Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 299 I Deceived the Little Girl

Chapter 299 I Deceived the Little Girl
Looking at her appearance, Mo Ziye smiled helplessly.

After dinner, Ye Xiaozhu stayed in Mo Ziye's room and asked Xie Shuangxue to take her laptop, and said seriously that she wanted to play games, but her big eyes were always aiming towards the bed.

Xie Shuangxue reluctantly brought Ye Xiaozhu's computer over, and then he and Xiao Jiu went to the hotel manager again.It seems that it is very necessary for them to seal this floor and turn off the surveillance, otherwise they will be discovered sooner or later.

"Ziye, let's play a game." Seeing that there was no one else in the room, Ye Xiaozhu said with a sweet smile, "Tomorrow we will shoot a life skill MV, so let's go online and observe how the life skill movements are done."

Mo Ziye raised his eyes to look at Ye Xiaozhu, then turned around to get something. "The film crew should have given you the script and materials today, didn't you read it?"

"Uh, no..." She was either putting on makeup, changing clothes, or taking pictures all day long, so she didn't have time to read scripts and materials.

"Well, if you want to watch the action of life skills, there are details in this material." Mo Ziye raised his hand and took out the script and materials given to him by the film crew. There was a USB flash drive in the shape of a human warrior. "But I only have the actions of male characters here, and the actions of female characters should be in your USB flash drive."

"Yes, then I'll go get it." Ye Xiaozhu stood up, walked halfway and said seriously: "Zi Ye, you won't open the door for me, right? How can I say that I am also your girlfriend, you won't put Am I shutting the door?"

"I'm not only your boyfriend, but also your idol. Didn't you keep me out?" Mo Ziye said coolly, pursing his lips.

Ye Xiaozhu was at a loss for words, a smile immediately filled his face, he ran to Mo Ziye's side, threw himself into his arms, and acted like a kitten. "Didn't they misunderstand you? Then they are wrong, okay? Don't worry about me if you have a lot of adults. If it's a big deal, they will let you kiss, okay?"

"Are you sure asking me to kiss you is an apology, not because you want to take advantage of me?" Mo Ziye smiled, looking at Ye Xiaozhu's kitten look, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to stroke her fur.

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend! In an aboveboard relationship, even if you do something, it is not illegal. How can you say that you take advantage? If you say take advantage, it belongs to both parties. I take advantage of you, and you also eat." Give me tofu."

Ye Xiaozhu rubbed against Mo Ziye's arms, feeling her strong chest and abdominal muscles, and said sternly: "Except for giving her first kiss to a pacifier, no other man has touched it before. Emperor Ye, you earned it."

Mo Ziye raised his eyebrows and said flatly, "I also gave a pacifier for my first kiss."


"You earned it too."

Under the soft light, Mo Ziye smiled very charmingly. The smile on his thin lips seemed to be full of endless temptation, but there was also a hint of shyness in it.

The man who looked like an evildoer smiled lightly, which made people's hearts twitch.

Ye Xiaozhu was dazzled by his smile, the corner of her eyes only had time to catch sight of his slightly red ears, before she could think about it, she was already picked up by him.

The kiss, from light to heavy, deepened bit by bit.

He held her in his arms, like holding a baby, very precious.

Fiery breaths intertwined, igniting an ambiguous atmosphere.

It took a while before Mo Ziye let her go, looked at her bewitched eyes, and smiled slightly.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at Mo Ziye obsessively, and didn't want to take his eyes off Mo Ziye's face for a moment.It's just that the increasingly hard thing under her body made her face blush with embarrassment.

Jumping up from Mo Ziye all of a sudden, Ye Xiaozhu didn't dare to look at Mo Ziye with a blushing face, but said in a low voice: "Yehuang, you should take a cold shower, I will go back to get the USB drive, and come back later." .”

After Ye Xiaozhu finished speaking, she ran out of Mo Ziye's room like a frightened rabbit, and when she returned to her own room, she was still blushing and her heart was pounding.

After finding the USB flash drive and calming down for a while, Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but think, it seems that her family Yehuang didn't have feelings for her. With the hardness just now, he should just throw her down, but why did he stop in the end?

Thinking about it, Ye Xiaozhu's little face turned red again.The size of her Yehuang is not ordinary.

Mo Ziye on the other side watched Ye Xiaozhu rush out of the room, and sighed helplessly.The lust in his eyes scattered, he walked into the bathroom, took a cold shower, then picked up the phone, and called a number he didn't usually dial.

The phone rang a few times before it was picked up, and a tough voice came over: "Ziye, it's so late to call, what's the matter?"

Mo Ziye pursed his lower lip, and his voice was more respectful than usual. "Dad, is my mother asleep?"

Mo Chen glanced at his wife who was eavesdropping by the pillow, and seeing her shaking her head, he said very seriously: "Sleeping."

"Well, there is something I want to tell you." Mo Ziye nodded and said, "On the 28th, I will bring my girlfriend back. You can tell my mom on the 27th..."

"Girlfriend? You finally cheated on the girl!" An excited female voice sounded, and the two men holding the phone fell silent for a while.

Zhang Yaxian snatched Mo Chen's phone excitedly, and hurriedly asked: "Ziye, do you really have a girlfriend? What does it look like, how old is it? Are you going to school or work? Do her parents know about your relationship?"

Mo Ziye sighed helplessly, and said softly, "Still in school."

"Going to school, shouldn't you be a primary school student? Ziye, you can't just rely on your reputation to seduce primary school students. They are flowers that harm the motherland. Your age difference is too big, and mom can't accept it!" Zhang Yaxian was very serious. To say the least, there is a feeling of earnestness in the voice.

Mo Ziye rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: "Mom, she is a junior, only three years younger than me. You have to trust me, I can really find a girlfriend."

"Junior? That's okay, but a good junior who has received higher education from the state, how could he take a fancy to you? Is it because of some physical defect? ​​Or is the child too innocent?...Ah, ah, ah, It doesn't matter, anyway, you bring it back and show it to Mom, Mom has to check on the little girl, if the little girl has no disabilities, don't put the rest of your life on you."

"Mom..." Mo Ziye held his forehead helplessly, a rare embarrassment appeared on his handsome face. "Mom, there are many people who want to marry me, many normal and excellent girls want to marry me."

"They were deceived by your appearance, and they will abandon you when they come into contact with your reality. You say that you can neither cook nor love others, which girl will marry you? It's because of that face that you inherited your father's genes, otherwise where are you going to lie to girls."

"Wife, don't talk about it, Ziye finally cheated one of them back after all these years, let's have a look first and then talk about it." Mo Chen gently persuaded on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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