Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 367 The Tsundere Yehuang Baby

Chapter 367 The Tsundere Yehuang Baby

At ten o'clock the next morning, Ye Xiaozhu was still asleep when she was woken up by Xie Shuangxue's phone call.

"Xiao Zhu, there is an interview at 11 o'clock this afternoon. It is what you mentioned to me last time. Your friend from the online game 'Liuli at Night' will be interviewed at a coffee shop in the city. You can get up now. I'm 30: I'll come over at [-] to do your hair and make-up, and we'll leave at one o'clock." Xie Shuangxue went straight to the point, and arranged the itinerary quickly and simply.

Before Ye Xiaozhu opened his eyes, Xie Shuangxue had finished speaking. "Well, sister Xue, I'll get up now."

After hanging up the phone, before Ye Xiaozhu put the phone on the bedside table, a big hand wrapped around her waist familiarly.Climb up bit by bit along the slender waist until it climbs to the soft mountain, and caresses it lingeringly.

Ye Xiaozhu groaned, shrank back like a kitten, and shrank into Mo Ziye's arms.

"Good morning, ma'am." Mo Ziye smiled dotingly, and pressed a kiss on Ye Xiaozhu's lips.

Ye Xiaozhu snorted twice, and wanted to stay on the bed for a while longer, but there was a fiery stick behind her that was getting harder and harder.She could only open her eyes and whispered, "My lord, I have an interview in a while, and I need to get up now."

"I'll hurry up, Madam won't be delayed for a long time." Mo Ziye's deep voice was full of temptation.

"Eh hehe... no, I'm getting up now, and I have to take a shower." Ye Xiaozhu laughed dryly, and hurriedly got up.

She didn't believe that he would be faster... If he was faster, he would have tossed her half the night last night?

Ye Xiaozhu hurried to the bathroom, took a shower, dried her hair, and changed her clothes before Mo Ziye got up.

Xie Shuangxue had already arrived, with lunch in her hand, and after they finished eating, she gave Ye Xiaozhu makeup and styling.

Mo Ziye stood by the side with a clean body, looked at it for a while, and said softly: "Nan Anyang and Qingran are together, I'm afraid I don't have time to take care of you. You will officially debut in a few days, I will arrange a new one for you." Assistant."

Ye Xiaozhu thought for a while, nodded and agreed.After all, Xie Shuangxue was very tired taking care of her by herself.

"By the way, find another stylist, and Xie Shuangxue can spare a lot of time."

Ye Xiaozhu didn't refuse Mo Ziye's proposal, and she didn't feel that it was too extravagant for a new artist like her to have a manager, assistant, make-up artist, bodyguard and driver.

Usually first-line stars will bring their own makeup artists, but she has already followed so many people around her before she debuted.

When it was almost one o'clock, the driver was already waiting in front of the villa. When Ye Xiaozhu and Xie Shuangxue went out, Mo Ziye followed them with a cold face.

He has already changed his clothes and has the car keys in his hand. Didn't she see it?Why didn't you ask him to send her off?

After leaving the villa, Xie Shuangxue pulled Ye Xiaozhu, and Ye Xiaozhu realized that Mo Ziye followed.

"Emperor Ye, go back, Sister Xue and I will be back in a while."

"I'll see you off." Mo Ziye said softly, stretched out his hand, put his arms around Ye Xiaozhu with a cold face and walked towards the garage.

Ye Xiaozhu was a little astonished. "Yehuang, the drivers are here, so you don't need to send them here."

"I happen to have something to go to the company, and I didn't send you off on purpose." Mo Ziye explained calmly, his tone cold and awkward.

Ye Xiaozhu glanced at Mo Ziye, and when he saw the blunt indifference on his face, he couldn't help but smile.She held Mo Ziye's arm, and said with a chuckle, "Ye Huang, are you... um, acting like a spoiled child? It should be arrogant, it's too cute~"

"Come on, baby Wuli Yehuang, tell my sister, are you reluctant to leave her and want to stay with her for a while, that's why you said you want to send her off?"

Ye Xiaozhu's black eyes were shining brightly, and there was a mocking smile on his face.

Mo Ziye's ears were blushing, he snorted, and glanced lightly at Ye Xiaozhu. "Madam, based on what you just said, I will keep you out of bed for three days."

"Baby Wuli Ye is so naughty, you can't do this." Ye Xiaozhu didn't take Mo Ziye's words seriously.

Mo Ziye curled his thin lips and smiled resolutely.

Sending Ye Xiaozhu to the coffee shop where he wanted to interview, Mo Ziye told him: "Laugh when you encounter questions that you don't want to answer, and let Xie Shuangxue stay by your side, and she will help you stop unfavorable questions. Journalists are very good at digging holes , When you hear a question, think for two seconds before answering. Some reporters are very good at taking out of context, and they can write reports that deviate from the facts for the sake of headlines, so don’t be careless.”

Ye Xiaozhu responded, the instructor had already told her about these things during training. "The one who is coming to interview is 'Liuli at Night'. I believe that little Liuli from our gang won't dig a hole for me."

Mo Ziye nodded, it was precisely because he knew something about 'Liuli at Night' that he made Xie Shuangxue agree to this interview.It happened to be a test for Ye Xiaozhu's first interview, and let her get acquainted with the reporter's questioning mode.

"Then don't be careless, and you have to put your mind right. She is here to interview you as a reporter, not for you to meet netizens."

"Understood! Sir!" Ye Xiaozhu raised his head and saluted, sticking out his tongue mischievously.

Her long hair was loose, and she had a one-time curl. The hair was curled and hung by her cheeks, a bit like a porcelain doll, and she looked very ladylike.

Mo Ziye shook his head helplessly, knowing that Ye Xiaozhu didn't listen to what he said, so he could only stretch out his hand to smooth her long hair. "Go, I'll come back when I get to the company, and I'm still waiting for you here. After your interview is over, come here to find me."

"Okay~ Thank you Emperor Ye, okay~" Ye Xiaozhu smiled sweetly, kissed Mo Ziye before getting out of the car.

Xie Shuangxue and the bodyguards were already waiting outside the car. When they entered the coffee shop, a girl with a camera in her hand greeted her.

Mo Ziye sat in the car and watched for a while, and saw that Ye Xiaozhu and the others had already sat down and started chatting, with very happy expressions on their faces, so he drove to the company.

In fact, he had nothing to do when he went to the company. He just walked around the downstairs of the company, called Xiao Jiu, and left without even going upstairs.

When he came back, less than half an hour later, he played the music, leaned back in the chair and listened to the music, but his deep eyes kept staring at Ye Xiaozhu and the others sitting by the window.

Ye Xiaozhu and the others walked into the coffee shop, and 'Liuli at Night' greeted them.

"Ye Xiaozhu, right? I didn't expect a real person to be so beautiful~ I'm 'Liuli at Night', just call me Yeli. I finally see you, I'm so looking forward to it~" Yeli held the camera, her face full of excitement .

Ye Xiaozhu waved, and said generously, "Hello, Xiao Liuli, we finally met."

"Cough, Mrs. Master, if you call me 'Xiao Liuli', I can only call you Mrs. Master, or our address is not on the same channel." Yeli stretched out her hand to invite Ye Xiaozhu and the others to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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