Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 359 Let's Make a Date

Chapter 359 Let's Make a Date
"Ye, Xiao, Zhu!" Mo Ziye's icy voice came from the phone, slamming each word.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help shaking, and smiled tremblingly. Before she could speak, she heard a burst of panicked footsteps.

Looking back, I found that Xie Shuangxue quickly ran to the bathroom with the documents.

Ye Xiaozhu smiled awkwardly, and quickly said: "Ye Huang, I...cough, you should be busy first, I'll go and explain to Sister Xue."

"Ye Xiaozhu, you dare to talk nonsense when Xie Shuangxue is by your side?! What are you thinking?"

If you listen carefully to the deep voice, you can hear a feeling of anger turning from embarrassment.

Ye Xiaozhu chuckled, "You should be busy first, Emperor Ye, bye~ ok~"

Without listening to what Mo Ziye said, Ye Xiaozhu hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom.

On the other side, the ears of Mo Ziye who hung up the phone were suspiciously red, and his starry eyes were as deep as the sea.That girl went too far, even teasing Xie Shuangxue in front of him.How should he discipline her?

Can't get out of bed for three days?This seems like a good approach...

Mo Ziye curled his lips, secretly counting how long it would be before he could go back.

Ye Xiaozhu ran out of the bathroom with a blushing face. She coughed and said in embarrassment, "Sister Xue, come out, let's chat."

"No! No need. I have a stomachache and I just need to stay in the bathroom. I won't go out for an hour or two. You can talk to the boss slowly and don't worry about me." Xie Shuangxue said in a muffled voice.

Ye Xiaozhu quickly said: "Sister Xue, I was joking with Emperor Ye, he is busy now, you come out."



Xie Shuangxue opened the door suspiciously, and looked at Ye Xiaozhu sadly. "Cough, I don't object at all to such a large-scale chat between you and the BOSS, just let's discuss it, can you wait until I go out next time to talk about it? ... Cough, I am a subordinate after all, if the BOSS knows I will listen Until you chat, he will fire me."

"No way?" Ye Xiaozhu's face flushed with embarrassment, and she said bravely, "Why did Huang Ye want to fire you?"

"If the subordinates heard that he was being molested, do you think the BOSS will keep me? Men like to save face."

"Really..." Ye Xiaozhu sighed faintly. "Don't worry, sister Xue, Emperor Ye won't fire you. I will talk to him."

"Forget it, you better stop talking, maybe the BOSS didn't intend to fire me, but after you finished speaking, you want to fire me." Xie Shuangxue also sighed faintly, holding the information in her hand, she said very seriously : "Since we're back in City H, your debut has to be on the agenda."

"Starting tomorrow, you will go to the company to record songs and practice dances. After Yehuang comes back in a few days, you will go to shoot the MV. The MV of five songs will be shot together. It may be very tiring, but if you persist, it will pass. We Just shoot the normal version of the MV, and then divide it into a simple version and a deluxe version when editing."

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, expressing his understanding. "Sister Xue, let's go back and talk about it, isn't it good to discuss these things at the bathroom door?"

Xie Shuangxue gave Ye Xiaozhu a white look, and put down the documents in his hand. "That's all I want to say. Starting tomorrow, you have to wake up at 06:30 every day. I will send the schedule to your QQ in a while. Now I will go back to the room to rest. What do you want to talk to and watch with the boss? Don't worry about me." , I will never go out until tomorrow morning!"

Xie Shuangxue's words were like an oath, and after she finished speaking seriously, she took the information and walked towards Nan Anyang's room.

Ye Xiaozhu sighed silently, she made a big joke this time, not only lost her own face, but also lost Yehuang's face...

In fact, she didn't want to see the color of Emperor Ye's underwear, but just wanted to change the subject... Who knew that sentence came out of her mouth...

Returning to the computer with a face full of helplessness, it was not yet eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Xiaozhu didn't want to sleep, so he continued to play games.During her absence, the world channel and the gang channel were still being refreshed. She glanced roughly, and many players on the world channel began to praise her in various ways, but the gang channel was dominated by "Night Liuli" alone. .

(Gang) Liuli at night: "Mrs. Gang Leader, are you there? If you see it, message me back, let's add a friend and have a private chat!"

Ye Xiaozhu tilted her head, wondering why Liuli at night wanted her.Maybe there is something I want to tell her, but I can't send a private message without friends.

Ye Xiaozhu thought for a while, and added Liuli at night as a friend.The other party quickly agreed and added her as a friend.

(Private chat) Liuli at night said to you: "Mrs. Gang Leader, you finally agreed to add me as a friend!"

(Private chat) Zhulin Tingyu: "Well, I was offline just now, and I didn't see your message."

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "No matter how busy you are, I will wait for you~"

Ye Xiaozhu took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.Since she joined the gang, Liuli at night has been active in the gang, and she is watching almost every "lively".The two talked a lot, but it was the first time they became friends.

But in such a private chat, Ye Xiaozhu felt embarrassed when she knew that the other party was looking for her.

(Private chat) Zhulin Tingyu: "Little Liuli, what do you want from me?"

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "Gah, am I the kind of person who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing?!"

Just as Ye Xiaozhu wanted to reply to the message, a line of words popped out of the private chat message quickly.

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "I am! So Madam, let's make an appointment!"

"Huh?" Ye Xiaozhu tilted her head, knowing that Liulijia at night must be looking for her on something, but where does this "make an appointment" start?
(Private chat) Liuli at night: "That's it, Madam, you know my profession, right? I'm a reporter for a tabloid office, a rookie who is idle, eats and dies, and waits to be fired. I saw about Mrs. Gang Master on the forum, so I want to interview Mrs. Gang Master, let’s make an appointment!"

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "Mrs. Gang Leader, can you think about it? I know you're going to debut soon, so I can help you hype it up! Although our newspaper office is small, no matter how small a fly is, it's still meat, right? I I will do my best and use all my talents to write to you!"

(Private chat) Liuli at night: "Madam, please! Since I am your husband's younger brother, can you give me a chance? I don't want to write trivial matters anymore. , what's 'Wang Po's dog is lost, and I'm willing to spend 5000 yuan to find it'; what's 'two unknown birds suddenly came in front of Aunt Zhang's house, which were identified as magpies by experts'... Mrs. Madam, can you imagine I'm a high-achieving journalism graduate, and I write about Zhang's parents and Li's family every day... I'm in such a mood that I don't even know magpies!"

(End of this chapter)

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