Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 193 Be Good, Don't Move

Chapter 193 Be Good, Don't Move
"Take you to the training." Gu Qingran smiled lightly.

The elevator leads directly to the underground parking lot. After getting off the elevator, he dragged Nan Anyang away.

Nan Anyang tugged back hard, refusing to leave.

Gu Qingran looked back and smiled faintly. "I don't know if it's because you are a goddess, so your weight is really light to me. If you don't want to go, I can hold you. To be honest, I don't mind at all."

"Gu Qingran, you are crazy! You must be crazy! It's your perverted and distorted hobby, right? When I liked you, you hated me to death, and now you're hanging around in front of me again. Tell you, sister? I like you, you mean nothing to my sister! If you still have a little..."

Nan Anyang's face was flushed with anger, before he finished speaking, Gu Qingran took a step forward, Jun's face was full of helplessness.

"It's such an unforgiving little mouth, can I refuse to listen?" He tilted his head slightly, as if he was about to kiss it.

Nan Anyang stretched out his hand and stopped him. "Been attacked by you once, do you think there will be a second time? Are you afraid that I will bite your tongue off?!"

"Well, yes, I forgot if you didn't tell me." Gu Qingran nodded, and suddenly smiled wickedly. "Miss Tiannv, I don't know if the currency in your heaven and our world are the same, but you haven't paid the fee for biting me. What do you plan to pay?"

"Gu Qingran, you..." Before Nan Anyang finished speaking, he was pulled by Gu Qingran, and he suddenly threw himself into his arms.

A big hand was directly attached to her head, pressing her against his chest, unable to move.

"Shh, someone is coming down. Don't move, be careful not to be photographed." A soft voice, like a murmur, sounded from above the head.

Nan Anyang was taken aback for a moment, and then heard several female voices behind him.

"Ah, it's Gu Qingran! I'm so happy to meet Emperor Ran here!"

"Strange, who is that in Emperor Ran's arms? Is it the new girlfriend of Emperor Ran? Take a quick shot! I want to post on Weibo!"

Immediately, there was the clicking sound of the camera, and a female voice asked: "Randi, is this your new girlfriend? What are you doing in the underground parking lot? Randi, why don't you let us see what your girlfriend looks like? You Don't you never care about these things?"

"Randi Randi! Can you introduce your girlfriend's identity, you must be very concerned about her to protect her like this? Is she an outsider? She doesn't look like an actress in her clothes, so let us take a look what?"

Nan Anyang couldn't see what was going on outside, she only knew that Gu Qingran's hand holding her head hadn't been taken away, and then she moved slightly, took off her coat and covered her head, to ensure that any Gu Qingran suddenly picked her up after he couldn't get a picture of her from any angle.

"Hey, don't move." A soft voice came over, like an adult telling a child.But in an instant, the voice became extremely cold again.

"Get out of the way!" The always gentle and gentlemanly voice seemed to come from hell, making people tremble involuntarily.

"Emperor Ran, you, you are actually angry? Didn't you never care about these things? Didn't your girlfriends in the past just let others take pictures? You didn't care if you were surrounded by reporters. Today you..."

"Go away." Before the girl finished speaking, Gu Qingran frowned coldly, and the cold and angry voice frightened the girl into silence.

He hugged her and walked away quickly, leaving with an unusually stalwart figure.

The few girls who happened to come down looked at this scene from a distance, and dared not follow anyway, even if they knew that by following up, Nan Anyang's appearance would be exposed, their Weibo would be extremely popular.

Holding Nan Anyang's Gu Qingran in his arms was like holding a rare treasure, carefully.The coat covering her head was like a mysterious veil, enveloping his most treasured treasure.

This scene was photographed by those girls who dared not follow and posted it on Weibo.

After getting in the car, Gu Qingran didn't allow Nan Anyang to take off his coat. He didn't stop until he drove the car far away from the building.

Taking off his coat, Nan Anyang's face was extremely red.Gu Qingran couldn't help laughing, and said with a smirk: "I'm bored, I'm already driving very fast. But if I take it off too early, I'm afraid I will be photographed by others."

Nan Anyang was a little dazed, staring blankly at Gu Qingran. "You, why don't you abandon me and leave by yourself? Instead of protecting me, you should protect yourself first in that situation."

He is a star, but when he saw someone coming over, his first reaction was to protect her.Compared to her being photographed, it is more serious for him to be photographed, right?

Gu Qingran shrugged indifferently, and said lightly: "I don't care, anyway, the scandal has been spread all over the sky, and it doesn't matter if there is one more."

Thinking of Gu Qingran's countless gossips, Nan Anyang turned his head away, and asked a little uncomfortable: "I've seen all your gossips, but I've never been photographed holding hands, or more..."

Were they not photographed, or were they never held hands at all?For some reason, Nan Anyang had a strange feeling, inexplicably thinking that Gu Qingran had never held hands at all.

"Who knows." Gu Qingran shrugged, not intending to explain further.He took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiaolang's number. "After a while, I guess there will be scandals, so you suppress this matter."

"Gossip, which actress is it with? Don't you ignore these scandals, Brother Ran, why should you care about it this time? Who is that person?"

The car was very quiet, and Nan Anyang could clearly hear the surprised voice of the little wolf on the phone.

She turned her head slightly uncomfortably, pretending that she couldn't hear.

Gu Qingran said simply: "It's not an actress, you just need to suppress it, don't let this matter magnify."

"Oh, I got it." Xiaolang said a bit embarrassed: "But Brother Ran, you postponed a week's schedule, let alone the liquidated damages, fans and advertisers have started to protest, why don't you think about it and take a break Come back in two days?"

Gu Qingran secretly glanced at Nan Anyang, saw that she seemed to have heard nothing, and immediately said lightly: "That's it, you take care of these things, remember to suppress the scandal, I'll hang up."

"Brother Ran! You are..." Gu Qingran hung up the phone before the little wolf finished speaking.

He smiled slightly, as if explaining. "I didn't care about those scandals. This time I let Xiaolang suppress it. He is a little curious."

This concealment is really powerless.Didn't she hear what Little Wolf said?They asked him to resume his trip, but he concealed it as a scandal.

Nan Anyang twitched the corner of his mouth and responded with an 'oh'.

For a while, the two had nothing to say.The car was a little quiet, Gu Qingran stopped for a while, started the car, and drove to the suburbs.

"where to?"

"The suburbs, my villa."

(End of this chapter)

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