Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 316 The Open Secret in the Circle

Chapter 316 The Open Secret in the Circle

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corner of his mouth, watching the gang channel, his face was speechless.

She softly groaned, and said to Mo Ziye who was running water in the bathroom: "My lord, may I ask you to give away all the winning prizes?"

Mo Ziye turned off the faucet and walked out of the bathroom, his broken hair was hanging slightly, and his perfect figure exuded endless temptation.

He hummed lightly, then walked out of Ye Xiaozhu's room.

Ye Xiaozhu pouted, wondering what he was doing.

(Gang) Liuli in the night: "I want to hold the gang leader's leg too. It's really amazing. Dare to ask the gang leader's wife, is there any shortage of errands in your family? Can I apply for it?"

(Gang) Chief Commander: "You can stop cooking, you are already Chongchong's younger brother, 'One minister does not serve two lords, one slave does not serve two masters', you should honestly do chores for Chongchong. Gang leader Let me apply for the fat job of my younger brother."

Ye Xiaozhu chuckled, and couldn't help but said, "I'm the one who does odd jobs and runs errands in our family, what am I doing when you come here?"

(Gang) general attack: "You are a wife, we will serve you, take care of you on call, go to heaven and earth, it doesn't matter. Young hero, I am little Nezha!"

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but made a laughing emoji, and then saw a lot of 'disdain' emojis pouring out from the gang channel.

When she was giggling, Mo Ziye walked in, took a portable laptop computer table and walked into the bathroom, came out after a while, and said to Ye Xiaozhu: "The water is ready, come and wash."

"Oh, okay." Ye Xiaozhu smiled sweetly, "Baby Ziye, I'm afraid of taking a bath by myself, do you want to accompany me?"

"I'll wait for you outside."

"It's okay to go in, I'm really scared if I'm inside alone."

"You can open the door, I won't peep."

"Eh... no friends." Ye Xiaozhu was speechless.

Walking into the bathroom, she suddenly found a small computer desk next to the bathroom. Mo Ziye followed her and brought her laptop in.

"The computer is placed on this table, and it can be turned here. When you take a bath, turn the computer to the bathtub, and you can continue to play games." Mo Ziye fixed the computer and explained how to use the computer table.

"Is this safe? It won't fall into the water?" Ye Xiaozhu tilted his head, a little worried.

Is this what rich people do?I also play online games while taking a bath...

"No." Mo Ziye rubbed her hair and lowered his eyes. "If you're afraid, you don't have to close the door. I'll wait for you outside."


Ye Xiaozhu watched Mo Ziye walk out of the bathroom, but what he said in his mind was 'I don't like women who take the initiative'.

She sighed faintly, anyway, they are in this kind of relationship, sooner or later they will pounce, she can wait a little longer, for example, when going to bed tonight... After all, it is not convenient to pounce on things in the bathroom.

The room they lived in was a luxury suite in the hotel, which not only had a separate bathroom, but also a living room.The toilets are not separated by glass like ordinary hotels.The bathroom in their room is the same as at home, with normal walls.

Ye Xiaozhu opened the door and sneaked a peek at Mo Ziye, and saw him sitting on the coffee table in the living room, looking at the computer intently.She pursed her lips and lay down in the bathtub, feeling that the water in the bathtub was very comfortable.

The water that Huang Ye personally poured for her is simply holy water!It is much more comfortable than usual to release water by yourself!
Turning around the computer table, Ye Xiaozhu found that the computer was fixed on the table, which didn't look like a table in a hotel.Could it be Emperor Ye's?
Her eyes lit up in an instant. She never expected that one day, she would be able to use the bath water that Emperor Ye put, and also use Emperor Ye's computer desk.
(Private chat) Moran Ziye said to you: "Ma'am, have you taken a bath yet?"

Ye Xiaozhu nodded his head, and replied: "It's soaked, Mr. Xianggong puts the water so comfortable, the temperature is just right."

Moran Ziye: "The bathtub has a massage function, you can try it, it can relieve fatigue."

"Enen, I understand. But I'm still very scared in the bathroom. It would be great if I could have my husband with me." Ye Xiaozhu said, and sighed softly, her voice extremely resentful.

Mo Ziye smiled and replied to her on the game. "If you're scared, do something and you won't be afraid."

"for example?"

"Take you to make a copy."

As soon as the information was displayed, Ye Xiaozhu received Mo Ziye's invitation to form a team.

She nodded resentfully.It's extremely sad, she's already 'pregnant' for eight months, and you still have to take her to play a dungeon, so don't be afraid that she will give birth prematurely...

After a while, the team joined Please Eat Chongchong and Qingshi Dancer respectively, and then the four of them walked out of the city slowly.

(Private chat) Dancer of the World: "Xiao Zhuye, I heard that you drowned today, are you alright?"

Ye Xiaozhu tilted her head and said doubtfully, "Sister Goddess, how do you know I'm drowning?"

(Private chat) Dancer of the World: "Not only do I know that you are drowning, but I also know that your relationship with Ziye has been exposed."

"No way? I've explained everything!" Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to believe the news he had read.

(Private chat) Dancer of the World: "Yeah, you explained, but don't you think your explanation has a feeling of 'there is no silver 300 taels'? Anyway, I received it right after you left the set." News. Many people know about your relationship with Ziye now."

"It's over, I will be scolded by Emperor Ye's fans..."

(Private chat) Dancer of the World: "You don't have to worry about this. People who know about it are those who have some weight in the circle. Generally, the second and third tiers don't know about this news. Fans don't even know about it, but you and Ziye are in a relationship. It's an open secret in the circle."

(Private chat) Dancer of the World: "I just want to ask when you guys really plan to make it public, so I can prepare a gift for you. By the way, I can meet you in person and have a good chat with you."

Ye Xiaozhu looked at the screen resentfully, and always felt that the words of the dancer of the world had a feeling of gloating. "Sister Goddess, aren't you going to be filming? You won't have time to play games after filming. What about Brother Chong Chong?"

(Private chat) Dancer of the World: "If he can't wait for me, I'm afraid he will get divorced."

"It would be a pity if we divorced."

While talking, he finally reached the dungeon.Mo Ranziye took them into the dungeon, Ye Xiaozhu and Qingshi Dancer were still standing in the corner chatting, and Moranziye invited you to eat insects to fight monsters.

(Private chat) Dancer of the World: "We are just friends in the game, do you think everyone is like you and Ziye, how can there be so much fate."

Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

Indeed, there are many people who become "couples" in the game, but most of them are just friends in the game and will not develop into reality.Moreover, online dating has great risks, even ordinary people would not try it lightly, let alone a top actress like Lan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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