Chapter 311

Mo Ziye was taken aback by what she said, and his fingertips were still hooked into Ye Xiaozhu's skirt, creating a gap.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at Mo Ziye with embarrassment, his little face was blushing.

Mo Ziye's ears were also red, and he pretended to be calm and said, "Your waist is red."

"I, know." Ye Xiaozhu was embarrassed, her little hands tightly clutching her skirt. "Even if it's can't pull my skirt."

"Still letting go?" Ye Xiaozhu blinked, "Yehuang, you can't just grab a girl's skirt just because you are handsome..."

Mo Ziye withdrew his hand and coughed lightly.He didn't think about it so much, he just saw a red spot on her waist and wanted to take a look.

"Forget it, you are handsome and you have the capital to play hooligans." Ye Xiaozhu said quietly: " can't be outside."

The ethereal voice sounded faintly, with a bit of complaint.

Mo Ziye was a little embarrassed, he coughed, and said softly, "Then go back and watch at night."

There was an embarrassment of pretending to be calm in the serious tone.

After Mo Ziye finished speaking, Ye Xiaozhu's face turned even redder.Both of them were a little embarrassed, and sat in their seats. After a while, the makeup artist and stylist came over, changed their looks and continued to work.

I don't know how Xie Shuangxue told the costumer. The costumer replaced Ye Xiaozhu's fox tail with a slightly wider cotton strip. Although it still hurts, it is much better.

Back at the hotel at night, Mo Ziye intended to see the swelling on Ye Xiaozhu's waist, but he received a phone call from Gu Qingran.When he finished the interview, Ye Xiaozhu had already returned to his room to rest.

After several days of filming, Ye Xiaozhu was so tired that he didn't have the energy to tease Mo Ziye, nor did he play games.Five days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the last scene of the MV shooting.

"Xiaozhu, this is the last scene of this scene. You have performed very well these few days. Come on for the last scene. You must leave a deep impression on the audience." Xie Shuangxue encouraged Ye Xiaozhu.

They are now rushing to the filming location of the last scene, which is said to be filmed by the sea.

Ye Xiaozhu nodded feebly, leaning on the back of the chair.The black eyes looked out of the car window: "Sister Xue, why did you have to shoot the last scene at the beach? Can't it be done in the swimming pool?"

"The director meant that the scenery by the sea might be very suitable. You see, today, it's rainy outside, and the sea is choppy and choppy. It's suitable for the last scene."

"Yeah...the seaside scenery is nice." Ye Xiaozhu smiled weakly with the corners of his mouth pulled.

If you come to the beach on a rainy day, is it considered dead?

After a while, when we arrived at the seaside, the prop crew began to move props and shooting machines, and the director asked Ye Xiaozhu to give a lecture in Mo Ziye's RV.

Ye Xiaozhu is wearing the armor of a fox clan swordsman, different from the white gauze armor before, her current armor is black and red intertwined, and part of her hair is coiled up, making her look more coquettish and arrogant.

After getting out of the car, the sea breeze mixed with cold rain patted on her body. Even though she was wearing a raincoat and an umbrella, Ye Xiaozhu still felt a little cold.

She was a little worried and looked at the sea. There were waves on it. Although they were not big, she was still a little scared.Her hometown is in the countryside. At that time, she was still young, and her parents would take her back to her hometown to visit her grandma and grandpa during summer and winter vacations.

It seems that when she was seven or eight years old, her uncle's brother and sister took her to play in the river.The river is not very deep, not even reaching Ye Xiaozhu's waist.But she sank for some reason, but luckily my brother watched her and picked her up immediately.At that time Ye Xiaozhu was still giggling, feeling nothing at all.

It's just that her brother scared her by saying, 'If I don't look at you, you won't be able to come up'. At that time, she was young and didn't quite understand what 'not coming up' meant.Later, when I went home, I told my mother that she ordered her not to go to the river again.She never went again.

Growing up slowly, Ye Xiaozhu finally understood what his brother said.What followed was some fear, like a shadow, she never went to the river or the sea again, even when she went to play in the water park, she would watch from afar.

Except for Nan Anyang, no one else knew about this matter.When negotiating the content of the shooting, Ye Xiaozhu did not fill in the scale and the like, and she did not expect that there would be a scene in the water.

Ye Xiaozhu sighed slightly, now that she has grown up, she should not be as stupid as she was when she was a child.

When they came to Mo Ziye's RV, the director was already there.He greeted: "Xiao Zhu, come and sit here, let's talk about the last scene."

"The main story of this scene is that after you defeated the ultimate boss, you were thrown into the water by the remaining power of the boss. You were seriously injured, and then Emperor Ye would go down to rescue you. After a while, you will go to the sea, slowly Lie inside, you will hold your breath, hold your breath and take a picture, and then Emperor Ye will go to save you."

"Just shoot the last scene where you want to hug in the water. Emperor Ye, can you give me a little hug? Just hug politely, okay?" the director asked Mo Ziye.

Ye Xiaozhu twitched her mouth speechlessly, why didn't the director ask her about this lady first?Instead, ask Emperor Ye first about her status...

Mo Ziye nodded slightly, agreeing.

The director smiled all over his face, waved his hand, and then shouted into the walkie-talkie in his hand: "Associate director, are the machines ready? Ready to shoot."

Ye Xiaozhu blinked her eyes twice, and said weakly: "Director, why don't you ask me? Why are you only asking about Ye Huang's standards..."

The director was stunned for a moment, but couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Xiaozhu, don't be cheap and act good. Who in the whole set doesn't know that you are a fan of Emperor Ye. You must be so happy to have the opportunity to hug Emperor Ye. Besides, Emperor Ye is notoriously annoying. If you can hug someone who has physical contact, you've earned it! If this news gets out, how many first-line actresses will come to film the MV without even getting paid."

The director said, smacking his tongue, it's a pity.Ye Xiaozhu is good, but he is not well-known. If it is a first-line actress to shoot, it will be like a tiger with wings added.

Ye Xiaozhu smiled, and couldn't help but say from the bottom of her heart: "Is she the one who would be happy for a polite hug now?"She is now a person who has enjoyed greater benefits.No more crazy fans for a hug.She can hug her whenever she wants. '

It's just that Ye Xiaozhu can only say this from the bottom of her heart, after all, her relationship with Mo Ziye has not been made public.

Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, feeling a little helpless.

Mo Ziye said flatly: "She is an artist under my banner, so it's not impossible to hug her. If someone else comes, I'm afraid it will need post-production."

The light words directly stated the position.Although the focus is on the "artist under the banner", he also told the director that if someone else came, he would not agree to hug.

The director smiled awkwardly, "Yes, Yehuang, you are right, I was thinking too much, haha...Well, the props are almost ready, let's start shooting after finishing the makeup."

(End of this chapter)

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