Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 183 Do You Want To Murder Your Husband?

Chapter 183 Do You Want To Murder Your Husband?

Nan Anyang froze for a moment, the soft touch on her lips reminded her what happened.

"Gu... um!"

Before she could speak, the man's dexterous tongue stuck in, depriving her mouth of oxygen.

"Ugh! Ugh!..." Nan Anyang struggled, his fists hanging down on Gu Qingran's body.

But he didn't seem to feel it, he remained motionless, occupying the territory by himself.

Hearing the movement, Ye Xiaozhu in the front row, who was immersed in Emperor Ye's beauty, moved, wanting to get up and take a look at what happened.

Mo Ziye stretched out his hand first, and pressed Ye Xiaozhu's head against his chest.

"Emperor Ye...?"

"Shh, you're still young, so it's not suitable for you to watch things that are not suitable for children." Mo Ziye stroked her long hair, and gently curled her thin lips.

Not suitable for children... what level is it?She really wants to see, really wants to see!

But her Yehuang's chest is really strong, and you can even hear the beating of her heart.

In order to stay in Mo Ziye's arms for a while longer, Ye Xiaozhu closed her eyes, pretending that she was pure and not curious at all.


It took almost two minutes before Gu Qingran left Nan'anyang. He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the bright red on her face, and smiled lightly.

"Since you are not allowed to speak, you can always act."

"Gu Qingran, you're crazy!" Nan Anyang shouted angrily.

"Huh? Are you dissatisfied and still want it?" As he spoke, Gu Qingran pecked at the two of them again, and then said with a serious face: "Women can't be greedy, after all, there are outsiders here, almost It’s ok. If it’s not enough, we can find a place where no one is there.”

"Gu Qingran, you...!" Nan Anyang blushed with anger, before he could finish speaking, Gu Qingran stopped his mouth again.

She frowned and bit her teeth hard.

"Well, woman, are you a cat?" Gu Qingran left Nan'anyang in pain, with blood spilling from his lips.

He stuck out his tongue, and Nan Anyang could clearly see the blood on his tongue.Turning her head away, there was a flash of distress in her eyes.

Gu Qingran took a breath, approached Nan Anyang, and forced her to look at him. "Woman, do you know that there is a way to die called 'biting your tongue to kill yourself', you bit me so hard, do you want to murder your own husband?"

Seeing the blood on his lips, Nan Anyang felt a little guilty. "Who told you to be a hooligan..."

"Excuse me, is kissing your ex-wife called hooliganism? Even if it is hooliganism, you will die? I am a singer, and you hurt my tongue, which is tantamount to murdering my career."

"It's not that serious..."

Gu Qingran said confidently: "May I ask if your tongue hurts, can you still sing well?"

"I haven't been in pain, I don't know." Nan Anyang turned his head away angrily.

"Then let me, an authoritative person in the singer industry, tell you that if your tongue is injured, eating will be affected, and drinking will also be affected. If a person cannot eat and drink well, he will have no strength. No strength I can’t lift my spirits to do anything, and my tongue is injured, not only can I slur my words, but also my skills such as transphonation, tremolo, and falsetto will be limited.”

"Really?" Nan Anyang was full of disbelief, but with Gu Qingran's status, no singer would dare to doubt his words.

"Of course it's true." Gu Qingran looked serious, with a smile hidden in his eyes.It's really worth it for him to get hurt if she can let her guard down a little bit.

"Then should we talk about compensation?"

Nan Anyang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Compensation, what compensation? You mean mental damage?"

"No, for that fee, just use the kiss just now to pay for it. I'm talking about the thing that hurt my tongue." Gu Qingran shook his head and said solemnly: "Although you are my ex-wife, but We're divorced, which means we don't have any relationship now."

"And as my next wife, you haven't married me yet, so I don't need to give you a discount. Then let me tell you about my itinerary for the next few days. Little wolf!"

Gu Qingran yelled, and said lightly, "Bring me my itinerary for this week."

Little Wolf parked the car aside, quickly took out the itinerary from his bag, and handed it behind him without turning his head.

Satisfied, Mo Ziye took the itinerary and handed it to Gu Qingran.

The caravan was used again. Gu Qingran spread out the itinerary and said one by one: "Well, let me take a look. On the 17th, there will be a breakfast cake launch in the morning, and there will be a flagship store event in the afternoon. On the 18th, breakfast Press conference for cake commercials, fly to L City in the afternoon, on the 19th, a magazine interview, and an awards ceremony in the afternoon. On the 20th..."

Every time Gu Qingran mentioned an itinerary, he would calculate the liquidated damages. After a week, there were more than a dozen delays in the itinerary, and the liquidated damages were as high as [-] million.

After finishing speaking, Gu Qingran threw the itinerary aside, looked at Nan Anyang and said seriously: "Since the relationship between you and me is extraordinary, you don't need to make up for the money I earn by delaying my itinerary. Just pay the liquidated damages for these trips.”

"Are you blackmailing me?" Nan Anyang raised his voice.

"Madam, if you want to say that, I will sue you for defamation. This is just normal compensation, and I don't want any more. If you don't believe me, you can ask my assistant."

"No, no need." Nan Anyang turned his head away, with a helpless expression on his face.

She thought about it for a while, and her face froze. "Whether you want money or not, you can decide for yourself."

"If this is the case, I'm afraid I will take extraordinary measures." Gu Qingran smiled lightly, and a light that Nan Anyang couldn't understand flashed in her peach blossom eyes.

Ye Xiaozhu huddled in Mo Ziye's arms, secretly listening to the movement behind her, rolled her big eyes around, and whispered to Mo Ziye: "Emperor Ye, Emperor Ran is indeed a character who plucks the wild goose's hair. He was so miserable."

"In my arms, you still have the heart to eavesdrop on what others are saying?" Mo Ziye raised his brows, his face slightly displeased.

"Um, I just listened casually, by the way, by the way..." Ye Xiaozhu grinned, and said secretly: "Yehuang, if you said that to me, I would sell myself as a slave and take the opportunity to live in my life forever." By your side. If you think the money is gone, I will bite you again."

After speaking, Ye Xiaozhu paused for a moment, raised her small face and stared at Mo Ziye seriously. "Yehuang, is it really good for you to hold a girl like this? Tell me, are you interested in me? I also covet you for a long time. Let's date."

"Drool, heh, you really know how to use words indiscriminately."

"Emperor Ye, if you didn't refuse, it means you agree, right? We've officially become boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

Ye Xiaozhu stared at Mo Ziye excitedly, with a bright light in his eyes.

"Now that we have become boyfriend and girlfriend, we should do something that boyfriend and girlfriend should do, right. As mature men and women, where are we going now, a hotel? I agree!"

 I have received many farewells from babies recently.Those who took the exam, those whose mobile phones were confiscated, or those who chose to become fat.How to put it, as a cold fox who can endure loneliness, I will never beg you not to leave with tears streaming down my face.Anyway, I begged, you will not come back←_←So I choose to wait.Thank you for your rewards. The adults from all walks of life have spared no effort to support (fox abuse) so that I was deeply locked in the little black room.So add more until the end of the month.Wow~ By the way, I'm not a little goblin who grinds people, I'm a demon fox~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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