

Is it selfish to live for yourself?

Nan An Ge suddenly had nothing to say: "Then you don't care what I think, I've been waiting for you for so long."

Ye Xiaozhu took a breath, raised his head, and looked straight into Nan Ange's eyes. "Ouba, I am to you what Emperor Ye is to me. It is a distant dream, and we are all obsessed with the same."

"But you are by my side, I can touch you with my hand." Nan Ange frowned tightly, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Can chasing stars really reach this level? !Isn't it okay to chase stars rationally?

"Emperor Ye is the same as me, it's no longer out of reach." Ye Xiaozhu suddenly smiled lightly, and said very firmly: "If I hadn't made friends with Emperor Ye, I would at most be a screen-licking dog. I have never been to the airport. Every day I yell on the Internet that my baby is so handsome, and then go to various webpages to vote for him, tearing up with all kinds of black fans. Doing the same things as ordinary fans. But now it is different, I have a chance To get close to Emperor Ye, if you have a chance to walk to that person, why don't you try and work hard?"

Her small face was raised high, with persistence and pride on her face.

Looking at that small face, Nan Ange said with some frustration: "If you take a hundred steps towards him, will he take one step towards you? Is it worth it?"

"He just needs to stand where he is, and wait for me to go to him." Ye Xiaozhu smiled softly, very softly: "Ouba, thank you for taking care of me for so many years, I will live well, and you will too better."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left. Nan Anyang sighed faintly, and followed Ye Xiaozhu.

The two walked in front, and Nan Ange walked far behind, separated by a long distance.

Ye Xiaozhu sighed, his face full of helplessness.

Nan Anyang smiled "hehe" and said, "Little Zhuye, tell the truth, have you checked on the Internet how to reject others, and even said the words 'I will live well, you must be better than me', It took a lot of effort to reject my brother."

"Am I so sullen? I have no choice..." Ye Xiaozhu had a bitter face. She was a young and beautiful girl, but she just wanted to chase after an idol, get close to an idol, and knock down an idol. What a simple wish, but unexpectedly What kind of dream do you want to talk about, really...

She hugged her shoulders and shivered with a little chill.

After a while, when they arrived at the club, although Nan Ange came together, he was far away from them.

Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips, her face full of helplessness.She's sorry for her childhood sweetheart brother, why don't you pull her out and kill her.

In class in the afternoon, several of them were not in good condition, and the teacher laughed at them several times.

At the beginning of the second class, there was a sudden noise at the door and bursts of surprise. Ye Xiaozhu looked over and blinked in astonishment.

Isn't that bodyguard walking in front, Brother Xiong?
Emperor Ye's exclusive bodyguard, why did he appear here?Also, aren't the two people in the back, Brother Little Wolf and Brother Little Nine, could it be...?
Ye Xiaozhu looked over in disbelief, and Nan Anyang was also full of astonishment.

Behind Xiao Lang and Xiao Jiu, the two tall figures suddenly flickered, and they just walked into everyone's sight.

Mo Ziye, dressed in white, looks like a prince walking out of a pictorial, with his long legs moving, he is extremely domineering and majestic.

Later, Gu Qingran was wearing a light blue casual outfit, with sunglasses on his face, and his thin lips were slightly hooked. Just one glance made people's heart beat faster.

In the club, the trainees were all stunned, and then there were crazy screams at the same time.

Brother Xiong and other bodyguards stopped everyone.

In the whole club, the atmosphere instantly exploded because of the arrival of Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran.

"Yehuang! Ahhh! Yehuang! It's really Yehuang! Ahhh! I saw Yehuang! Where is my phone, oh shit! Don't squeeze the ones behind!"

"Randi is so handsome! Randi, I am your knight, can you sign me up! Ahh~ Randi, I want to marry you! Randi, Randi...!"

… There were bursts of frantic screams, as if they were about to blow off the roof of the club.

Ye Xiaozhu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt that he was much calmer, at least when he first met, he didn't shout like that.

Looking at Nan Anyang out of the corner of his eyes, he saw her lowering her head and shrinking her body continuously, Ye Xiaozhu stood in front of her calmly.

As Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran moved, the crowd also moved.

Gu Qingran waved his hand and made a silent gesture.Everyone screamed like a girl, and then they all blushed and didn't speak.

Gu Qingran smiled faintly, and said, "I'm sorry, Ziye and I are here for a secret itinerary. You can take pictures and videos, but I hope you don't post them on the Internet. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Emperor Ran, what are you and Emperor Ye doing here? Ahhh, Emperor Ran, you are so handsome."

"We're here to find someone."

(End of this chapter)

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