Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 331 The Grinding Goblin

Chapter 331 The Grinding Goblin
Mo Ziye carried the baby girl to Ye Xiaozhu and let her see it.

Ye Xiaozhu looked at it twice, and couldn't help saying: "It's so ugly... It's really the same as a newborn child, wrinkled and ugly."

"It doesn't matter, as long as she was born by you, it doesn't matter even if she is always so ugly." Mo Ziye smiled, and then called out a control panel.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help leaning over to Mo Ziye's side to watch.

"This is the baby's control panel, which can be controlled by both parents. When the baby is born, the growth rate is realistic. One minute is equal to one day of the game. After the full moon, the growth rate becomes realistic. One day is equal to one month of the game. When it grows to four years old After that, ten days in reality is equivalent to one month in the game.”

Mo Ziye explained lightly: "That is to say, the baby will be full moon in three or ten minutes, and will be a four-year-old child in 10 days, and then grow one year every four months."

"...It's so complicated." Ye Xiaozhu shrugged, and then asked: "Didn't it mean that babies can also pinch their faces? When can they be pinched?"

Mo Ziye adjusted the control panel and activated the baby's face pinching system. "You can pinch after the full moon, and each pinch can last for 'one year'. For example, if you pinch his face after the full moon, he will change back to the system after he turns one year old, and you need to pinch his face again."

Ye Xiaozhu twitched the corner of his mouth, pointed at the one thousand gold coins displayed below, and couldn't help but said, "Squeeze one thousand gold coins at a time? Does "Sword Dance World" suck blood? Let me wait for these commoners to die?"

"You have me. And babies look good without pinching their faces. If you don't have money, you don't have to pinch them." Mo Ziye smiled, and then adjusted the baby attribute panel.

"After the full moon, you can put it in the nursery, and you can start early education after one year old. Early education can improve her attributes, and her attack power will not be weaker than the player after training. When you fight with others, it is equivalent to two people fighting one other. The baby is still It will be easy to cooperate, and if you cooperate well, you may be able to beat me."

"Really?" Ye Xiaozhu became interested in an instant, and no matter how much it cost, she still had a lot of gold coins in her account anyway. "I will definitely raise the baby well, and when the time comes, I will bring her to throw you down, Quack."

"I'll wait for you." Mo Ziye smiled, and studied with Ye Xiaozhu how to raise babies, and they arrived in half an hour.

Ye Xiaozhu squeezed the baby's face with great interest.

The baby is still young and very cute. Ye Xiaozhu found that he could choose the race for the baby, either human or fox.It is estimated that because the race of the parents is different, so the baby can choose the race of the parents.

Ye Xiaozhu chose the baby as a fox family, and then began to pinch his face seriously.Because it is a baby girl, she chose a face that is exactly the same as her own.

A holy white light emanated from the little baby girl, and when the white light disappeared, she became a miniature version of Ye Xiaozhu.

"My lord, do you think our mothers look alike?" The little girl of the fox family hugged the little baby, and her two very similar little faces were pressed together.

Mo Ziye's gaze softened a lot, "Let's name the baby."

"Baby?" Ye Xiaozhu blurted out.

"Not nice."

"Eh... love Emperor Ye forever?"

"Limit to one to three words."

"Eh... two leaves together, invincible under heaven?" After Ye Xiaozhu finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

Mo Ziye shook his head and said softly, "It's better to call him Ye Ye."

"Ye Ye? Grandpa... Mr. Xianggong, are you sure you really want to be called by this name? Isn't it taking advantage of others?" Ye Xiaozhu said, and couldn't help laughing.

"That's it, I think it sounds good." Mo Ziye lowered his eyes lightly, and sent the baby to the nursery.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but said: "What are you doing, I haven't played enough, why should I..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Mo Ziye download the game and close the laptop.

"My lord, are you not playing anymore?"

"Well, I'm tired and want to rest." After Mo Ziye finished speaking lightly, he walked into the bathroom, and the sound of water came after a while.

Ye Xiaozhu froze for a moment, her face flushed red.Ga, Emperor Ye is taking a bath, it seems that the bathroom door is not locked, should she peek?
But she is a lady, she has burdens...

Ye Xiaozhu struggled, and finally resisted the idea of ​​peeking, then turned off the computer, climbed onto the bed by herself, and pulled down her pajamas a lot.

She tried her best to put on a seductive pose, showing her long snow-white legs and seductive dimples, and then pretended to be casually holding the phone, watching it absent-mindedly.

They have all received their certificates, even if they haven't held a wedding yet, they are legally married couples.Emperor Ye shouldn't reject her again, right?Anyway, even if Emperor Ye refuses, she will throw him down!
Ye Xiaozhu embraced the determination of the Death Squad, and decided that if he failed, he would be benevolent.

Ten minutes later, Mo Ziye came out. He only wore a bath towel around his waist, and he didn't wear any clothes on his upper body. His firm chest and eight-pack abs were exposed.

The hair was still a little wet, and water droplets dripped slowly, across the collarbone, chest muscles, and abdominal muscles, and finally disappeared in the bath towel tied around the waist.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but stared blankly, she didn't expect Mo Ziye to come out with only a bath towel on.

Beautiful boy out of the bath... Do you want to be so tempting? !
Ye Xiaozhu was stunned for an instant, his eyes fixed on Mo Ziye.After chasing Mo Ziye for eight full years, it was the first time she saw Mo Ziye naked.

Her Emperor Ye is also in good shape, right?It's a pity not to reveal...

No, it's fortunate that I didn't reveal it!Otherwise, she will have more rivals in love...

Mo Ziye smiled, seeing Ye Xiaozhu's obsessed look in his star eyes, he couldn't help but flash a smile in his eyes.The bright eyes darkened instantly when they saw Ye Xiaozhu's posture and exposed long legs.

This girl is really a tormenting little fairy... Fortunately, he has married her back. If he had seen her like this before, he might have had to take a cold shower all night.

Mo Ziye lowered his eyes, and a playfulness flashed in his eyes.He suddenly stopped in his tracks, as if he didn't expect Ye Xiaozhu to be here, Jun's face showed a look of astonishment.

"Why are you still..."

Ye Xiaozhu came back to his senses, swallowed involuntarily, and said softly in an ethereal voice: "My lord, my servant is here to serve you."

Saying that, Ye Xiaozhu got up from his clothes, tried his best to control his expression, and made himself smile more reservedly and charmingly.

She walked up to Mo Ziye, lowered her head, and secretly ate Mo Ziye's tofu with her eyes.Then he said softly, "My lord, today is our big day. The beautiful scenery on a good day is worth a thousand dollars. Wouldn't it be nice not to do something?"

Mo Ziye curled his lips, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He narrowed his eyes slightly, pretending not to understand, and said lightly: "I just got the marriage certificate, and the wedding has not been officially held yet, madam, you have to be reserved."

"Obtaining a marriage certificate is a legal couple according to the law. Do husbands and wives still need to be reserved?" Ye Xiaozhu tilted his head, blinked his eyes, stretched out his small hand and threw himself into Mo Ziye's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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