Chapter 374

Ye Xiaozhu and the GM didn't chat for a few words, Mo Ziye hung up the phone, and within 10 minutes, Xiao Jiu brought the food over.

Mo Ziye put on his clothes and went to fetch them, but Ye Xiaozhu lay on the bed without moving.The door was open, and Xiaojiu's voice downstairs was not too loud, but Ye Xiaozhu could just hear it clearly.

"Brother Ye, I've bought all the meals you and Sister Xiaozhu ordered. Sister Xiaozhu is on the plane at noon tomorrow, and I will be at the hotel in Province N in the afternoon. Because it is a new program, the director of the program group proposed a dinner in the evening, and I want everyone to familiarize myself with it. .”

"No time."

Mo Ziye's clear and cold voice, although not too emotional, made one's heart beat faster just listening to it.

Ye Xiaozhu still has a feeling of dreaming until now, she actually fell asleep to Mo Ziye!Her life is complete!

"Understood, let me arrange it." Xiao Jiu replied.

After a while, he heard the sound of closing the door, followed by a faint sound that could not be clearly heard. After a few minutes, Mo Ziye walked into the bedroom.

Ye Xiaozhu was still leaning against the head of the bed, teasing Ye Ye in the game.Ye Ye, who has turned three years old, is very cute. He hasn't grown up too much. He is still a small person floating in the air with bubbles in his mouth.

Ye Xiaozhu was concentrating on pinching Ye Ye's face. This time, she changed her face to a very cute and cute look.With big eyes and a small and delicate mouth, it is simply adorable.

"Ma'am, it's time to eat." Mo Ziye called out, went to the closet to get a new pajamas, and then walked to the bed.

"Do you need me to help Madam change her clothes?" He tilted his head and smiled evilly.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked and smiled. "Okay, then please trouble Mr. Xianggong."

She was not as shy as usual, but Mo Ziye gave her a sideways look.

Putting on her pajamas, Ye Xiaozhu opened her arms for Mo Ziye to hug.

Mo Ziye raised his arms and carried her to the dining table downstairs. Ye Xiaozhu began to mutter: "Emperor Ye, you know the saying in our knight circle, 'If you can't sleep until Mo Ziye's life is not enough to be called Life', I was just lying on the bed thinking, I have slept with you, my life is complete."

"so what?"

"So... well, I suddenly lost my goal. Now I don't seem to have any goal except to make money to buy you an island, and then become an actress who can stand by your side."

"These two goals are enough for you to work hard." Mo Ziye hugged Ye Xiaozhu and walked steadily to the dining table.

Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips, and said approvingly: "Well, yes, buying an island and becoming a famous star like you are not easy things, but I don't have much motivation."

Anyway, she had already slept with Mo Ziye, so it didn't make much sense whether she could buy the island or become famous.

At this moment, the self-esteem and persistence that Ye Xiaozhu had always insisted on were all left behind by her.She is lazy and doesn't want to do anything.

"If you're not motivated, just give me a baby."

Mo Ziye lowered his head and kissed Ye Xiaozhu, "If you don't have motivation, just give me a baby. I'm looking forward to the birth of a cute baby like you."

"Birth, child..." She is only 23 years old, do you want to play it so big?
Ye Xiaozhu opened his eyes in a little panic, and said weakly: "Cough, you scared me back when I just committed lazy cancer. Forget it, I'll buy the island."

Mo Ziye gave her a sidelong glance, very dissatisfied with her frightened expression.

"Let's eat, there is something to do after dinner." He said lightly, and after finishing speaking, he put Ye Xiaozhu down and sat on the other side.

Throughout the meal time, Ye Xiaozhu's mind was filled with the echo of "have a baby", and he didn't even notice Mo Ziye's handsome face that had darkened a long time ago.

After eating, Ye Xiaozhu wanted to play games for a while, playing the newly released maps and dungeons.

Mo Ziye put away the computer with an indifferent expression, and rolled over on Ye Xiaozhu's body.

"Ye Xiaozhu, let's talk about why you don't want to give me a baby?"

"I'm still young, I haven't graduated from university, and I haven't become an actress worthy of you. It's too early to have a baby, isn't it?" Ye Xiaozhu smiled dryly, but found that Mo Ziye didn't listen to her at all. say what.

The fine kisses fell like a torrential rain, using a little more force than usual, with a sense of punishment.

The ambiguity in the room couldn't hide the displeasure in the man's eyes, and when Ye Xiaozhu was so tired that he was about to fall asleep, the man whispered in her ear: "Ma'am, you have to live early and late, you can't escape dropped."

At noon the next day, Ye Xiaozhu finally got up from the bed, her legs were sore, she was so angry that she glared at Mo Ziye.

If Xie Shuangxue and Xiao Jiu were not still downstairs, she would have settled the score with Mo Ziye. Of course, it would be a verbal settlement.

"Sister Xue, let's go." Ye Xiaozhu glared at Mo Ziye, and walked out with the suitcase.

Xie Shuangxue raised her hand to receive it, and Xiao Jiu followed behind them with Mo Ziye's suitcase.

After going out, Ye Xiaozhu and Xie Shuangxue got into their nanny car, and the driver drove straight to the airport.And Xiao Jiu and Mo Ziye were still in the villa.

Ye Xiaozhu looked back, and said with some doubts: "Where is Emperor Ye? Isn't he going to N province?"

Xie Shuangxue held the documents in her hand, nodded and said, "BOSS has been filming the MV with you for more than a month, and has delayed a lot of schedule. He will go to City Z in a while to attend the awards ceremony and have two interviews with magazines. It is said that there will be The live video connection abroad is very busy.”

Ye Xiaozhu nodded, a little disappointed. "I thought Emperor Ye would go to record the show with me."

"Huh? Didn't you ask that your relationship not be revealed in front of outsiders? If that's the case, why did BOSS go to record the show with you?" Xie Shuangxue put away the materials in her hand, her eyes full of smiles.

It turns out that the BOSS didn't tell her, so she shouldn't talk too much, just treat it as a small surprise.

"Xiaozhu, let me tell you about the general flow of tomorrow's program. Tomorrow morning, I will wake up at 08 o'clock for dinner, go to the scene to make up at 30:[-], rehearse at [-] o'clock, and officially record at [-] o'clock in the afternoon." Xie Shuangxue took the materials in her hand and began to give Ye Xiaozhu introduces the person he will meet tomorrow.

"This is the director Jiang Qing. He is well-known in the industry as a good old man, but he has his own principles in handling things. The rules for recording programs are what they are, and they will never be changed unless it is absolutely necessary."

"This is the assistant director Zhang Lu, a very capable person. Remember, don't offend him. He is a bit small-minded. He once cut a scene of an actress who offended him to only three seconds. He worked hard for a day. As a result, the audience couldn’t even remember his name. So many people called him Lujianmei. But that’s for unknown stars, so you don’t need to worry.”

"Then these are the stars and newcomers who will be working together tomorrow. You can read their profiles and listen to songs sung by some big names. As a newcomer, you must know these things, otherwise people will think you don't respect them." As Xie Shuangxue said, she handed Ye Xiaozhu the documents in her hand, but secretly hid one.

Ye Xiaozhu took the documents, looked at them one by one, turned two pages, and suddenly saw a somewhat familiar face.

"At the end of winter?" The person I met at Ji Youyou's wedding?

 The fifth update is here~ Today’s [-]-word update compensates for that night’s update, okay~ Thank you for your votes, rewards, messages and molesting, I’m patient with you~
(End of this chapter)

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