Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 333 The task is to spend money hard

Chapter 333 The task is to spend money hard

"Have you received the certificate?!" Nan Anyang couldn't help exclaiming, and quickly took the marriage certificate and looked carefully.

"Little Zhuye, aren't you moving too fast? Do Ye's father and Ye's mother know?"

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, and couldn't hide the smile on his face when he saw the marriage certificate. "I know, I met Ye Huang's father and mother, and Ye Huang also went to see my parents, and then the two families met. So, although we got the certificate quickly, there are still many procedures."

Nan Anyang was speechless, not knowing what to say. "I've been living in the dormitory for the past few days and didn't go home, so I don't know about it. I didn't expect you all to get the certificate!"

Gu Qingran raised his eyebrows and said seductively: "Beautiful goddess, why don't we meet the parents and get the certificate?"

Mo Ziye's starry eyes were downcast, his handsome face was flat and unmoved, but there was a strong show off in his voice. "You are late, even if you get the certificate, it is not as fast as us."

Ye Xiaozhu's focus was on Nan Anyang, "Sister Yang, don't you not live on campus? Why do you go to live on campus when the school is on holiday?"

"Thanks to someone." Nan Anyang spread his hands speechlessly, his face was full of impatience, but his tone was not so disgusting. "A certain person left behind a large number of fans and chased me every day. It caused my Weibo and various accounts to be exploded. There are a large number of comments below, all of which asked me to promise him. All kinds of tearful please, see My hairs are all up. Except for the girls' dormitory, he can't get in, and he follows me wherever I go. Including the bathroom, he can guard the door outside."

"Cough, Emperor Ran, are you too crazy?" Ye Xiaozhu couldn't imagine that kind of situation. "Sister Yang, I bet you will be photographed wherever you go. And then there will be a lot of fans following behind you, screaming or something from time to time."

"Is there still a bet? It's the truth. You didn't go to Weibo?" Nan Anyang was speechless. "My sister is a person outside the circle, but she dominates Weibo trending searches and news headlines every day. Hey, can you imagine my sister's sadness?"

"No, I just know that you have shown me off." Ye Xiaozhu picked up her marriage certificate and pointed at the two people on the photo. "Did you see it? This is my husband, isn't he handsome? There are countless girls crying and begging to marry him, but he only dotes on me..."

"Why don't you persuade your husband to soak in the rain and dew." Nan Anyang rolled his eyes, and Ye Xiaozhu showed his face. "If I hadn't had a good relationship with you, my sister would have left long ago. It's really asking for trouble for you to show your affection here."

Ye Xiaozhu solemnly withdrew the marriage certificate, and also rolled her eyes at Nan Anyang. "You think I'm willing. If I didn't have a good relationship with you, I would have left long ago."

The two snorted at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled.We chatted quietly about the current situation.

Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran would only answer a few words occasionally, and they all looked at the two little women opposite with doting expressions.

After dinner for almost two hours, Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang were still chatting in low voices, Gu Qingran paused, and then whispered: "Han Ying went to a newly opened entertainment media."

Hearing Han Ying's name, Ye Xiaozhu and Nan Anyang couldn't help raising their heads and listening.

Mo Ziye gave a faint grace, but didn't answer.

Gu Qingran said again: "I checked that company, and the power behind it is the Wang family. It seems that the son of the Wang family suggested it. I heard that it is to inherit the family business, so I use an entertainment media to prove my strength. As for why Han Ying went to that company, I am also very surprised."

Mo Ziye nodded, indicating that he understood.The bright star eyes narrowed slightly, but said nothing.

When Han Ying threatened him and wanted to expose his playing games, it was the last time they met.But until now Han Ying has not taken any action, he doesn't think Han Ying is afraid.

Having known her for six years, Mo Ziye knew Han Ying's behavior very well.Not only is she ruthless to her enemies, she is even more ruthless to herself.So if such a person really wants to do something, he will definitely do it.

Before she found a backer, Han Ying could do nothing, but after she found a backer, it was time for her to act.She is a vicious woman who dares to strike.

It seems that from now on, he will protect Ye Xiaozhu more closely.

As for why she went to Wang's new company, Mo Ziye thought of a person who hadn't shown up for a long time.

Ye Xiaozhu tilted his head, and said softly: "Will the Wang family's son be destined for death?"

This is just her guess.Because when she met Han Ying for the last time, Han Ying kept swearing that she had found a very powerful backer, and said that the backer had a high status.She doesn't know whether the Wang family's status is high, but it should be rich to open a company as a succession test, right?
"Fate is inevitable?" Gu Qingran frowned, and asked doubtfully, "Does Wang's son have time to play games?"

Mo Ziye nodded, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes.His wife is still so sensitive to things other than him. "Whether it is fate or not is still uncertain, I will check."

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help asking: "Well, the Wang family is very powerful, right?"

"It's okay, it's a family, mainly engaged in catering. In terms of money, it's not as much as your husband." Gu Qingran pointed at Mo Ziye, and said casually.

Ye Xiaozhu opened his mouth a little bit in disbelief. "The aristocratic family sounds rich..."

"Well, but their business covers at most half of China, but your husband is a person who rushed out of Asia. He is richer than you think, so you have to work hard to spend money." Gu Qingran teased Ye Xiaozhu.

Mo Ziye said very flatly: "Madam, you have to believe in your ability to make money for your husband. You can't spend it all your life, and it will be difficult in your next life, so your task in the future is to spend money hard."

"Um, it seems that I am not only married to a male god, but also married to a wealthy family." Ye Xiaozhu was a little dumbfounded.

The topic of the Wang family was diverted by Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran.The two men unanimously did not want women to participate. After all, protecting wives and girlfriends is what men should do.

After saying a few words, Ye Xiaozhu mentioned the newborn baby in the game, and Nan Anyang was envious for a while.

They settled the bill and went back to Mo Ziye's villa to play games together.

Ye Xiaozhu showed off Ye Ye with her small face up, and the cute little milk voice coming from the speaker from time to time made the hearts of the two little girls almost melt.

Nan Anyang also logged into her account, and Ye Xiaozhu found out that she was also pregnant, and she would give birth in five days.

She rolled her big eyes twice, and suddenly said: "Sister Yang, when you give birth, let's have a baby kiss."

"Baby dear?" Nan Anyang looked interested. "That's fine. If I give birth to a boy, I will marry your Xiao Yezi when he grows up. If I give birth to a daughter..."

"Then my little Yezi will marry her." Ye Xiaozhu smiled evilly, "Although I can't be as romantic as a man, but two little beauties are very seductive together."

(End of this chapter)

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