Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 413 A Newcomer Comes to the Village

Chapter 413 A Newcomer Comes to the Village

Ye Xiaozhu looked at the gang information again, only to find that there were indeed new players in the gang.

Since she joined the gang, it was the first time a newcomer had joined the gang.Driven by curiosity, Ye Xiaozhu began to peek at the screen.

(Gang) Invite you to eat insects: "There is a newcomer in the village, everyone roar!"

(Gang) Teng Sha Karaka: "Yo Ho Ho ~ Newcomers are here to explode their attributes, whether they are male or female, come here to show their faces and reveal their measurements."

(Gang) General Attack: "Tingxue Downstairs, this name is very poetic, huh? It's still a trumpet, are you rich?"

(Gang) Liuli in the night: "Silently complain, what is 'village', we are the biggest gang, why do we have such a wild title?"

(Gang) invites you to eat insects: "Everyone, keep a low profile, don't go too far, line up to welcome, the newcomer has a lot of background, if you offend him, be careful that there will be no good fruit in the future. In the spirit of fellowship, I remind everyone."

(Gang) Liuli at night: "Boss, what you said is very puzzling to me. Congratulations, you have aroused the curiosity of a reporter. Let's have a private chat~ Welcome newcomers, let's move up."

(Gang) Da Zonggong: "Speaking of a newcomer, do you have any special status? Which boss opened the trumpet and is the system GM, so curious. Could it be Chongchong's boss? Hahaha, that must be very There is money. Welcome newcomers, and the formation moves."

Seeing this, Ye Xiaozhu silently said: "Welcome newcomers, let's move up."

She agrees with Da Zonggong's words very much in her heart, their gang is a well-known gang of local tyrants, and those who can join their gang are either rich or expensive!
(Gang) Tingxue downstairs: "Thank you."

After two short words, the gang channel fell silent instantly.Rows of '...' are refreshed.

(Gang) General Attack: "What a cold newcomer, I was frozen..."

(Gang) Liuli at night: "I'm also frozen, please let the furnace thaw..."

(Gang) Tengsha Karaka: "Madame Gang Leader, where is Lord Gang Leader? Why are you here today? Keep in formation and ask for a heater..."

(Gang) Zhulin Tingyu: "Well, he must be busy. I need two heaters..."

(Gang) invites you to eat worms: "...Little sister-in-law, I advise you to keep a low profile, I really do it for your own good..."

(Gang) Tingxue downstairs: "Bamboo Forest Tingyu, let's chat."

Just as Ye Xiaozhu was about to say 'Please eat bugs', he broke the formation when he saw this sentence.

(Gang) Ting Xue downstairs: "Add me as a friend."

(Gang) Zhulin Tingyu: "Hey, if you have anything to say, just talk to the gang, I'm full of friends."

Ye Xiaozhu subconsciously found a reason to refuse when he wanted to add friends as soon as he met.

(Gang) Ting Xue went downstairs: "You don't even have a hundred friends, how can you be full? You can't even lie, add me as a friend quickly."

Ye Xiaozhu raised his eyebrows strangely, his face was full of doubts.How does he know that she has less than a hundred friends?

(Gang) Zhulin Tingyu: "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it in the gang. I'm a married woman, so it's inconvenient to add other men."

Seeing this sentence, the corners of Mo Ziye's lips curled up in satisfaction on the other end of the computer.It's a good thing she didn't add another man casually, otherwise... huh.

(Gang) Ting Xue went downstairs: "I want to worship you as my teacher, you take me."

Ye Xiaozhu looked at the screen a little strangely, wondering why this new gang member insisted on adding her and letting her take him.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to accept an apprentice now, nor do I have any intention of accepting an apprentice." She refused with righteous words.

(Gang) Tingxue downstairs: "100W, you take me to the full level, and I will give you 100 million gold coins as a teacher apprentice ceremony."

(Gang) General Attack: " really have money. Brother, I'll take you to the full level, just give me 50."

(Gang) Liuli in the night: "100W... girl, I scared the baby to death. Shenhao, I have good fighting power. I can take you 24 hours a day. Why don't I accept you as an apprentice? It's convenient to exchange gold coins directly Will the RMB be transferred to my card?"

Ye Xiaozhu was also frightened by the words of 'listening to the snow downstairs', and even gave 100 million yuan for bringing someone to the full level, which was more than the sum of her performance fees during this period.

She swallowed her saliva, and immediately said: "This brother came to recognize me as a teacher, what are you two doing, want to fight me for a job?"

(Gang) Liuli at night: "What are you doing... Mrs. Gang Leader, you don't look like someone who is short of money. There is a god like the Gang Leader supporting you, so you can share some meat with us."

(Gang) Zhulin Tingyu: "Cough, that was someone who took the initiative to find me. Our gang is a democratic gang, and we have to consider every brother's opinion. Are you right?"

(Gang) General Attack: "I really don't want to complain about you. The news of righteous words refusing local tyrants to add friends has not been refreshed yet, and now it's democratic again. Why were you not democratic when they just said that you added friends? Mrs. Madam, I despise you. You 1 minute. Tuhao, come out and tell us why you spent so much money on the wife of the gang leader? She is a married woman."

(Gang) Ting Xue downstairs: "Because she is famous, my master's reputation will naturally be bigger."

(Gang) Tengsha Karaka: "This reason... I can't even refute it, but why don't you go to the gang leader? The gang leader is the number one god, wouldn't it be better to find him?"

(Gang) Ting Xue downstairs: "He's not online. He has money, and money can't buy him."

(Gang) invites you to eat bugs: "Hahaha, so my sister-in-law is poor, she can be bought with money, and my sister-in-law is not firm, hahahaha!"

Ye Xiaozhu grinned, ignored the ridicule of asking you to eat insects, and said directly: "This local tyrant, let's add a friend first. If there is anything, let's talk privately."

Ye Xiaozhu searched for 'Tingxue Downstairs' and added him as a friend, and the system reminded him that he had created a character for less than seven days.The character level is only level 10, just out of the Novice Village level.

How did he get into their gang?Is it really the boss who asked you to eat worms?

Ye Xiaozhu hesitated for a moment, and the private chat had already started.

(Private chat) Listen to Xue downstairs saying to you: "Come over to Xinshou Village, accept apprentices, and take me to level up."

This... the tone is too concise, right?Not even a single extra word was said.

Ye Xiaozhu felt like she was being frozen, and she replied, "How do I give the apprentice ceremony?"

(Private chat) Ting Xue downstairs: "Tell me the card number, and I will transfer the cash to you."

"Just transfer a part of it as a deposit first, and after I bring you to the full level, I can give the rest to me." Ye Xiaozhu told Tingxue downstairs the card number and name.

Within a few minutes, Ting Xue downstairs said that the money had been transferred and asked her to check it.

Ye Xiaozhu called the bank and found that there was an extra 110 million.

She was taken aback, and quickly said, "Isn't it 100W?"

(Private chat) Tingxue downstairs: "The remaining 10W will buy me equipment and fashion. I only wear the best."

(End of this chapter)

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