Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 187 Their Family Matters

Chapter 187 Their Family Matters

Looking at the words on the screen, Ye Xiaozhu's heart warmed up. It turned out that Emperor Ye was so kind to her and only accepted her as his apprentice~
Moran Ziye: "However, I almost have no apprentices now."

"Uh... Great God, what do you mean? Could it be that you don't want me?" The little fox girl ran up to Mo Ran Ziye, flicking her fluffy tail back and forth, feeling pitiful.

Mo Ran Ziye: "Hmph."

...Ye Xiaozhu grinned speechlessly, and said in the team channel: "Yiwei, help me tell your brother Ziye that the way he gets angry is really childish, and every time he gets angry, he replies with one word, nothing at all." Novelty."

(Team) Yi Wei smiled and said, "Brother Ziye's angry way is so cute, how naive. I don't want to help you spread the word."

(Team) Mo Ran Ziye: "Yiwei, you have to remember to respect the master, and when you see the master online, you must greet him, don't be like someone, pretending not to see it."

(Team) Zhulin Tingyu: "Um, I really didn't see you online..."

(Team) Moran Ziye: "Hmph."

(Team) Zhulin Tingyu: "Besides, I'm not only your apprentice, I'm also your wife! I'm married! Why should I greet you?"

(Team) Mo Ranziye: "Yiwei, tell your master that she dared to leave me and go away, so you should be prepared to be punished."

(Team) Yi Wei smiled and said: "Brother Ziye, what did you leave behind? Is it because Master stopped playing with you?"

Ye Xiaozhu grinned, and quickly changed the subject. "I have a reason, let's not mention that matter, let's play the dungeon happily, the dungeon time is up soon."

The little fox girl walked towards the dungeon first, her petite body turned somersaults, and ran quickly into the mine.

In the team channel, Yi Wei Xiao Zhu Ye and Mo Ran Zi Ye continued to chat.

"Brother Ziye, what left you behind? Could it be that Master stopped playing with you and played with others? As your apprentice and wife, she didn't even play games with you. Playing with others is considered cheating Can I teach her a lesson?"

Mo Ranziye: "That's right, as long as she's not with me, she's cheating. But, only I can teach her a lesson, you can't."

Yi Wei smiled and said: "Is it the so-called respecting teachers and morals again? It's too annoying. Why do we have so many etiquettes in our country, and it's not like this in foreign countries."

Mo Ranziye: "You should learn to respect the teacher and respect the Tao. If you can't learn it, then don't go back to China. Just stay abroad."

Yi Wei smiled and said: "I'm just talking, I've been studying very hard."

Mo Ran Ziye: "Yes. Let's go and find your master."

Yi Wei smiled and said: "Are you going to catch the cheating woman? Then let's go. Brother Ziye, I support you in punishing her."

"Cough! I'm sorry, the 'cheating woman' you are talking about can see you talking." Ye Xiaozhu interrupted them speechlessly. "I said that if you want to talk about me, you can chat privately. Why do you have to talk about it in the team channel?"

Yi Wei smiled and said: "We have a clear conscience, but you. Why did you abandon Brother Ziye? Hurry up and apologize to Brother Ziye."

Ye Xiaozhu rolled his eyes at the screen, and said angrily: "Children, don't get involved in adults' affairs. This is our family matter, and we will handle it ourselves."

Is their housework...

Mo Ziye pursed his lips lightly and raised a slight arc. These words were really pleasing to the eye.

Yi Wei smiled and said: "Brother Ziye's business is my business, I must take care of it."

Mo Ranziye: "Yiwei, this is our family matter, we will handle it ourselves."

"Ah? Brother Ziye, don't you want to punish her? I'm helping you."

"She is your master, no matter what the circumstances, you are not allowed to say such things again." After Mo Ziye finished speaking, he tapped his slender fingertips and manipulated the character to walk into the mine.

Ye Xiaozhu waited at the fork in the road, pursing her mouth and blushing slightly.

Her family Ye Huang admitted that this is their family matter, does that count as her approval?Are you not angry anymore?
Thinking about it carefully, Emperor Ye was actually very kind to her.When all the stars are trying their best to hide their relationship, what he thinks is to reveal her identity and justify her name, which is an enviable thing for all women.However, her arrogant self-esteem was causing trouble, and she wanted to become famous by her own efforts.

For this matter, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't persuade himself to back down.However, the prerequisite for becoming a star is to be with Emperor Ye. Even if you can't become boyfriend and girlfriend, at least the relationship must be more harmonious and more ambiguous!

Having figured everything out, Ye Xiaozhu broke into a cold sweat for his temper tantrum with Emperor Ye just now, and immediately decided to launch the tactic of 'coaxing Emperor Ye'.

But in an instant, the cold little girl from the fox tribe immediately rushed to Mo Ranziye, flicking her tail.

"Master, this dungeon is so strange. I played it according to the strategy on the Internet, but why can't I get through it? Can you teach me?"

The petite fox girl made a 'cute' expression while talking, as if she was acting like a baby.

Mo Ziye raised his eyebrows. He didn't know why Ye Xiaozhu's attitude changed suddenly, so he replied calmly with an 'um'.

Ye Xiaozhu manipulated the little fox girl and started to circle Moranziye's calf. "Hey, God, how are we going to fight? Which fork should we take? Is my way of fighting wrong? How strange?"

Yi Weixiao came to the two of them and asked inexplicably, "Master, why are you circling Brother Ziye?"

"I'm hugging my thigh~ Oh, no, it's my calf. Because I can't reach my thigh..." Ye Xiaozhu narrowed his eyes, and said again: "Master, let's make a dungeon quickly, shall we? After we're done, go home and go to the bridal chamber , to increase the intimacy of husband and wife, we still respect each other as guests now, I want to become a fairy couple with you."

What she was talking about was the level of intimacy between husband and wife in "Sword Dance World".The level of intimacy between husband and wife is divided into five levels: respect each other as guests, treat each other like eyebrows, love each other, fly together, and fairy couple.And the growth of intimacy can only be increased through the 'bridal chamber', the couple's daily tasks and sending flowers.

Ye Xiaozhu didn't want to raise the status of husband and wife, but just wanted to find a quiet place to 'coax Emperor Ye'.

Yi Weixiao hugged Zhuye's shoulders and stood in front of Ye Xiaozhu. "Master, I'm still young, can you say this in front of my face?"

Before Ye Xiaozhu could refute, Mo Ziye said coolly, "You're already, according to the law, you're an adult."

Yi Wei smiled and said: "Why do I have a feeling of being hurt? Brother Ziye, don't you want to punish her? Why are you still helping her to speak? I'm not happy."

Ye Xiaozhu grinned and smiled. "Teacher, you must have never heard of 'husband and wife fight at the end of the bed', right? This is our family affair, so don't get involved."

(End of this chapter)

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