Chapter 432
"Ye Xiaozhu, I haven't seen you for a while, and your words are more vicious." Han Ying smiled, and the smile froze around her mouth.

According to her previous knowledge, even if she bullied Ye Xiaozhu, Ye Xiaozhu would not retaliate in public.She would take Mo Ziye into consideration and didn't want to hurt Mo Ziye, so she didn't say much.

What's more, she has made her debut now, if she talks more, it will inevitably make people think that she is relying on Mo Ziye as the backstage and starting to bully others.

So when she met Ye Xiaozhu today, Han Ying didn't take it seriously at all, and vowed to bully her once, with a bad breath, who knew that Ye Xiaozhu didn't stop talking at all.It's not the same as before.

In fact, it wasn't just Han Ying who was surprised, even Su Jun who had been in contact with Ye Xiaozhu was also surprised, but he was only surprised because Ye Xiaozhu thought that he was famous and had too much self-esteem, so he couldn't bear it at all. If she said a word, she would refute it back, so she didn't think too much about it.

But the one who was really surprised was Xie Shuangxue, she had been with Ye Xiaozhu the longest, knowing that Ye Xiaozhu was definitely not an impulsive person, not the kind of temper that would explode if someone stepped on her, she looked at Ye Xiaozhu in surprise, thinking about her change .

Ye Xiaozhu ignored these surprised eyes, just tilted her head and said lightly: "Sister Han Ying, everyone will think that we are very familiar with you, but the number of times I have met you is really very few, after all, I haven't come to the company yet. got fired."

The ethereal and indifferent voice accurately stepped on Han Ying's sore spot, and Ye Xiaozhu's three words of 'expulsion' almost exploded Han Ying's anger.

Being expelled from Mo Ziye and Gu Qingran was the greatest shame in her life, and being mentioned by Ye Xiaozhu again and again, Han Ying was almost driven mad.

"Ye Xiaozhu, you can rely on Mo Ziye to support you. Without Mo Ziye, you are nothing!"

"You can't say that. Without the BOSS, I would at least be an online hacker, but without my BOSS, you might still be pretending to be a grandson."

As Ye Xiaozhu said, he stuck out his tongue, and smiled embarrassedly at the surroundings: "Masters, I'm not talking about you. Some masters are very backbone, whether it is facing Whether an artist or an investor, they all have their own arrogance and temperament, and everything speaks of their ability to handle affairs, just like the agents present here and my sister Xue. And some agents..."

Ye Xiaozhu shifted his gaze to Han Ying, and said lightly: "In addition to currying favor with artists, begging investors, and pretending to be grandchildren, some managers are also very good at jumping on the bed of rich people."

When the fluttering words came out, the faces of the people around changed, as if they knew some big news, everyone looked at each other with strange expressions, and Su Jun standing beside him looked at Han Ying without hesitation, and then at Han Ying. Ye Xiaozhu.

Sensing Su Jun's gaze, Ye Xiaozhu smiled at him, but she couldn't help thinking in her heart: Su Jun must think she is a lunatic now, and she doesn't even write a draft when she scolds others.

But Ye Xiaozhu felt that he was not cursing, but just stating a fact.Anyway, the relationship between her and Mo Ziye is about to be announced, and she is patient at this time when others will say that she is not taken seriously, and that Mo Ziye can't protect her wife and make her angry...Anyway, there are all kinds of things to say, just No one would say that Ye Xiaozhu tolerated it because he was afraid of causing trouble to Mo Ziye.

She and Han Ying met, why they quarreled, and what happened to the result, other people only care about this kind of thing.Outsiders don't care what happened, only the beginning and the result.

Ye Xiaozhu thought very clearly, no matter what trouble she caused, Mo Ziye would help her to settle it.And if she tolerated it, others would say that she was easy to bully, and would lose face to Mo Ziye. She might as well bully others and make them unhappy.

What's more, the person who was bullying was still Han Ying, so Ye Xiaozhu didn't keep his mouth shut when he said it, and stepped on Han Ying's pain every sentence.

"Ye Xiaozhu, relying on Mo Ziye's support, you dare to make up any rumors! You are not afraid of offending some great people, even Mo Ziye can't protect you!" Han Ying panted heavily, The expression on the delicately made-up face was almost twisted together.

It can be seen that she is trying her best to control, but the corners of her mouth are still twitching.

Ye Xiaozhu blinked her big black eyes, pretending to be a pig and a tiger, "Oh, sister Han Ying, the corners of your mouth are twitching, you are going to have a stroke, right? Be careful, don't get angry for nothing, it will hurt you." , the fire hurts the liver...although I don't think a jealous person will take it easy."

"Ye! Xiao! Bamboo!" Han Ying finally couldn't help it, and shouted angrily. "You bitch! Didn't you just hook up with Mo Ziye! How dare you pretend in front of me?! Ye Xiaozhu, my mother will ruin you sooner or later! Make your life worse than death! Let you kneel in front of my mother and beg for mercy!"

"Brother Bodyguard, some people are yelling at me and threatening me, won't you subdue them?" Ye Xiaozhu raised his hand and pointed at Han Ying and Yan'er lightly.

The two bodyguards who had been following her immediately started to lock Han Ying and Yan'er's hands, immobilizing them.

Ye Xiaozhu just stood up, took two graceful steps, and came to Han Ying.

She straightened her hair and gave a goddess-like smile very gently, but her ethereal voice was extremely cold. "What should I do? I'm the most afraid of threats. When I'm threatened, I tend to do extreme things. Tell me, what should I do with you?"

"Destroy you, or let you perform what it means to kneel down and beg for mercy?" Ye Xiaozhu has a very strong aura, and I don't know if she has been with Mo Ziye for a long time, or she is born to bully others.

At this moment, the corners of Ye Xiaozhu's lips curled into a clear and cold smile, and his eyes did not contain much emotion, but gave off an extremely arrogant feeling, extremely arrogant.

"Why don't you just kneel down first, if it's okay to kneel down and beg for mercy, I won't tell the boss that you bully me. If it's not good..."

"I believe my boss doesn't mind temporarily changing the director to a more famous artist."

"Ye Xiaozhu, are you threatening me? Do you know who my backstage is? You dare to threaten me, you are a yellow-haired girl with no hair!" Han Ying gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Xiaozhu viciously.

When Yan'er heard that she was going to be replaced, she was immediately scared. "Sister Han Ying, I can't lose this opportunity. I haven't had a good performance for a month. If I lose this opportunity again, I will be stranded. The audience will forget me..."

"Shut up! Useless thing, did my mother send you a show!"

"You are no longer the Han Ying you used to be. You are not the manager of Emperor Ye and Emperor Ran. The resources in your hands are getting less and less. You..." Yan'er said, cruelly, and directly pointed at Ye Xiaozhu knelt down.

"Miss Ye, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I'm Han Ying's signed artist, so I naturally want to speak to her. I take back what I said before, please don't be angry."

(End of this chapter)

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