Chapter 392

(Private chat) I invite you to eat bugs: "Sister-in-law, this is a game. Many people have gone offline and never logged back. I can wait, but I'm afraid I won't be able to wait again."

Ye Xiaozhu fell silent after seeing the words of asking you to eat worms.

In the game, we can share adversity, seal borders with blood, and fight the rivers and lakes with swords, but we can't forget each other in the rivers and lakes.Many people left without even saying goodbye, and never came back.

Ye Xiaozhu can understand the feeling of asking you to eat worms. He has no confidence in the future, and he can't believe that the dancer of the world will come back. In fact, to put it bluntly, he is just afraid that he will give himself hope and not be able to wait...

(Private chat) Zhulin Tingyu: "Brother Chongchong, have you ever heard of a woman's sixth sense? A woman's sixth sense is very accurate, and I think Sister Wu Ji will come back. You can wait with peace of mind. "

(Private chat) I invite you to eat insects: "Okay, then I will borrow my little sister-in-law's blessing. In fact, the dancer also told me when she left, that she will be busy during this period, and I am afraid she will not have time to play games. Let me wait, just wait for her for three months, if I can't wait, I can force a divorce. Sigh... Our child is born, and she still talks about divorce, and I am also drunk."

Is she just drunk... He obviously said it was a game, but now he said 'children', is it so difficult to admit that he wants to wait for the dancer of the world to come back?
Ye Xiaozhu pulled the corner of his mouth speechlessly, comforting you to eat Chongchong: "Okay, Brother Chongchong, since Sister Wuji told you to wait, you should wait well. If waiting gets boring, let's come to PK. "

(Private chat) I invite you to eat insects: "Gah, little sister-in-law, forget it, if I dare to PK with you, I will be killed first when the boss comes. Let's wait another 20 days, when the baby's succession The battle of the hunters will start, and the baby can PK, then we will make another date."

Ye Xiaozhu replied with an 'OK' expression, the two chatted casually for a while, and then went to make a copy with others.

It was still early, Ye Xiaozhu was not interested, so he started alchemy in the city.She hasn't made alchemy for a long time, and the level of alchemy is still level 2.

While refining alchemy, she lowered her head to review her homework.I haven't been to class during this time, and I can't keep up with many classes.Only a little bit of self-study.

One afternoon of alchemy, when Ye Xiaozhu came back to his senses, it was already six o'clock in the evening, the family had dinner, and when Ye Xiaozhu came back, he found a familiar figure beside the fox girl.

(Private chat) Moran Ziye said to you: "Madam, what are you doing?"

(Private chat) Moran Ziye: "Aren't you here? Wait for you to come back and talk to me."

Ye Xiaozhu smiled sweetly, and immediately replied: "Master Xianggong, are you done with your work?"

Within two seconds, Mo Ziye replied, "Well, I just finished my work."

(Private chat) Zhulin Tingyu: "Master Xianggong has worked hard to make money and support the family."

(Private chat) Mo Ran Ziye: "Fortunately, it would be even better if Madam can be by my side."

(Private chat) Zhulin Tingyu: "Gah, I still have my own schedule to catch up. I have class tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I will go to City Y to participate in the 'Singer Charm' program, and the program will be aired the day after tomorrow, which is equivalent to my official debut, and there will be interviews with reporters. .Uh...suddenly realized that I am very busy."

(Private chat) Moran Ziye: "Yes, madam is very busy. I am so busy that I will bring my family members to the class reunion tomorrow, so I forgot to tell me."

"Huh?" Ye Xiaozhu was taken aback, "You know that from Emperor Ran?"


If Gu Qingran hadn't called him and asked him if he would go tomorrow, he probably wouldn't have known the news.

In front of the computer, Mo Ziye's handsome face turned cold, and his fingertips increased a lot. "Why didn't Madam tell me about this? If you don't take me to a family reunion, who do you want to take? Nan'an Ge?"

Ye Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue, and quickly replied: "No, why would I take Ouba there. The main reason is that our relationship is not public now, so I didn't tell you. In addition, you have such a busy schedule now, my little one It's not good to delay you at the class reunion."

She would never admit that she had completely forgotten about it, and never thought of telling Mo Ziye...

(Private chat) Mo Ran Ziye: "Hmm."

Looking at these two words, Ye Xiaozhu knew that Mo Ziye was angry again.He hurriedly coaxed him: "Yehuang sama~ You always have a lot of things to do, how dare I bother you to attend such a small classmate reunion like mine, how dare I bother you with your status, except for grand occasions like weddings Appearance. I can't afford your appearance fee... Hehehe."

(Private chat) Mo Ran Ziye: "Ye Xiaozhu, do you want to die?"

"Gah, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if you want to fight or kill, you can do whatever you want." Ye Xiaozhu didn't need to draft any doggy words, and he spoke very smoothly.

Mo Ziye twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, and suddenly realized that his girlfriend was too stupid, which was not good at all, and he had no sense of accomplishment.

"I still have an award ceremony to attend, you go to bed first, don't wait for me."

"Got it, sir! Keep busy, call me when you're done, no matter what time it is, I'll wait for you~" Ye Xiaozhu patted his chest, thankful that he coaxed him quickly and didn't let Mo Ziye really angry.

The man who was familiar with the computer was not angry, but was not satisfied with her apology at all.Should this be an apology?Shouldn't he be invited to the class reunion immediately?

The man turned off the computer, his starry eyes were silent, and his handsome face darkened a lot.

Xiao Jiu held up the phone in embarrassment, and said in embarrassment: "Brother Ye, Brother Ran called and asked if you will go back to City H tomorrow, and if you want to help you book the ticket together."

"Tell Qingran to let him go back first, I'll go back tomorrow by myself." The man lowered his eyes, finished speaking in a cold voice, and raised his hand to ask for the itinerary. "Putting together the interviews of these two radio stations, each one can only take 10 minutes, and the photoshoot time is 5 minutes. There is also this follow-up program, so that he can only shoot in the morning, and then shoot the rest later, or later. In a few days, let them follow another day."

Mo Ziye planned and compressed the whole day's itinerary for tomorrow into the morning, leaving time for the afternoon.

Finally, he said softly: "Book the plane at 12:30 noon tomorrow, then contact Xie Shuangxue and ask Ye Xiaozhu and the others where they are having dinner. I will..."

Going to stamp that little woman.

But Mo Ziye didn't say this, and Xiao Jiu didn't ask.

After playing the game all night, Mo Ziye didn't go online again, so Ye Xiaozhu was making alchemy and chatting with gang brothers at the same time.Didn't go to sleep until ten o'clock at night.

The next morning, Ye Xiaozhu got up very early, and went to pick up Nan Anyang just like yesterday, and the two went to school together in a nanny car.

For two consecutive days, she didn't meet Nan Ange, and she didn't know if he was deliberately avoiding her.

Back at school, although there were still people talking about Ye Xiaozhu, their voices were much lower.

Nan Anyang smiled and said, "Xiao Zhuye, the girl who scolded you yesterday really became popular, hehe, she was scolded miserably."

(End of this chapter)

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